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Pure fun without romace


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Forums are full of crying "let me romance that companion!" (guilty myself). Yet there are companions that make playing fun without romance options.


First one comes to mind is Blizz, of course. But among more "human-like" there are others who I personally would never romance but they really make me want to play that class.

One is Gault, for example. So much fun, such humorous dialogs and remarks - sometimes I re-play dialogs just to see what HE would answer there.

Another is Talos. Really, that cute little man with his hilarious "just let me at them!" call saved SI gameplay for me. Was kind of bored and had to force myself to continue leveling.


My favorite class - JC - is no fun at all in companions department, other classes got some interesting romance options. But among totally un-romansable I can mentiong only those too. Great job on them, BW!

Edited by Mirandel
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doc lokin is pretty sweet. i would be lying if i didn't say it would be kinda kinkeh to pretend to be a foxy, young assistant to a mad scientist...but vector's pheremones have kept my agent in line as far as thats concerned ;p


too bad my agent is a healer...one day i plan to make a pureblood sniper to have him along, cause frankly, he is a heck of fun personality wise, even if you can't trust him.


my favourite quote to use when discussing him, from the last unicorn: "You may come and go as you please. My secrets guard themselves. Will yours do the same? "

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Fun sans romance:


- Vector. I know, he technically is romanceable, but my male Agent had a grand old time at his side. I love this guy's character. Would absolutely consider him a cherished friend. Could take or leave the romance, but I like his level-headed advice anyway.


- Lord Scourge. Oh yes please play more mind games while you try to shake me out of my blinkered Jedi path. Every piece of counsel he offers is golden. Just watch out, because gold has a way of changing you...


- T7-01. The first time Doc said something impolite and T7 beeped "Jedi = hero \\ you = idiot," the adorableness almost killed me. I'm not sure why "enthusiastic hero sidekick" gets so cute when put into that astromech syntax, but T7-01 was a reliable pick-me-up and friend.


- I'm looking forward to Blizz.

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Guss. Seriously, I hated his guts at first, but he's proven to be my saver in boss fights and my Smuggler's bro. His take on the whole "Jedi Code" and "Falling to the Dark Side" is interesting and honestly, unique. "I always imagined Sith were sadistic, brooding monsters hiding under your bed at night. Then I saw one in combat, now I can see why the Jedi put so much emphasis on not falling to the dark side."


That and the whole lightsaber thing he has is too funny, if only he could use one...

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M1-4X is definitely up towards the top of the list of "Most Fun Companions". He's like a great, big, 3-legged, steel Captain America that follows you around. He's like HK-47's much nicer yet equally funny little brother. He's actually one of the few companions who's combat dialogue I never get tired of hear ("Must...Keep...Fighting!"). Plus, 4X is a great tank, and he even looks like one, too! Edited by BlueSouthPike
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I expected more Gault love! XD He had me from the beginning, when he


begged my BH, "Give me a job!!"



The guy is comedy gold (if you like snarky smart alecs), and generally has plenty to say about the topic at hand in conversations. My BH is heavily light side (LS IV), but she still has plenty of points of agreement with Gault, which was a pleasant surprise. And so far, his companion quests have been lulzy.



How cold-bloodedly opportunistic do you have to be to auction off your clone-body to a bunch of underworld goons who want you dead? XD



I just got Blizz, looking forward to seeing how he meshes in to our merry crew, too.

Edited by Jenovan
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I loved the scene between Gault and Torian at the end of Torian's quest on Taris. When you have to cover yourself with rakghoul's ...let's say guts and Gault says "No way, this is my best shirt!", getting answer from Torian "Was nice knowing you". Actually, from that moment I begun to like Torian (boy, it was so serious and ironical at the same time!). But Gault still the best with his funny comments. Edited by Mirandel
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I've been really enjoying hanging with Gus Tuno. Every time he opens his mouth I laugh. The weirdest though was once I was clicking on him repeatedly and he......threw up. :eek: Perhaps I poked him too much? I laughed so hard I think I got tears in my eyes.


Actually, I'm guilty of poking my companions a lot. Seems like most of them have an "annoyed" response they'll give you when you do. Another one that made me laugh was Akaavi Spar. She is soooo dang serious. After poking her for quite some time, she finally told me in her grumpiest voice:


"Perseverance will get you nowhere. I'll talk when I'm ready."

