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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want long hair for my char!


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Hi, im a rocker, i listen to heavy metal and stuff. I want long hair for my male character, couse i have that in real life. I know that even females can't have long hair, what's up with that? Anyone else want this? i mean we got justin bieber hair and emo hair but we don't get rock n roll hair? long hair ftw:)
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I find female body type 4 is a average girl. With brazil @ss.


try google brazil @ss (with a) you will understand. ;)


I don't think the #4 posterior is quite THAT large...I've always thought they got the curvature on that particular model rather balanced. The only female model I have issues with is #1, which looks rather unhealthy and emaciated (in my opinion).


I won't complain about the hairstyles they have in this game. Biggest reason: Take a look at EQ2. Have you SEEN the insane follicle follies their original models have to put up with? The woman are the most egregious examples, but male models are no object lesson in photogenic, either.


It's not difficult to avoid looking like Spears of Beiber. I sympathize with wanting more options, but the fact is, they did quite well with the hairstyles here.

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I find female body type 4 is a average girl. With brazil @ss.

Wouldn't call her average, but wouldn't call her even chubby too. Her waist is too small to be chubby, so she's like a balloon squeezed in the middle ))


As for type #1, I kinda see it as an average teenage figure.

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Rolled one Type 1- my Inquisitor. Spindly, undernourished kind of suits someone who spent her childhood as a slave, then ended up being thoroughly corrupted by darkness. However, she's not *meant* to look 'attractive', she's meant to look like an emaciated marionette who's given up all hope of a normal 'life' and any of the interests that go therewith, and is largely animated by a feeling of tired and despondent necessity.


For everyone else thus far, I've used Type 2.

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Its sad that you would want long hair irl, let alone in a game.


i already have long hair irl, and i love it! chicks also love it. i probably get more ***** than you in a day than what u get in a year. Long live long hair.

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