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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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No clue how the others handled their problems. So enlighten me oh great one. :rolleyes:


not adding to many servers at launch maybe? or having a patient playerbase that doesnt unsub because the game isnt busting at the seems with features out of the box


oh and probably has a playerbase that isnt high population server obsessed eather

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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not adding to many servers at launch maybe? or having a patient playerbase that doesnt unsub because the game isnt busting at the seems with features out of the box


oh and probably has a playerbase that isnt high population server obsessed eather


Son, go back and read the question again. You are talking about what BW could have done to avoid this problem, not how to handle server transfers. :rolleyes:

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No clue how the others handled their problems. So enlighten me oh great one. :rolleyes:
Most games usually utilize a system of designated source/destination servers. The destination servers are selected from those with a sustainable, yet smaller, server population. The source servers are those with identified population problems, be that a lack of players, or an overabundance. Free transfers are then offered from the source servers to the destination servers. Sometimes the process is more controlled, and destination servers available to any given source are restricted. In other instances players on the source servers are offered unrestricted access to any of the identified destination servers.


The objective is to establish stronger, more active communities across populated servers. This results in fewer server selection options, but each would boast a more active and sustainable community of players.

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not adding to many servers at launch maybe? or having a patient playerbase that doesnt unsub because the game isnt busting at the seems with features out of the box


oh and probably has a playerbase that isnt high population server obsessed eather


There is a difference between obsessed with high server population & wanting something other than a ghost town.


Log on to a server like Nathema...less than 10 people on the fleet on Repub side even at peek times. Less than 5 most other times. Total republic players less than 50 most of the time. It has actually gotten worse in the past 2 weeks.


Then Bioware says we will think about doing something in Summer....translation June if we are lucky.


The game is dead to people that plays on Nathema & also don't want to reroll on another server.

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Most games usually utilize a system of designated source/destination servers. The destination servers are selected from those with a sustainable, yet smaller, server population. The source servers are those with identified population problems, be that a lack of players, or an overabundance. Free transfers are then offered from the source servers to the destination servers. Sometimes the process is more controlled, and destination servers available to any given source are restricted. In other instances players on the source servers are offered unrestricted access to any of the identified destination servers.


The objective is to establish stronger, more active communities across populated servers. This results in fewer server selection options, but each would boast a more active and sustainable community of players.

Makes sense, but will BW do that? Doubt it.


Tschuß, got a game to play...

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Not like this is a boon, they owe the community free transfers at this point. Very convenient timing too, since most people will probably be finishing up progression in May and the free month will end right before June so they'll have to re-sub to get the transfer. At least the people in charge of the money know how to do their jobs.
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Summer is too late for me, it has taken far too long to get this sorted - All I want are my toons in once place :(


IIRC WoW didn't have this issue as bad as they limited the number of copies available to reduce spikes in pop. I think there were two or three batches over a few months, this kept the number high and replaced 30 day non subbers with new retail purchasers. Shame BW could not do a similer tihng :(

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Makes sense, but will BW do that? Doubt it.
It is standard for the industry, so there is a fairly good chance that Bioware will adopt it. In actuality Blizzard utilizes it as well. They just haven't had true problems with low-population servers since WoW went through its own growing pains.
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IIRC WoW didn't have this issue as bad as they limited the number of copies available to reduce spikes in pop. I think there were two or three batches over a few months, this kept the number high and replaced 30 day non subbers with new retail purchasers. Shame BW could not do a similer tihng :(
Blizzard did, but the outcry that resulted was horrible, and helped to bringt such marketing practices to the public's attention. Such release schedules are no longer tolerated by consumers. Edited by HeavensAgent
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They can't make it available now. The technology does not exist yet. Bioware has developed their transfer system, but they have to put the technology in place before they can actually offer transfers; they can't offer something that does not yet exist.


You mean they made APAC transfers with no technology? So they are magicians!!!

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This is great news to me, about transfers coming. I'm on anchorhead, but none of my friends I normally play with are on anchorhead. I started playing way before they did. Then I find out they tried out the game and love it, however, they are on the deadweight server lol. They told me to just reroll and come over. I did not want to reroll, because I have already put alot of work into my main character. I, like others, won't mind paying the fee or taking advantage of the free server switch when it comes.

Thanks Bioware for finally making this possible. (course if you want to make it possible this week instead of waiting for Summer to switch servers, I won't complain, lol)

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You mean they made APAC transfers with no technology? So they are magicians!!!
No, that was a test of the process that they've designed. The technology to perform transfers on a general scale is not yet in place. They expect it to be ready for use some time early this summer. Edited by HeavensAgent
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No, that was a test of the process that they've designed. The technology to perform transfers on a general scale is not yet in place. They expect it to be ready for use some time early this summer.


Are you serious when you state these things or just fanboying around? They moved thousands of accounts on APAC transfers so NO, it wasn't a test but a general transfer. They have to act immediately cause some game lovers are getting bored.