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I've been really enjoying hanging with Gus Tuno. Every time he opens his mouth I laugh. The weirdest though was once I was clicking on him repeatedly and he......threw up. :eek: Perhaps I poked him too much? I laughed so hard I think I got tears in my eyes.


Actually, I'm guilty of poking my companions a lot. Seems like most of them have an "annoyed" response they'll give you when you do. Another one that made me laugh was Akaavi Spar. She is soooo dang serious. After poking her for quite some time, she finally told me in her grumpiest voice:


"Perseverance will get you nowhere. I'll talk when I'm ready."


it's good that i'm not the only one who pokes her crew to the point of utter annoyance >:3

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I personally love the BFF thing my Chiss agent has with Kaliyo. At least in their heads, they're two hot alien chicks off picking up men and tricking them into giving them expensive presents together. (Although I'm still not wholly convinced that they don't periodically get drunk and hook up. But that's another story all together.)


I also like how Kira plays off a female JK, from the little I've seen.


I also love Lokin forever and ever. And I suspect that my sadistic SW has no less fun tormenting Vette than her male counterparts. (I feel sort of bad but then...eh, easy darkside points.)

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Oh, Guss and Forex are both good. I hated Guss' recruitment line but when I got to talking...he's just about the cuddliest fish I ever met. Such a sweetheart.


And M1-4X had me in stitches. There was a quest in Tatooine where I actually had to stop to get the laughter/tears out of my system, after I saved a young woman from a bombing:



Damsel In Distress: We owe you our lives. I wish there was some way we could repay you.


Trooper: I'm sure a pretty girl like you could think of some way to reward me. 50 DS points. +22 M1-4X affection.


M1-4X: Very insightful, sir - her inoffensive aesthetics make her an excellent candidate for promotional materials. She could tell her story of Republic heroism firsthand for the masses!


Trooper: I wasn't looking for your input.


M1-4X: My apologies, Lieutenant. But it really is a brilliant idea!





Do some companions actually respond, with irritation, to multiclicking? That was my favorite part of Blizzard games for a long time - harassing Jim Raynor and Arthas and so on with a zillion clicks - but I long ago stopped trying it in BioWare games.

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Oh, Guss and Forex are both good. I hated Guss' recruitment line but when I got to talking...he's just about the cuddliest fish I ever met. Such a sweetheart.


And M1-4X had me in stitches. There was a quest in Tatooine where I actually had to stop to get the laughter/tears out of my system, after I saved a young woman from a bombing:



Damsel In Distress: We owe you our lives. I wish there was some way we could repay you.


Trooper: I'm sure a pretty girl like you could think of some way to reward me. 50 DS points. +22 M1-4X affection.


M1-4X: Very insightful, sir - her inoffensive aesthetics make her an excellent candidate for promotional materials. She could tell her story of Republic heroism firsthand for the masses!


Trooper: I wasn't looking for your input.


M1-4X: My apologies, Lieutenant. But it really is a brilliant idea!





Do some companions actually respond, with irritation, to multiclicking? That was my favorite part of Blizzard games for a long time - harassing Jim Raynor and Arthas and so on with a zillion clicks - but I long ago stopped trying it in BioWare games.



yeah some of them do seem to get annoyed, but it seems to be a random line thing


scorpio: continue to irritate and i will cease to acknowledge your existance

vector: that's not neccisary

kaliyo: don't get all needy on me

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Tharan. Sure, I can see how he can get on the nerves of some people, but I find him actually pretty amusing in an odd-couple-heterosexual-life-partner kind of way. He stole the scene against Captain Valon, definitely.


And I totally trolled him when he wanted my Consular to sign something to get out of his debts. Lost two affection points, but it was so worth it.

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Tharan. Sure, I can see how he can get on the nerves of some people, but I find him actually pretty amusing in an odd-couple-heterosexual-life-partner kind of way. He stole the scene against Captain Valon, definitely.


Have to agree. He is not my favorite from "pure fun" point of view but compared to other JC companions - he is hilarious!

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Do some companions actually respond, with irritation, to multiclicking? That was my favorite part of Blizzard games for a long time - harassing Jim Raynor and Arthas and so on with a zillion clicks - but I long ago stopped trying it in BioWare games.


They do. 4X's is particularly funny. "Don't worry, sir, my armored exterior is completely impervious to your touch, no matter how persistant!"


