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Am i bad lol


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Ok so i know the ins and outs of PVP. I got a 50 warlord assasin. Soo ive joined the light side and ive started a Sent.


I'm currently level 20 and suck at pvp. I cant kill anyone its like im waving around to wet sponges for sabers and die soo fast. I just get stun locked and owned..


Is there a build i need to be targeting or do i need to learn how to play? im confused i cant get my head around why at this level every other class ive played is at least fun at pvp. I feel like im a waste of space in pvp

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Maybe its just my opinion but probably until level 40+ it's always hard for Sent's. A lot of people claim that on 50 lvl you will be called OP for the other hand x)


I have 47 lvl right now (my first character) and my state is that real life for sents starts after you have last skill in tree you use (Blade Rush for combat and Merc Slash for Watchman tough i didnt play Focus). So take your time and lvl up your sent first :)


Also there is great possibility that only i suck at PvP and someone will give you some real advice ^^"

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if you have to ask if you are bad then you should know the answer.


I asked the question because I wasn't sure :) I've levelled other classes into there 20's and even at say level 10 in war zones I had some fun. It just seems with the sentinel that i get my face smashed in unless im assisting people in a zerg. If i leap in and become main target im dead...but im sure that's the same for any class if you get focus fired.


Also in one v ones i rarely win. I don't seem to have a stun, if i get knocked back its difficult to catch up (although ive just specced focus so the other leap at 10m is handy)


Maybe im used to my Assassin tank in dps gear winning every 1v1 and not dying in seconds. I know I cant compare a 20 sent to a 50 assassin in that sense. Maybe just need to adjust my play style and not be so brave. Hang back wait for someone else to start the fighting and just assist in taking people out. Id explain my rotation or what abilities i use in certain situations but I cant remember the names of them :)

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As was said, a lot of defensive abilities really don't come into play until higher levels. Plus, like most classes, your damage won't really pick until those upper levels.


It could be that you're bad. Sentinel does take a lot of training and understanding of how to use your skills and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. But it may also be that you're just caught in that weak zone.

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Since its a bit of a FOTM class atm, you get focused on a bit more more. I am also in my 20's and when I queue I notice I die a lot when i compare it to my PVP experience of my other characters. Also my damage isn't spectacular (mainly because i am spending more time running back to the fight than fighting) but it is a fun class. Finally, you are coming from a pretty tough class with a lot of tools (especially if you play tankasin like I do).
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Ok so i know the ins and outs of PVP. I got a 50 warlord assasin. Soo ive joined the light side and ive started a Sent.


I'm currently level 20 and suck at pvp. I cant kill anyone its like im waving around to wet sponges for sabers and die soo fast. I just get stun locked and owned..


Is there a build i need to be targeting or do i need to learn how to play? im confused i cant get my head around why at this level every other class ive played is at least fun at pvp. I feel like im a waste of space in pvp


As a person who had a sentinel as their main since launch I did terribad in PVP for levels 10 - 20, once I hit 30, something happened and I started doing fantabulous. I think it was a combination of knowing a good priority rotation. Best thing to do is, dont force leap as your first move, use it as an interrupt or if they are trying to kite/run away.


Granted I am no guru, this is my first MMO, and I havent gotten my sent to lvl 50 yet as I have limited playing time, and I am loving my IA toon.


TL;DR Be patient, get to mid 30s, and learn priorities.

Edited by Silly_Wabbit
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I've played Sentinel since launch and PvP can be really irritating at times, especially pre-50. Sentinels are one of the hardest classes to master and your gonna suck until ya figure out a rotation that works for you. Around level 30-35 warzone's will be a bit easier for you. At least that's what happened for me.


My advice is to switch to Watchman which will give you the ability to heal as well as the use of DoT's ( Cauterize and crippling throw? ) so you can run if needed while still doing some damage, or Combat since it's going to give you a good set of attacks for the level.


The focus tree is more of an End game PvP build relying on stacks of singularity from force exhaustion (which is the last skill) to charge up your sweep for 4-5k a pop. Without exhaustion your stuck waiting forever for the CD on Stasis to go down or waiting on 30 stacks.


Best of luck with the grind!

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well the true is that you are bad with you're sentinel. I have a lvl50 sentinel and i sucked hard in the first month. Now i am most of the times top dps. I made a marauder on another server with bigger population and i do 250k-300k lvl 16.


edit: the trick is manage the focus and be fast. If you arent fast enought to strike you're oponent you can't do a thing.

Edited by JoseSilva
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Ok so i know the ins and outs of PVP. I got a 50 warlord assasin. Soo ive joined the light side and ive started a Sent.


I'm currently level 20 and suck at pvp. I cant kill anyone its like im waving around to wet sponges for sabers and die soo fast. I just get stun locked and owned..


Is there a build i need to be targeting or do i need to learn how to play? im confused i cant get my head around why at this level every other class ive played is at least fun at pvp. I feel like im a waste of space in pvp


Unless you have a lot of experience with the class, it may be a while. If going watchman first thing to get ASAP is overload sabers, I can't remember how many points you need it, but it's tough until you get that. However, all you really need is your interrupt to start being viable in PvP.


It gets better at higher levels it's a top heavy class but it's not going to be some magical FOTM if that's what you're looking for.

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Yeah, pre 40 sentinels are hard. I suggest you go with Focus for now for more damage from your blade storm and MS, that's your hard hitting abilities that you can use asides from Force Sweep, plus you can spam Slash which have a fairly nice damage for free with Zen. You can go with Watchman after you reach 34 up.
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