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Finally gave up myself


Dont get me wrong the game itself is rather good storyline is unlike anything else ive played




Its the weekend and on my server Kai-Kan fleet hasnt peaked at over 30 for either side all day and its been like this for weeks now i tried to stick it out for aslong as possible grinding what i could trying to create things to do and actively looking for groups for absolutley anything but after a while it gets old and started to realise no matter how hard i try its not getting any better


Its great server transfers are coming for myself its just a little too late


For all of you who can stick it out good luck to you :)

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Are you serious when you state these things or just fanboying around? They moved thousands of accounts on APAC transfers so NO, it wasn't a test but a general transfer. They have to act immediately cause some game lovers are getting bored.
Yes, I am serious. The scale of the Asia-Pacific transfer was a fraction of what general transfers would represent; in the case of a general transfer, they'd potentially be moving millions of player accounts. Additionally, the test was not bug free and they are still working to correct damage done to character data during the transfer process. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Nice troll.....2 million subs for the Beta...lol how many people are playing swtor again 1.5 mil? Again 2 mil for BETA

Would like to see a link supporting this...


Yes and only 70K preorders, for a game that does not even have a Launch date yet.


BTW do you remember the "subs" for Beta for SWToR?

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Yes, I am serious. The scale of the Asia-Pacific transfer was a fraction of what general transfers would represent; in the case of a general transfer, they'd potentially be moving millions of player accounts. Additionally, the test was not bug free and they are still working to correct damage done to character data during the transfer process.


Milions of accounts????!!!!!!! There were 1.7 mil active subs 2 months ago. I bet now we are under 700k active players. Maybe a third is on a healthy server, so maybe we can say that potentially 400k accounts want to move? Test was good, bugs manageable. Further more in 2012 character transfer has been tested so many times in mmos, if they did not foresee such event they are really missing something in their dev team.....

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Nice troll.....2 million subs for the Beta...lol how many people are playing swtor again 1.5 mil? Again 2 mil for BETA


Why are you here? We are really looking for a good environment for our beloved game, so please move to your korean game where in a month you'll be ranting on their forums (finally far from these ones).

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Milions of accounts????!!!!!!! There were 1.7 mil active subs 2 months ago. I bet now we are under 700k active players. Maybe a third is on a healthy server, so maybe we can say that potentially 400k accounts want to move? Test was good, bugs manageable. Further more in 2012 character transfer has been tested so many times in mmos, if they did not foresee such event they are really missing something in their dev team.....
Well, recent information supposrts the idea that there has been very little change in player subscriptions since the first months after launch, so, we're still looking at 1.7 million active accounts. Additionally, the developers would have to accounts for all potential user accounts; even inactive accounts can be reactivated in the future, and they hope players will return once transfers are available.


I'd be interested in knowing how you determined the number of accounts involved in the Asia-Pacific transfers. You must be a Bioware or EA employee to have that information.

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No, that was a test of the process that they've designed. The technology to perform transfers on a general scale is not yet in place. They expect it to be ready for use some time early this summer.


This is either false or goes to prove there's no point in sticking around for the incompetence fest to follow. This game still has huge problems, from design to implementation. There are still performance issues, buggy content, random lagspikes and a poor costumer service. Then there's the slight issue of marketing features that they KNEW wouldn't come out in 1.2. Yes, they gave us a free month but will those features be implemented by the time we have to resub? Odds overwhelmingly favor "No.".


I am (or rather, was) rooting for this game but i can't turn off my analytical brain and rationalize my way out of the obvious conclusion. Their technical team is not competent enough (or the suits at EA will not finance this game properly, maybe realizing their best option is to cut losses and look to their next title) to make this game a success. The huge success this franchise deserved.


All the claims here about "technological solutions" speak as though database transfers to different hardware was like figuring out the Higgs. Trust me folks, it's not. It's all about priorities and right now it seems superfluous content is more important than the gaming experience itself.


Alas, we have the random trollboys saying we're mistaken, the game is getting better by the minute, more people are coming and WoW (why do people insist in comparing this with a 2005 game is beyond me) was way worse when it was released. Well guess what my fluffy trolls, this is 2012 and there are a number of MMOs out there that were released without 20% the technical issues this game had (and still has) with just a fraction of its budget.


Now, before you tell me "if you don't like it, quit", let me tell you i still play my rank 86 Assassin everyday, still finish all my dailies and still hope (yet a fool's hope) things will turn around, because i really love the SW universe and i had genuine fun in this game. I won't, however, keep playing for long, considering right now prime time - and i'm playing Imp side - we have 30 people in IF, i can't find people to do ANY FP at lower levels (and at 50 i'd have to resort to do some emotional blackmail) and the server dies after playing 2h after work, when it should be blooming.


Also, i have 30 days /played with my main character and if you think for a minute it's OK to tell me to scrap it and reroll on a busy server until they roll out transfers, you are EAs dream costumer. And that is not a compliment.


I'm sorry for this long rant, but some opinions posted in this thread are just outright ignorant of the world of IT and the technicalities involved in maintaining an MMO.

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Nice troll.....2 million subs for the Beta...lol how many people are playing swtor again 1.5 mil? Again 2 mil for BETA


Atm swtor really lost many playes the peak was 1.7 millions in february now its below then 1.2 millions and the game still losing players very fast. SWTOR only 6 months old and i cant see good future for this game. WOW already confirmed this month they had 10.3 million players. I left the game and going to play Diablo 3.

Edited by Algaaa
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