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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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That is one thing I have never really understood.. why you would want to be on the forums if you hate the game so much if not to troll... meh.. to each his own i guess


The difference is I don't HATE swtor - just sorely disappointed the direction BW decided to go in.


If there is any direction at all..

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That is one thing I have never really understood.. why you would want to be on the forums if you hate the game so much if not to troll... meh.. to each his own i guess


Exactly this, Now this is something i dont understand there arnt fanboys and trolls there are people who like and play the game and people who dont like the game. If you dont like it enough to outright hate it and flame it why are you here as that is simply trolling.


You may have dropped a penny in the ocean but in the grand scheme of things invest your real life time in something you enjoy because your wasting your life sticking around on something you obviously hate, its not healthy.


Heaven forbid you get something in real life that puts stuff like this into perspective but the game itself aint no biggie and its defo no reason to get your pantys in a twist over by this amount.


Cos here are some cold hard facts, Everyone who pre ordered before release got into the betas. There has been info and twict tv feeds of the game, its been covered in the press of what its like and there have been trials running for a while now. They are creating content for the game and learned from illum and wont do the same mistake again of releasing content that is obviously unbalanced or broken. They are sorting server transfers and migrations and if your on a low pop realm there is nothing stopping you re rolling on a higher pop server till transfers and migrations come in.

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Exactly this, Now this is something i dont understand there arnt fanboys and trolls there are people who like and play the game and people who dont like the game. If you dont like it enough to outright hate it and flame it why are you here as that is simply trolling.


You may have dropped a penny in the ocean but in the grand scheme of things invest your real life time in something you enjoy because your wasting your life sticking around on something you obviously hate, its not healthy.


Heaven forbid you get something in real life that puts stuff like this into perspective but the game itself aint no biggie and its defo no reason to get your pantys in a twist over by this amount.


Cos here are some cold hard facts, Everyone who pre ordered before release got into the betas. There has been info and twict tv feeds of the game, its been covered in the press of what its like and there have been trials running for a while now. They are creating content for the game and learned from illum and wont do the same mistake again of releasing content that is obviously unbalanced or broken. They are sorting server transfers and migrations and if your on a low pop realm there is nothing stopping you re rolling on a higher pop server till transfers and migrations come in.


I can see a rant or two when you're butt-hurt about something, but the McCarthyism going on in this forum lately is absurd. For example, even I've ranted a bit about the implementation of Expertise, how lazy I think that is, and that real PvP is dead.


But I don't go thread to thread making unsubstantiated claims, smear campaigns, and attacks that have no regard to evidence like these people are doing. McCarthyism.


I'll never understand it, I guess...

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D3 will have about as much impact on TOR as Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim do. That means no impact at all. Especially given that D3 is releasing with zero PvP...


exactly server pop will drop the weekended it is released but people will come back and keep subbing.

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I can see a rant or two when you're butt-hurt about something, but the McCarthyism going on in this forum lately is absurd. For example, even I've ranted a bit about the implementation of Expertise, how lazy I think that is, and that real PvP is dead.


But I don't go thread to thread making unsubstantiated claims, smear campaigns, and attacks that have no regard to evidence like these people are doing. McCarthyism.


I'll never understand it, I guess...


And i have seen most of your topics, you can be negative at times but you know what, your constructive on how things can be fixed. Bioware dont come down on you like a ton of bricks cos you want to improve the game and are constructive. To the others you have mentioned i totaly agree. Its like its some kind of blood sport to see who can do the most damage and say the game is dead when its not.


People can be upset by things they wanted in the game like ranked pvp but if its not working then the majority of those see why its not coming in yet, but there are others who probably never were bothered by it and latch onto it as a bullet to be fired from a gun.

Edited by Shingara
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Or we've already unsubbed and still enjoy watching the fanbois defend BW till the bitter end (or when my previous sub runs up) :D


Which is a rather peculiar way to spend one's time. Aren't there like, oh, I dunno, a bazillion better things to do that bicker online? Especially when one dislikes the game. I dunno, I just don't see the point. When I bailed on WoW cos I didn't like where it was going, I just...left. Didn't hang around to nag those who did like it and didn't try to foist off my opinion, for good or ill, on others and I sure didn't troll.


It's bizarre this "I paid and I hate the game so instead of playing the game, I'll just troll people who are enjoying it."

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Hello everyone,


We have recently had to clean up a number of posts in this thread that were in violation of our Rules of Conduct and wanted to remind everyone to stay on topic while avoiding the following:


  • Personal Attacks or Insults.
  • Creating posts for the purpose of derailing the topic, eliciting negative reactions or spreading false information.
  • Replying in a manner that adds nothing constructive to the conversation.


