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Need some advice


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Ok. Just got my lvl39 Combat Medic back due to ASPAC transfers. I was a happy man. Been WAITING for this as I do so love a trooper.


Just finished a Guardian to 50 a week before transfers. Then I got back on my Comm and its been a nightmare. Even leveling is a ginormous PITA. I've been trying to roll with the tanking Droid (my guardians a Cyber so at least I can get the gear I need) but its a constant struggle,his dps is sooo bad and his dmg mitigation is mediocre to the point where I cant stop healing or he gets in trouble .


My gears ok for my lvl but I cant really draw ANY aggro, I seem to take massive amounts of damage and its just a PAIN to heal through. Especially if the Droids taking dmg at the same time. I know theres Tanno Vik to use as a companion but he pisses me off. Is he REALLY the only lvling option for a CM?


Atm I'm all points skill points in the CM tree and my rotation tends to go Kolto Bomb, Hamer Shot, Adv MP, Hammer Shot, MP, Hammer Shot then rinse and repeat. That leaves me very little time to lay down any sort of DPS. which means mobs are taking forever to deal with. And heaven forbid I run into an elite with heals !:(


Well thats it really. Am I doing it wrong? do I really need to be running Vik?... or do I just need to L2P? I would love to get this toon to 50 but in all my years of MMOing I've never played a more labour intensive, less survivable toon.


Any and all advice would be appreciated :)

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From the moment I (also a healer commando) finally got my hands on Elara Dorne, she was a keeper. With her, I was able to solo heroics 2 and questing became so easy. Of course, you need to give her some decent gear but that should be easy, she wears the same things than you.


About M1-4X (I call him the paladin droid lol!), if you give him good droid pieces, he becomes quite a sturdy and reliable tank. I even used him as a main tank in flashpoints (ex.: Cademimu)!

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When i got Elara Dorne, i always used her. She is a great healer and i am a dps so it works out. But lately i have been using a tank (Tanno Vik). But i dont use the droid much as he is not good as a tank. Edited by RyIke
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I also leveled as a CM healer since I was the healer for our 4 man. Leveling solo as a healer can be a pain. I always felt weak compared to my DPS toons. Again, nature of heals. However, I found either using a dps companion (Aric) or heals (Elara) worked the best.


With either heals or dps, make sure you CC. Long CC to pull and use Cryo as CC and interrupt.


In the case of the dps, I would just concentrate on heals until there was a free CD to add some dps. The tanks, event though I loved having M1 around, did not seem to take any less damage than Aric. And the loss of dps made the fights we did win too long and drawn out.


With Elara, I just used all my dps abilities and she healed just fine. I did have to throw some heals on myself or on her if she picked up healing aggro, but it went pretty smoothly most of the time.


I would suggest doing the best you can to keep up thier gear. Both Aric and Elara got my hand-me-downs. One of the perks for being a Trooper. Your companions can use the same gear.


Also, with the Legacy changes, if you have a toon at 50 try to max out thier companion affection. Each companion you have maxed out gives a +10 Presence to all your characters. This is surprisingly helpful.

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