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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What if everyone transfers off my server except me?


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There are so many servers that are low population. What is going to happen to the servers that 98 or 99% percent of the active population leave?


I am on Rwookrrorro and even during prime time hours we can't even get a single PVP match started anymore. I could see most everyone leaving the server if possible. SO your seriously going to allow servers to stay open with no one left on them?


I don't see the point of only allowing transfers as a way to better allow players to group up in the game. There is just flat out to many servers, and anyone who doesn't sign up for a transfer during the free window is going to get left alone on an entirely empty server.


I also am in shock you transfered 1000's of people to asian/pacific servers, but the servers that have maybe 100 active/semiactive players can't get help for another 2-3 months..

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I'm a little puzzled that they'll be offering transfers off of low pop servers to high ones. It sounds like a great way to make the problem worse.


What they need to do is x-server LFG or mergers. The latter would be unacceptably embarrassing.

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I'm a little puzzled that they'll be offering transfers off of low pop servers to high ones. It sounds like a great way to make the problem worse.


What they need to do is x-server LFG or mergers. The latter would be unacceptably embarrassing.


Who said they are offering transfers off of low pop servers?


There are not details yet, why does everyone think they know what is going on????

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Even if it is set up to where people can only tranfer for free from light pop servers to light pop servers if the community comes together and picks four west coast servers(pve and pvp and rp of each) and the same for east coast it would work IF we make it work. But seeing how things are and how most people act this is asking a lot haha.


Just a thought. Continue on with your "sky is falling the world is ending posts"

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I have read it, maybe you should!


Maybe you should read it again.


DrakeAssaShin: What is being done to address low population servers?


Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.


They check, double check, triple check, quadruple check and quintuple check these things before posting them, too. No doubt about it, they intend free transfers off of low pops onto higher ones.

Edited by Felioats
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They check, double check, triple check, quadruple check and quintuple check these things before posting them, too. No doubt about it, they intend free transfers off of low pops onto higher ones.


Which makes logical sense. You make it easy to move from a LIGHT to a STANDARD (because STANDARDS are still healthy and they have head room for transfers. Once people get done moving around, you issue vacate notices to the really low pop LIGHT servers and then close them after the notice has expired.


That way, you give people as much freedom to choose (as is realistic, NO you cannot transfer to a HEAVY-FULL server), then pare down the server count by euthanizing the really unhealthy ones. Net result, fewer servers, more population density on the ones remaining. Rinse and repeat over time as needed through the life of the game.

Edited by Andryah
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He kind of skipped this part:


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice


So at first you wont just be able to transfer wherever you want. LATER they will allow broader transfers. I would suggest everyone double check their facts and not leave out stuff.

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I'm a little puzzled that they'll be offering transfers off of low pop servers to high ones. It sounds like a great way to make the problem worse.


What they need to do is x-server LFG or mergers. The latter would be unacceptably embarrassing.


They won't offer free transfers to high pop servers... No MMO does this... They will offer transfers to healthy populated normal servers to make them more heavy and healthier... And them likely phase out the low pop ones after everyone made their server transfer choice.

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