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So, when is this mara/sent nerf coming then?


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This thread was enlightening to me.


I had zero idea a marauder did no damage without their defensive cooldowns. Clearly there must be some hidden ability modifer in there that creates this damage for them when they pop it. Next time our main guild mara gets a 7K+ Ravage crit on the third hit I'll be sure to ask him which defensive cooldown he used to achieve such a good number.


For the record, this guy is the best powertech on our server, with, and im guessing, roughly 1200 expertise and hits like a truck even after the change to railshot procs.




Drizzle, Trizzle, Tray

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haha this is why I love Exphyrl. I noticed they left your reply alone. I was hoping the Mara Trolls would attempt to tear this reply apart, but that would just prove how bad most of them are currently.


Mara's pre 1.2 were fine. They were glass cannons and a dps race to kill before you got killed. They were judged as a killing machine if not checked. Essentially they were snipers in melee. The good players (those of you not screaming L2P) were monsters that could take you down very quickly. The bad ones died easily, quickly, and with no chance of recourse.


I find it funny, that Mara/Sent defenders, love to use the JUST CC us during our God Mode Iwin button. Right because I shouldn't cc you at all during your massacare half my health part, and you have no ability to break out of that CC right. Oh, and since you are a mara no one ever fills up your resolve bar ever. Right??


When I can win the battle and take you down to 10 percent when I am at 60 percent, and you pop God Mode, and I still lose something is seriously wrong with your class. No other class can end up with a win when sitting at 10 percent health fighting face to face with a guy at 60 percent. For everyone else, it's either run away or die fighting, for a marauder it's time to pop the iwin button.


Any Marauder who wastes his CC breaker early in a fight is a bad one.


Here is the breakdown of Mara/Sent and the main reason we are angry as a community.


Pre-1.2: Good Mara's were a dps race, and great ones were very very hard to kill. Bad Mara's were steamrolled like chicken soup, and never got a chance.


Post 1.2: Good Mara's are impossible to kill 1v1, and great ones well they go 2 v 1 and win often. Bad Mara's still die, but they take half your heatlh in the process.


The great Mara's on my server joke about how fast they can kill equally geared players 1v1. You can kill a Mara, if he is horrible, and/or he doesn't see you coming. I know two top notch Mara's who rerolled because they felt the class had gotten two easy.


Truthfully, I find Juggs to be way more irritating with their 15 million stuns (yes I am exaggerating), but Mara's are a complete disaster on the field. They destroy everyone, and have no counter except a perfectly played Assassin Tank.


Don't worry we all know that it's only about 10 Marauders who think they don't need some sort of a nerf. The rest of the Marauder and pvp world knows how to play and realizes how bad it is right now. It's the same 10 guys screaming about how horrible everyone else must be and how great they are. It's amazing how they weren't saying they were great pre-1.2. Suddenly they went from getting farmed every time to killing everyone on sight so it must be balanced.


So to you 10 Mara lovers please keep posting because we now realize you need to l2p more than anyone else.


Basically, you talked about how we were fine pre 1.2 and QQed about how it is now and yet all you talked about as "OP" was there pre 1.2. Fail harder.

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You are completely misguided. Your iwin button guarantees you 5 seconds of free attacks on anyone. If you wasted your CC breaker before that point than you are horrible. The rest of us have to sit and watch you take 10k of life off us while we are trying to break 500 heatlh off you. If you can't figure it out, that's your problem.


Wow, I've been playing a Sentinel all this time and I never knew that my five seconds of GBTF came with CC immunity.

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I have a 50 GS in addition to a Guardian and Sentinel. Probably played more on any one of my characters than you have in total. To say you know what you're talking about is vastly ignorant at best


Basically, you just got pwned.


See how easy you make it for me?


Well it does makeit easy to simply ignore you as a bias, lying troll. So there that. Feel free to yell at the clouds, ive got you on ignore

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Mara's pre 1.2 were fine. They were glass cannons and a dps race to kill before you got killed. They were judged as a killing machine if not checked. Essentially they were snipers in melee. The good players (those of you not screaming L2P) were monsters that could take you down very quickly. The bad ones died easily, quickly, and with no chance of recourse.

well putting to one side the pretty embarassing brown nosing


what exactly in your opinion turned maras being fine pre 1.2 to grossly overpowered post 1.2? exactly which specific class changes

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You are completely misguided. Your iwin button guarantees you 5 seconds of free attacks on anyone. If you wasted your CC breaker before that point than you are horrible. The rest of us have to sit and watch you take 10k of life off us while we are trying to break 500 heatlh off you. If you can't figure it out, that's your problem.


Except...there are situations where we HAVE to use our CC break...or it might still be on CD from last time...gg knowing basic mechanics.

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For the record, this guy is the best powertech on our server, with, and im guessing, roughly 1200 expertise and hits like a truck even after the change to railshot procs.




Drizzle, Trizzle, Tray


I love Exphryl :p. He is a great guy on the PT forums as well.

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Except...there are situations where we HAVE to use our CC break...or it might still be on CD from last time...gg knowing basic mechanics.


And apparently we never used our CC before running into you, right. I love how Marauders always believe everyone has all their CC saved just for them. gg knowing basic mechanics!

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You are completely misguided. Your iwin button guarantees you 5 seconds of free attacks on anyone. If you wasted your CC breaker before that point than you are horrible. The rest of us have to sit and watch you take 10k of life off us while we are trying to break 500 heatlh off you. If you can't figure it out, that's your problem.

