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If Marauders Weren't Bad Enough -They Might Get A Buff


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Now we have a sea of Marauders who don't know how to play, ignoring healers, not assisting, never using group buffs and blowing all defensive CD's before they even engage mid Force Charge which is telegraphed 30m away so they get CC'd mid air!


Its one thing to complain about the class in the hands of good players but now the sheer number of clueless players is just killing all the fun in WZ!


FoTM I understand but its getting ridiculous BW.




Else BW might actually buff Marauders HAHA

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Pre patch I saw a group of 4 Marauders in WZs suiciding for a whole night. I had never seen the guys before and I never saw them again. I figured it was either EA people trying to screw up the metrics because they were playing Marauders or more sinister Blizzard people trying to screw up the metrics in some diabolical plan to hurt Swtor.




Oh btw I'm not lying, this strange thing did happen.

Edited by LancelotOC
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I had a few matches with a good Marauder the other day. He was consistantly doing 50-100% more damage than the second place DPSer every round.


I can deal with a bad Marauder just as easily as a bad of any other class. But when a good player of a class can output so much more DPS than a good player of another class you have a class balance issue on your hands.

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Pre patch I saw a group of 4 Marauders in WZs suiciding for a whole night. I had never seen the guys before and I never saw them again. I figured it was either EA people trying to screw up the metrics because they were playing Marauders or more sinister Blizzard people trying to screw up the metrics in some diabolical plan to hurt Swtor.




Oh btw I'm not lying, this strange thing did happen.


Tinfoil hat much? I mean really? lol

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What's impressive to me about the FOTMers is how fast they get their mauraders/sents up to level 50. I mean on my server it was like within a day or 2 I started seeing teams with 4 mauraders/sents. It's pretty mindblowing how fast some people level new characters.
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What's impressive to me about the FOTMers is how fast they get their mauraders/sents up to level 50. I mean on my server it was like within a day or 2 I started seeing teams with 4 mauraders/sents. It's pretty mindblowing how fast some people level new characters.


Haha part of that is because of how fast the class kills everything. In PVE its even faster. Encounters that my Sage and Vanguard take maybe 20 seconds for, my Marauder just cleans up in about 5 seconds flat.


I've noticed that within the past day or two there are a lot of fresh 50 Sents. They're going to start gearing up and have BM within a week or so. There were more Maras to begin with but I'm sure it's similar on Imperial side too (my Mara isn't at 50 though and there is a ways to go). When you start seeing all of the Mara/Sents geared up, that's when even the worst Mara players will finally see what the rest of us already knew, the class is clearly OPed. The solution is always the same in these situations, you just use the OP class. WZs will be nothing more than the good Mara/Sents eating up the bad ones, so the bad players will be right back where they started.

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Mara and Juggys are the bane of PvP now, the new FOTM class. WHY does Biowarwe nerf every other lass APART from the ones that need nerfing...........the mind boggles. I really dont understand thier logic or lack, rather.
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Haha part of that is because of how fast the class kills everything. In PVE its even faster. Encounters that my Sage and Vanguard take maybe 20 seconds for, my Marauder just cleans up in about 5 seconds flat.



Interesting, I've found it so much easier to level my Scoundrel than it was my Sent.

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What's impressive to me about the FOTMers is how fast they get their mauraders/sents up to level 50. I mean on my server it was like within a day or 2 I started seeing teams with 4 mauraders/sents. It's pretty mindblowing how fast some people level new characters.


Thats mostly because the changes were announced weeks in advance, many people starting leveling mara/sents in preperation for 1.2, I highly doubt that anyone was running around on a CHISS sentinel within 2 days though, now that would be a different story.

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What's impressive to me about the FOTMers is how fast they get their mauraders/sents up to level 50. I mean on my server it was like within a day or 2 I started seeing teams with 4 mauraders/sents. It's pretty mindblowing how fast some people level new characters.


reason to that many who had 50s already knew what a mara could do before 1.2 (like myself) mix that with patch notes for upcomming 1.2 was out for a long time on test servers ppl started leveling before 1.2 hit to be ready

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Thats mostly because the changes were announced weeks in advance, many people starting leveling mara/sents in preperation for 1.2, I highly doubt that anyone was running around on a CHISS sentinel within 2 days though, now that would be a different story.


Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

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