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PVP Gear Progression Question?


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I've recently hit lvl 50 on a marauder and immediately bought a BM saber and of course the recruit gear to get started off with pvp. It didn't take long to get the offhand saber to go with it.


I'm noticing that due to marauder's inate strength compared to other classes on our server (perhaps not many people on my server are geared), that I'm holding my own pretty well already.


Would you recommend skipping the full deck out to BM and start gearing War Hero, or maybe just buy certain BM items which are a significant improvement over recruit?


What War Hero sets are recommended? Vindicator for everything?

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You cannot buy War Hero pieces without first having the Battlemaster pieces. You can, however, get the crafted versions, but then you're just wearing re-skinned Battlemaster gear, since you won't have the War Hero mods to put into the crafted gear (without first purchasing the War Hero items from the vendor).
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