Back on the subject of Fun Companions, I would also like to nominate Corso. For Male Smugglers he's quite funny, and you actually gain affection with him by hitting on every woman in sight. I found that bit hilarious.


Also, Mako and Gault are both very fun to be around. Especially Gault. Definitely Gault.

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Ah, I missed it when they removed those lines form BG2 (For those of you who never played Baldur's Gate, if you clicked on your companion's portrait enough times, you'd eventually get lines like, "Some day Tiax will point and click." and "If a tree falls in the forest... I'll kill the bastard what done it.") I just wish they had more cool ones like that.


As far as fun companions go, 4X is a giant Metal Captain America with all the awesomeness that implies, Gault's introduction is fantastic, and I really enjoy his snarky comments, Blizz is like a little puppy dog who you just can't bare to see upset, and of course your own character has some truely fantastic lines;



(At what is all but stated to be a brothel while looking for Vette's sister

Hostess: [Hi, are you here looking for work, or here for our services?]

Sith Warrior: I would look fantastic in your outfit. Am I hired?


The Male Sith Warrior's delivery here is just priceless, and you can tell Vette is barely biting back laughter. And of course the Sith Inquisitor and the SMuggler are just gold in that regard


Yadira Ban: My name is Yadira Ban, and I was sent here to protect the general.

Sith Inquisitor: Really? My first master tried to kill me, too.


[After a rather pathetic assassination attempt and a shield malfunction]

Smuggler: Aww, did the manual have too many big words for you?

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Another is Talos. Really, that cute little man with his hilarious "just let me at them!" call saved SI gameplay for me. Was kind of bored and had to force myself to continue leveling.


Talos LOL not only does that crack me up every time he says it, he's fun to troll, too (all those lost affection points for purposefully choosing the worst possible bloodthirsty DS responses when he's with my SI are made up for with warehouses full of cultural artifacts).


My BH just got Gault. As of right now he ranks right up there at the top of my fun-non-LI-companion list because of the snarky attitude :D


The begging for a job almost made me spit tea all over the keyboard, the mirth was so severe


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Talos is probably my favorite non-romance. Vector is pretty great when you're not romancing him (although my male IA would not have said no). 4X is fun. I really liked Tharan, but I have to agree that he has basically no competition from the rest of the JC companions. Aside from 4X I would probably say the trooper ones are the blandest, though.


But we're talking about fun! I am told Guss is super fun (I don't have him on my smuggler yet) but I was pretty pleasantly surprised by how much I like Risha. She and my smuggler totally do each other's hair and gossip about what a colossal dork Corso is, I am sure of it.

Edited by Birna
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  • 3 years later...
Forums are full of crying "let me romance that companion!" (guilty myself). Yet there are companions that make playing fun without romance options.


First one comes to mind is Blizz, of course. But among more "human-like" there are others who I personally would never romance but they really make me want to play that class.

One is Gault, for example. So much fun, such humorous dialogs and remarks - sometimes I re-play dialogs just to see what HE would answer there.

Another is Talos. Really, that cute little man with his hilarious "just let me at them!" call saved SI gameplay for me. Was kind of bored and had to force myself to continue leveling.


My favorite class - JC - is no fun at all in companions department, other classes got some interesting romance options. But among totally un-romansable I can mentiong only those too. Great job on them, BW!



Your point?

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Apart from the funny companions already mentioned, some ****** or just plain cool additions:


SCORPIO- in no sane universe should anyone help SCORPIO or even keep her alive. But damned if I'm not curious what she'll do next. She might be the agent's best asset... if she doesn't murder them first.


Xalek- underdeveloped due to his being added so late but the perfect Sith apprentice. He contrasts the inquisitor well, quiet and growly compared to the potentially neverending snark Kallig can put out.


Khem Val's been growing on me lately as well. Plus you can't beat him at sabaac.:D

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Favourite companions from each class.


Warrior - Vette

Inquisitor - Xalek/ Khem Val, if I had to pick one I guess Khem since he's with you longer

Bounty Hunter - Gault

Agent - None really, I'll slot in HK-51 here I guess


Knight - Lord Scourge

Consular - Qyzen

Trooper - Aric Jorgan

Smuggler - Guss Tuno


Yeah only two of my favourites are romance able so I find it easy to have fun without those plot lines. Oh and I really only play male classes so I guess you can exclude Jorgan

Edited by Newyankalt
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