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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

jedi shadows/assassins..


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who are the shadows/assassins hard counter?


Depends If I have all my cooldowns no one. There are a few PT's on my server that usually is a close fight same with mara's, also GS/snipers when they get the drop on you can be interesting. When I play with my op healer its hard to bring us down.

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Truth is there's no real hard counter if the sin/shadow gets close in stealth and gets the drop on their opponent, though even then arguably a well-geared mara/sent would be difficult as would a pyro PT. Out of stealth in open/group combat though anything not-too-squishy that can keep the sin/shadow more than 10m away can win with relative ease if played well.


I think people underestimate the importance stealth and the element of surprise play in a lot of sin/shadow encounters. If you can see the sin/shadow coming and use AoE to get around combat stealth they're no more scary than any other melee spec, also worth factoring in that if you can keep them at range or take half their HP before they get close then the odds are in your favor unless you're squishy, though if the sin/shadow has their stuns off cd that's easier said than done.


I don't think sins/shadows are OP I just think they're extremely effective 1v1 fighters, people get hit from stealth and facestomped and cry OP ignoring the ammount of times they've seen shadows/sins get ripped apart in group encounters after achieving relatively little. If you want a solo guard for a node or someone to probe and test defences on the less-defended objective point then sins/shadows are the perfect choice, but in any heavy-conflict area in a WZ you'd never drop a healer, proper tank or sustained DPS spec for one.

Edited by lxlPaniklxl
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What the nerf poster should say is nerf john doe class he just owned me and i should be able to beat him 1v1 cause i am the best pvper in the world.



Now for reality. any class in the right hands may be a hard fight 1v1 if you getting killed 1v1 get more team mates this games pvp is not made around 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 it team play for a reason. Team up with good pvpers and you will win every time

Edited by Neoforcer
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