We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and will continue to monitor the conversation. Above all else please remember that we are here to help with issues that come up, you need not respond to them and extend the argument. In short, flag don't flame. This thread is not being closed, please feel free to carry on so long as you abide by the forum rules.

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I will say SWTOR has only 2 problembs

1. the dev are not keen enough to use Hero Engine as they should

2.the community complains then i ask them can they do better Do an MMO yourself?


Diablo 3 I seen nothing in the Beta that was not seen in other mmo

Guild Wars 2 What i expected the regular Fantasy MMO but nothing that really would call it better then SWTOR if you like fantasy MMIO maybe you find it suitable

I seen so many MMO since 2008 i stoped counting and basicly fantasy mmo are so many but scifi mmo good ones are a rare thing

Recall people on SWG complaining like people here but still it survived 8 years

I agree on 1 thing SWTOR is not perfect but its improving in time

I want to ask you for those WOW Veterans how did WOW look 4 month after launch was all working no bugs ?

and if 12 million do WoW

As for the big mistake you people do you must compare this MMO with other newcomer MMO not with the well established MMO witch are here for years

as long as every 3 month new content happens fine with me

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so 1.3. i'm pretty certain it won't be out in may. any1 got any predictions of when? i'm going to say late june early july


I could still see it coming out in may or at least the very last week of May. I mean it's still April. If not then I guess it will be out early June.


We don't even know what's going to be in. We got what? A LFG tool and perhaps a new operation? It's not going to be as big as 1.2

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yup, always with the likes of you. Give me proof...


You know something, I can't prove what BW did or did not say, but what I DO know, is that they say one thing, and do something else. They are NOT honest and forthright about a number of things, hence the earlier example of the CE vendor. That's where you self righteous types took it upon yourselves to start demanding evidence. Open your eyes for crying out loud, what do you call not being completely honest? I know exactly what is is called...no matter how small. And that, I AM right about. I know however, you will never think so.

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yup, always with the likes of you. Give me proof...


You know something, I can't prove what BW did or did not say, but what I DO know, is that they say one thing, and do something else. They are NOT honest and forthright about a number of things, hence the earlier example of the CE vendor. That's where you self righteous types took it upon yourselves to start demanding evidence. Open your eyes for crying out loud, what do you call not being completely honest? I know exactly what is is called...no matter how small. And that, I AM right about. I know however, you will never think so.


and patch notes always come with a nice little reminder that


all aspects of the patch can be changed at any time before the patch goes live.


this little nugget is especially for ppl that cry you lied ot us BW

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Yes definitely !!


I for one am annoyed beyond all reason that the game was not in a PERFECT finished state when it was released. I truly expected Bioware to buck the trend of EVERY MMO ever released in history and for them compete with well established MMOs from word one. As for all these `updates` they have released I feel truly violated as a gamer that they would foist them upon me without my say so or consent. My entire guild and I cannot stand this situation any longer and we are all going to migrate to Diablo 3 and GW2 which will be perfection personified. If of course the companys concerned let us down with any bugs or updates we will find another MMO that is PERFECT and all sub to that.


I for one applaud your post as it is high time that these people realised that they cannot mess with gamers! Programmers should now be at the level that regardless of how massive a game is or how many lines of recorded dialogue there are there should be NO errors in coding.


Of course if 1.3 is out by May then we will all DEFINITELY unsub if 1.4 isn't out by June...

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and patch notes always come with a nice little reminder that


all aspects of the patch can be changed at any time before the patch goes live.


this little nugget is especially for ppl that cry you lied ot us BW


and I always read those notes, every time the client is patching for each update/maint


still doesnt change the fact that BW has been dishonest

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Yes definitely !!


I for one am annoyed beyond all reason that the game was not in a PERFECT finished state when it was released. I truly expected Bioware to buck the trend of EVERY MMO ever released in history and for them compete with well established MMOs from word one. As for all these `updates` they have released I feel truly violated as a gamer that they would foist them upon me without my say so or consent. My entire guild and I cannot stand this situation any longer and we are all going to migrate to Diablo 3 and GW2 which will be perfection personified. If of course the companys concerned let us down with any bugs or updates we will find another MMO that is PERFECT and all sub to that.


I for one applaud your post as it is high time that these people realised that they cannot mess with gamers! Programmers should now be at the level that regardless of how massive a game is or how many lines of recorded dialogue there are there should be NO errors in coding.


Of course if 1.3 is out by May then we will all DEFINITELY unsub if 1.4 isn't out by June...


so I take it your guild will NOT be celebrating it's 1 year swtor anniversary.....

