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Why so much accuracy on PvP Eliminator Battlemaster gear?


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Should I keep it? If I should change it, how should I do it in an economic way? It seems that they put so much accuracy to devalue the Battlemaster set or something, because accuracy sounds absolutely useless in PvP.
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Should I keep it? If I should change it, how should I do it in an economic way? It seems that they put so much accuracy to devalue the Battlemaster set or something, because accuracy sounds absolutely useless in PvP.


If you were Republic there is a Solution. (BM Eliminators Cannon on their side has a power/surge/expertise)


However, seeing as you are Empire, it's a pretty ****** situation Bioware stuck our side in with the gear changes, as the only Surge enhancements is Endurance/Def/Surge on War Leader's? Boots.


Best bet if you don't have old power/surge mods left over from the change out is to just tough it out till you can actively purchase War Hero pieces (Boots specifically) to re-outfit your gear.

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Yea this has been the case since launch. Most of us overcame this with Smuggler champion/columni gloves. But now with expertise on the enhancement, no choice but to wait till War hero.


BTW have you seen the Black Hole pants for PVE? Oh yea buying 5 of those for my pve critted gear, esp since no bonus's on those pieces.

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