5 seconds of free attacks unless we got stunned, knocked back or basically everything that isnt a direct interrupt. Anyone that allows a sentinel/marauder to get that attack off on them for the duration is BAD.


As for your other post.. we are probably even more of a glass cannon now then before... The TTK is lower for everyone its not like our defensive cooldowns got improved in 1.2 its exactly the same..

Edited by AngusFTW
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And apparently we never used our CC before running into you, right. I love how Marauders always believe everyone has all their CC saved just for them. gg knowing basic mechanics!


According to your logic, if you don't have every CD up, you're bad. Therefore, using your logic, if all your CCs are down at that point, you're bad.


P.S. you can try kiting, I hear RUNNING instead of standing there letting them beat on you is a good idea.

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well putting to one side the pretty embarassing brown nosing


what exactly in your opinion turned maras being fine pre 1.2 to grossly overpowered post 1.2? exactly which specific class changes


healers lost their god mode and have to cast a heal now without getting instants constantly. now interrupts are useful and ravage got buffed because it wasnt good enough to channel it but now they increased its damage with 1.2 people forgot somehow that they can knock back, stun or run away when its used.

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And apparently we never used our CC before running into you, right. I love how Marauders always believe everyone has all their CC saved just for them. gg knowing basic mechanics!


Or how they assume you have a stun and they dont have a cc breaker. Pretty stupid premise. Then again we're talking about people who think telling full BMs to L2P is a valid argument, so dont expect much.

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Never, because they don't need one.


I'm guessing pretty much everyone complaining played a Sorc or tracer Merc.


Funny thing is, the spec that *actually* needs a nerf - tank Assassin/Shadow - eats Marauders and Sentinels for breakfast.

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Or how they assume you have a stun and they dont have a cc breaker. Pretty stupid premise. Then again we're talking about people who think telling full BMs to L2P is a valid argument, so dont expect much.


Full BM doesn't make you good. Obviously. All it means is you have the highest /played.


P.S. Most CCs/knockbacks/snares/roots have a MUCH lower CD than our CC break

Edited by nschlan
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Now I know why Marauders are played so poorly, you fail to understand even simple sentence structure.


Nah I just jumped over it because it's irrelevant. "If you wasted all your CC before we hit GBTF, you are horrible".

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healers lost their god mode and have to cast a heal now without getting instants constantly. now interrupts are useful and ravage got buffed because it wasnt good enough to channel it but now they increased its damage with 1.2 people forgot somehow that they can knock back, stun or run away when its used.


The counter to this is that marauders forget they dont have to open with charge, nor should they, almost ever.


Yet what do i see every game? 80% of the marauders charge right off the bat, get knocked back, and probably blow their trinket or qq saying "see melee sux"


Coins, two sides. Try not to be so bias.

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Never, because they don't need one.


I'm guessing pretty much everyone complaining played a Sorc or tracer Merc.


Funny thing is, the spec that *actually* needs a nerf - tank Assassin/Shadow - eats Marauders and Sentinels for breakfast.


Thats weird. Our server had a massive 1v1 tournament right after 1.2. Marauder cleaned up tankasin for the championship.


So basically, you're dead wrong.

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Entertaining defensiveness by obvious marauders in this thread.


Lets see what tools marauders have...




Undying rage

Temporary invisibility


Mortal strike

Interrupt on a ridiculiusly low cd


Im sure im missing a few. Sorry if some of the lingo doesnt match.


Theres no other class in the game with a skillset that even remotely compares to this. And there is no cost for having this. Their dps is still on par with classes that have many less options.


The nerfbat is coming. If your main is a marauder you shouldnt be tellng people to L2P, you should be begging bioware to not over nerf you. Aka the merc treatment


you list 7 abiltiies, 4 of those are on a jugg (the class you have a lot of time played apparently) yet you say;

Theres no other class in the game with a skillset that even remotely compares to this?


do you see whats wrong with this?

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Thats weird. Our server had a massive 1v1 tournament right after 1.2. Marauder cleaned up tankasin for the championship.


So basically, you're dead wrong.


Or he's better than the rest of you. I hear that's possible.

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healers lost their god mode and have to cast a heal now without getting instants constantly. now interrupts are useful and ravage got buffed because it wasnt good enough to channel it but now they increased its damage with 1.2 people forgot somehow that they can knock back, stun or run away when its used.


well im still waiting for a response from theopf, maybe he has just enough sense to avoid the question

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Anyway i dont see any real arguments in here countering any of the glaring imbalanecs listed so ill just leave the deniers to deny and then ultimately QQ when the inevidble happens.


Was just trying to inform some of the lesser skilled players

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you list 7 abiltiies, 4 of those are on a jugg (the class you have a lot of time played apparently) yet you say;

Theres no other class in the game with a skillset that even remotely compares to this?


do you see whats wrong with this?


If you read even one full page after that, you woudnt have had to make such a stupid post.


Hint - this was asked and addressed.

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You are completely misguided. Your iwin button guarantees you 5 seconds of free attacks on anyone. If you wasted your CC breaker before that point than you are horrible. The rest of us have to sit and watch you take 10k of life off us while we are trying to break 500 heatlh off you. If you can't figure it out, that's your problem.


I honestly didn't know a single Marauder could do over 2k dps while being kited by any smart ranged class or slowed or cc'd. Hell even standing there 2k dps is barely possible.

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If you read even one full page after that, you woudnt have had to make such a stupid post.


Hint - this was asked and addressed.


when you say addressed as in 'yeah all warriors are op' that doesn't change the fact that what you posted literally doesnt add up

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