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The difference is I don't HATE swtor - just sorely disappointed the direction BW decided to go in.


If there is any direction at all..


I haven't bothered to read all the bickering back and forth, but this is something the rabid defenders who get mad at anyone critical of anything don't seem to get, that is you can be disappointed with this game and see its various flaws and missing features and point them out without being a 'hater'.


Are there those that feel like they were misled to such an extent they are now angry at 'the game' and Bioware / EA such that they spew nothing but hate on the forums? Sure.


But a lot of the threads I've read with people pointing out various flaws or features they feel are missing and holding the game back seem to be more in the 'help save the game' or 'this game could be great if...' type posts, not vile hatred threads trashing the game and its developers.


If you love the game and feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, fine. But know there are more people like myself and many of the forum posters who like (or at least don't hate) the game, but see plenty of things that could be better if the flaws are addressed and missing features are implemented, and who feel obligated to themselves and the game to point out where the game could be improved.


Only through feedback of all kinds on what is and is not working will Bioware be able to improve the game and keep it living and growing in a direction that appeals to the broadest segments.


Whether they improve it fast enough or in the 'right' direction for us personally then becomes the deciding factor in whether we continue paying to play this game.


For me personally, I feel disappointed in 1.2 (some was disappointment in the hype versus delivery, some was disappointment in things missing that were never 'promised' for 1.2 but are still very important for me).


And for me that includes addressing server populations (megers / transfers) and providing a fully functional LFG system (cross-server, port to instance). Other items include making crafting worthwhile, adding more PVE and PVP content, and continuing the stories.


So to answer the OP, I actually do not have a recurring subscription at this time, but my current paid + free time from Bioware gives me access to the game through early June, though I rarely log in anymore.


However the date of when 1.3 comes out won't have much of an impact on whether I buy more time or not, though whether Bioware have made significant progress on the items most important to me will have a large impact.

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I've already unsubbed but not due to lack of content. I unsubbed due to the lack of players on my server. I honestly couldn't care less when 1.3 comes out unless it includes a server transfer system or a cross-server group finder. Until BW does something about the server population issues this is a single player game for me with the most desired content inaccessible.
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Couldn't care less when 1.3 hits.

The game is very enjoyable in its current state & there is plenty to do.


The game is only going to carry on getting better too.


When BW sort out the server population issues it will get a long stronger in the form of subs, players will come back too.


Ppl QQ about the game, go play on the Wii or something.

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I haven't bothered to read all the bickering back and forth, but this is something the rabid defenders who get mad at anyone critical of anything don't seem to get, that is you can be disappointed with this game and see its various flaws and missing features and point them out without being a 'hater'.



i personally have disliked the nerf to the healers and the missing 1.2 orange schematics for armormech and synthweaver.(and that just recent dislikes) but you can be disappointed and air criticism in a form that you don't sound like a hater

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Ive stuck it out for a long time but im about done with bw, i have 3 50's on a dead server, what am i supposed to do? restart on another server? grind back 80 valor and 35 legacy levels and a few million credits? wait for them to get off their asses and implement tranfers or merges while i level some alts on my dead server that i dont know the fate of because bioware wont give us all the drtails.


Well im not spending money to wait for these people to learn how to run an mmo before this game goes down the toilette i wont be paying another dime to these guys until server pops are fixed. a month ago i would have said there is no way swtor will fail no matter how bad these guys screw it up, right now im sure glad i do not own bw or ea stock. they have 4-5 servers with happy people on them and over 150 near empty servers with miserable and disapointed players on them and still theres been nothing done.

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Yes definitely !!


I for one am annoyed beyond all reason that the game was not in a PERFECT finished state when it was released. I truly expected Bioware to buck the trend of EVERY MMO ever released in history and for them compete with well established MMOs from word one. As for all these `updates` they have released I feel truly violated as a gamer that they would foist them upon me without my say so or consent. My entire guild and I cannot stand this situation any longer and we are all going to migrate to Diablo 3 and GW2 which will be perfection personified. If of course the companys concerned let us down with any bugs or updates we will find another MMO that is PERFECT and all sub to that.


I for one applaud your post as it is high time that these people realised that they cannot mess with gamers! Programmers should now be at the level that regardless of how massive a game is or how many lines of recorded dialogue there are there should be NO errors in coding.


Of course if 1.3 is out by May then we will all DEFINITELY unsub if 1.4 isn't out by June...


I know right. I mean, I don't know about you, but I just can't abide a gaming company who puts out patches every week or so to fix errors. Why? you ask. Well, hello! It cuts into my game time. I mean. Pfh. How dare they. :p


Sorry. I couldn't help myself. :jawa_evil:

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