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Advice on relics


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This is what mo toon is currently wearing


Rakata Relic of Forbidden Secrets

Matrix Cube M7-G0


I have 2 alloys, so I could craft another Relic, maybe crit it (one can hope, right ?) and boost it a bit with an augment. I also have almost 200 daylies, so I could buy one of the new ones


But basically, I'm finding myself reluctanct to replace the matrix cube and lose the 58 strength boost. What do you recommend ? What would you do ?


My Marauder is anni specce'd and I only pve, if that matters...

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Don't use the Crit/surge relic use the power one, the Diminishing returns make crit/surge pretty useless. Power has no DR. Properly geared out you should be hitting a softish cap on crit/surge.
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Power relic + Proc relic is ideal, especially for PVE-only Anni.


The Matrix cube is pretty awesome, but the moment you can get an elemental or internal damage proc relic (in other words, 200 daily comms), it gets retired. The damage is consistent, it is not mitigated via armor, and our bleeds do not prevent it from triggering (the wording is just to prevent multiple proc relics).


The Power relic is going to be more useful, especially as PVE gear already gets crit and surge quite close to diminishing returns land. It uniformly boosts all our attacks, does not have diminishing returns, and is not blunted by Berserk, unlike the Crit/Surge relic.

Edited by Omophorus
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Thanks for the answers. So to crafting and grinding a few more comms then....


And oh crap.... Diminishing returns ? What's that ? /n00b


I don't have the game at this moment, but IIRC, my toon has a 31% crit rate and 75% surge. Don't recall how much Power though.

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Thanks for the answers. So to crafting and grinding a few more comms then....


And oh crap.... Diminishing returns ? What's that ? /n00b


I don't have the game at this moment, but IIRC, my toon has a 31% crit rate and 75% surge. Don't recall how much Power though.


Diminishing returns refers to passing a certain point at which each additional point added to a stat does less than the one before. Approaching the upper bound of any asymptotic mathematical formula tends to show diminishing returns naturally, but in SWTOR, the developers hard-coded in diminishing return points on some stats long before they would naturally occur.


30/75 are right about the soft caps for crit and surge before you really start to experience a drastic uptick in diminishing returns, so you're in good shape gear-wise, but it even further highlights that a crit/surge relic is not something you want.


Expertise used to also suffer from similarly drastic diminishing returns, but this was addressed in 1.2.


Neither your primary stat (STR, for us) nor Power experience noteworthy diminishing returns at any value currently obtainable, which makes them the best stats to "stack" as you approach the top end of current gear for PVE. Every other secondary stat has some point at which adding more becomes less and less useful (in the case of Acc, not due to diminishing returns but due to passing the hit cap).

Edited by Omophorus
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