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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

dps tanks > then pure dps


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It's pretty sad how effective tank dps are in PvP right now. Sure they don't have the burst of a standard dps, but with the help of a healer they are immortal juggernauts that easily accrue 300k+ damage with 100k+ protection. I wish I screenpicced this game on my server, but a vengeance jugg paired with a pocket healer on our server made it in top 3 damage in a civil war with 330k and also had 212k protection. I still remember the exact (roughly) numbers.


Tank stance needs to still have the enticement for hybrid dps, where they can switch to it as ball carriers or if they want to survive a bit longer for that last 20% of hp, but NEVER should you see dps specced players sitting in tank stance the whole game with little to no penalty. They essentially become slightly subpar pure dps that make themselves and their healers unkillable--it's asinine. Rage juggernauts, vengeance juggernauts, and tankassins with dps gear all put up respectable numbers with well over 100k protection in a match (the only tank I haven't seen do insane damage are powertechs).


They take the jobs of both pure tanks and pure dps lol. Why take these 2 extremes when you can have a happy medium of both.

Edited by Anbokr
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They take the jobs of both pure tanks and pure dps lol. Why take these 2 extremes when you can have a happy medium of both.

Because a happy medium of both is not going to kill anyone in a 3 healer warzone premade, while properly specced /geared dps will take 2~ hits extra to kill you.


Now, i will give this to you... vs pugs and /or undergeared ppl, tanks in dps gear is good, not awesome but good. And if you care about undergeared and/or pugs you should do that.


However if you care about competition and playing vs good geared ppl who know what they are doing, tanks in dps gear will become just a speedbumb, you will not kill anyone vs crosshealing guarded healers and you will die in 2 extra hits from their dps.

Edited by Dmasterr
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wow if a tank (a char using tank spec... not a veng or rage spec'd jug or pyro PT) can outdps your dps character the problem is between the keyboard and your computer chair.


lol I never cease to be amazed with how much false information is thrown around on these forums, no wonder BW doesn't read them =)

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