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PVP is fine.


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What the title says. I'm set and just waiting for Ranked Warzones.


Marauders are fine too. I can easily 1v1 a full BM/WH on my assassin, and I don't have that much of a problem on other classes.


Overall I think there are only a few minor problems with PVP. Like the commendation system.


This isn't a wow you suck you need to L2P thread, its a you guys are over-exaggerating thread.

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What the title says. I'm set and just waiting for Ranked Warzones.


Marauders are fine too. I can easily 1v1 a full BM/WH on my assassin, and I don't have that much of a problem on other classes.


Overall I think there are only a few minor problems with PVP. Like the commendation system.


This isn't a wow you suck you need to L2P thread, its a you guys are over-exaggerating thread.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that your Assassin is Darkness spec in DPS gear, yeah?

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Marauders are fine too. I can easily 1v1 a full BM/WH on my assassin, and I don't have that much of a problem on other classes.


Hey guys. This guy that plays an assassin, the class with the highest survivability and still great damage in the game, says that marauders are fine because he can beat them 1v1.


PVP is balanced because of this!

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PVP is quite boring actually. Stuck in 4 warzones, fighting the same people over and over... queues take anywhere from 1-30 minutes and games last 5-20...it isn't fine by any means.


Also, TTK sucks right now and I'm not one to make claims on how to fix it.


P.S. Any good RTS games out? :)

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^_^ Your point might be vailid (About being overly dramatic) but to say PvP is -Fine- completely ignores things like:


Class Imbalances. (They're not huge, but they are out there.)

Gear "Gaps." (Currently there is no alternative way to closing the pvp gear gap other than to grind pvp and get your *** handed to you.)

Team Imbalance. (Ya know, when you start a match with 5 and they have 8.)


The fact that you're playing a Darkness Sin does hurt your credibilty, as many of us have multiple 50's and know the other classes. Maybe you do too, but you haven't told us.


People over dramatic? Yes! (**** Maurs so OP, Omg my sorc is useless! ***? Combat Medic dead!)

Pvp Fine?



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Enough with the "darkness assassin". As a shadow tank (essentially the SAME THING), there is NO way we are "OP". I am a tank...with light armor, and limited survivability when focused. In full champion, with some BM gear, I go down in under 10 seconds when attacked by two marauders. 1v1, I can handle most classes, except marauders, which is as it should be. My DPS is CRAP. There is not ONE darkness assassin/shadow tank, that can parse over 700dps 1v1, vs DPS classes that typically do 1200-1500DPS! Please explain how that is OP?
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Enough with the "darkness assassin". As a shadow tank (essentially the SAME THING), there is NO way we are "OP". I am a tank...with light armor, and limited survivability when focused. In full champion, with some BM gear, I go down in under 10 seconds when attacked by two marauders. 1v1, I can handle most classes, except marauders, which is as it should be. My DPS is CRAP. There is not ONE darkness assassin/shadow tank, that can parse over 700dps 1v1, vs DPS classes that typically do 1200-1500DPS! Please explain how that is OP?


Edit: On a side note, you also list youself as having a few BM pieces and the rest Champion gear. This is why you do not see the strength in you class. As pointless as it is, Expertise is king right now, and most of the old pre 1.2 lower sets suck now.


Two things, (though I may not agree with them.)


Are you wearing dps or tank gear? A Dps geared Assassin still gains some defense and armor buffs, while benefiting from dps gear. By design, assassins have the highest damage of a tank class, (and in dps gear can have damage equal to a dps and have the advantage of some tank survivability.)


Secondly, they are a "tank" with stealth. So not only do they have decent dps, a few self heals if specced right, decent hp and survivability, they also can get the first hit, and have an escape if you manage to whittle down their health.


That's why people don't like Tank Sins in Dps gear.


(And now, back on topic please.)

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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