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An accurate look at Sentinel DPS (PvE single target)


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I've yet to see any hard data on this, so I collected my own.


My gear is mostly Rakata, with a few pieces of Campaign and Black Hole gear. Buffs (fully Operation buffed, including a Prototype Hyper Battle Might Stim) and gear were identical, all I changed was my spec. My method was simple - DPS like I would on any boss for 6 minutes. I chose the time limit because when I first started trying to collect some serious and accurate data we were working on Firebrand and Stormcaller.


I want to acknowledge there are a lot of potential errors. I threw out a lot of samples because of significant lag, but smaller amounts and some human error were acceptable. I don't think I had a perfect rotation for any of three trees (yes, I tested Focus too), but I wasn't just face rolling either. Additionally, I didn't pop Inspiration, and I obviously could not use Dispatch. Since both of those abilities would impact all three skill trees in the same way, I think this can safely be ignored for the purpose of comparison.


Here's the good stuff, average DPS for each spec:

Combat: 1,433 DPS

Focus: 1,310 DPS

Watchman: 1,536 DPS


My stats buffed: http://imgur.com/wcdNr

My stats unbuffed (and with no form active): http://imgur.com/1bit3


Raw data for Combat: http://www.torparse.com/a/19988

Raw data for Focus: http://www.torparse.com/a/19990

Raw data for Watchman: http://www.torparse.com/a/19991


I'd love to see some more data, especially if it proves my general outline wrong.

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Someone on reddit brought up Dispatch being affected by Juyo/Precision Slash/Shii-Cho armor pen. Because of the small amount of Dispatches I'm able to use in any typical boss fight and their relatively low damage (no guaranteed crit, for example) I don't think it plays a significant part in determining the potential DPS of any skill tree.
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Thats accurate as watchman being the highest. Buffed I have about 2 percent more crit, and 100 more bonus damage then you. Uploaded to dpsmeter.com (char name sifu).. I was first on all fights in karaggas (now im second I think)... did 1756 dps on karagga in nightmare. Ive upped my stats more since then with denova gear and can probably break 1900 now.


Ive also tested combat and whatever situation it is.. I avg approx 50 dps less then watchman.... I can do upwards of 450 HPS as watchman too... pretty damn good passive healing..

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Thats accurate as watchman being the highest. Buffed I have about 2 percent more crit, and 100 more bonus damage then you. Uploaded to dpsmeter.com (char name sifu).. I was first on all fights in karaggas (now im second I think)... did 1756 dps on karagga in nightmare. Ive upped my stats more since then with denova gear and can probably break 1900 now.


Ive also tested combat and whatever situation it is.. I avg approx 50 dps less then watchman.... I can do upwards of 450 HPS as watchman too... pretty damn good passive healing..


This was in a test environment. In a full op, with dispatches and Inspiration my DPS is higher (or lower, depending on the boss). Unfortunately, it's impossible to replicate the circumstances of each boss fight as there is no "Patchwerk" style fight in TOR.


It sounds like you've put a lot more effort into remodding your gear.

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nice to see more DATA on this. And glad more sentinels are finally realizing that there are programs out there that show Facts and not what people want to believe.




That is my post for PvP. almost 1.7k dps in pvp gear on the pvp dummy over a 6 min parse with the Watchman Spec. I wasn't really doing it for dps, only to show the difference in burst for combat and watchman. Of course, my Data shows Watchman having the higher Burst Potential of the 2.

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nice to see more DATA on this. And glad more sentinels are finally realizing that there are programs out there that show Facts and not what people want to believe.




That is my post for PvP. almost 1.7k dps in pvp gear on the pvp dummy over a 6 min parse with the Watchman Spec. I wasn't really doing it for dps, only to show the difference in burst for combat and watchman. Of course, my Data shows Watchman having the higher Burst Potential of the 2.


I think a better test might be how long it takes to reach 18k damage from leap in, if you're just interested in 1v1 results.

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