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Why I want Macros in the game


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It isn't so the game will "play for me" or whatever notions people have for macros. WoW has a good macro system. It is an ease of use thing. Rift has(had? I don't play anymore) a bad macro system. You could place 15 abilities on one macro and just hit that. It made for boring gameplay. My tank had 3 buttons "pull", "single target tank", and "aoe tank". That is what people don't want and I get it. It makes the game boring. I want what was in WoW.


The main reason is easy of use for the player. When I pvp I have 3 things I do in a fresh fight. I use my power stim, explosive fuel(25% crit), and my power relic. None of them are on the GCD so I can use them as fast as I can press the keybinds, but that is three seperate keybinds. Q, ctrl+T, and shift+D. With a macro system, I could make a macro that lets me do all that with one button press.


Is that the game "playing itself"? No. It is making it so I don't have to use 3 keybinds on something that could be done with one.


Not to mention mouseover targeting, or a random mount macro, or a one button for various types of medpacs based on what you have.


These are all ease of use. It is like a car. Sure I can walk everywhere, but I have a car because it is faster and more convenient.

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I honestly don't understand why people who want this stuff even play games. Not saying wanting the game to play itself for you is wrong. To each their own. I say just have one button trigger your whole rotation, easy just like a driving speeds your travel. Why stop at one key press for 3 actions I say. :rolleyes:
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I honestly don't understand why people who want this stuff even play games. Not saying wanting the game to play itself for you is wrong. To each their own. I say just have one button trigger your whole rotation, easy just like a driving speeds your travel. Why stop at one key press for 3 actions I say. :rolleyes:


Did you even read my post?


Apparently you didn't.

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Did you even read my post?


Apparently you didn't.


Nope i read it, saying you don't want the game to play itself doesn't make your request any different. Sorry if I actually read what you said and not what you think you said. ;)

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Did you even read my post?


Apparently you didn't.


He did. What he's saying is, if key-binding those 3 things makes things easier, well then key-binding your whole dps rotation is even better! Then a third for you group/AOE rotation, and a 4th for your heal rotation and so-on. The point is that it's the same argument when taken to an extreme, which is what always happens by a certain segment of the population who like to set up an instant win button, and some of us think it's better to just not head down that road at all.

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The use of macros in pvp really seperates the men from the boys.


Boys= I need a crutch because all these different buttons are to much for me to handle.. I need things made easy for me so give me a crutch to use.


Men= I can smoke you and your weak toon while moving my mouse, clicking/tabing target, pressing one, then two, then three buttons, taking a drink while stun mode wears off and get back to cracking your head and deomonstraiting that it takes skill to multi task . :D


macros are ment for those that are too weak minded and have ZERO SKILL SETS in MMO PVP.

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To me (my personal opnion) macros are retarded. Heaven forbid i have to spend the extra .5-.75 sec to get off a string of 3 abilities. I mean, this game is already so damn easy to play. Why pray tell make it any easier?


Seriously... this game is so easy mode that to make it any easier, by adding macros is beyond stupid. The Op is wanting a system like WoW... well go to WoW. This is not WoW. Some aspects may be similiar or alot of them (depending on your opnion, I don't play WoW so I don't know). With all the bugs, graphic and sound problems still in the game, I rather have them fixed than to have some new system implimented.


The fact of the matter is this.... macros are simply just not needed in this easy game. This is just honest reality. If OP is having a tuff or difficult time progressing or in PvP.... OP needs to re-evaluate his/her play style and or knowledge of the game and his/her class.

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I agree with you OP. Too bad BW and the other posters believe that twitch mechanisms and hitting keys should be the most challenging part of this game and are not willing walk a mile in someones shoes that has dexterity issues with their hands due to injuries.
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The use of macros in pvp really seperates the men from the boys.


Boys= I need a crutch because all these different buttons are to much for me to handle.. I need things made easy for me so give me a crutch to use.


Men= I can smoke you and your weak toon while moving my mouse, clicking/tabing target, pressing one, then two, then three buttons, taking a drink while stun mode wears off and get back to cracking your head and deomonstraiting that it takes skill to multi task . :D


macros are ment for those that are too weak minded and have ZERO SKILL SETS in MMO PVP.


So boys drive cars and men walk to work?


He did. What he's saying is, if key-binding those 3 things makes things easier, well then key-binding your whole dps rotation is even better! Then a third for you group/AOE rotation, and a 4th for your heal rotation and so-on. The point is that it's the same argument when taken to an extreme, which is what always happens by a certain segment of the population who like to set up an instant win button, and some of us think it's better to just not head down that road at all.


Apparently he didn't read all of it because I said there are good system and bad systems. WoW had a good system. It was limited. Rift had a bad system. You could do anything with it.


It will be limited on how Bioware would implement it. A Rift like macro system would be bad. That literally is the game playing itself. A few buttons. It is boring.


WoW had a system where I could use a trinket and DPS cooldown not on the GCD with one button press.


There is a difference. A difference that the anti-macro crowd fails to see time and time again.

Edited by Cataphractone
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I agree with you OP. Too bad BW and the other posters believe that twitch mechanisms and hitting keys should be the most challenging part of this game and are not willing walk a mile in someones shoes that has dexterity issues with their hands due to injuries.


I totally disagree. Just because someone is handicaped and has a problem with digital dexterity, dosen't mean the mechanics of the whole game should be changed to accomidate a tiny amount of people. This type of PC thinking is abserd. We don't change the olympic games just because a handicapped or less talented person can't hack it.


Imagine if we decided that people with lower extremity issues were allowed to participate in the oympics, we would have to hamstring all those that did not have these problems. Making field and track a bit pointless. Same idea here.

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I have to agree with some to say, bad suggestion. The game should be played as it was meant to be played. WOW was made with them, that's good and fine. SWTOR was made without, that's good and fine too.


Personally I see the lack of macro's gives you a judge of your skill, not your programming savvy. It also aids to keep the many people who play these games who don't understand computer logic on a level playing field.


For WOW and RIFT, I am a heavy macro user. For DCUO and SWTOR, it's not an option and I dont miss it.


I look at it like playing a console game, it was made this way, therefore these are the conditions in which I have to play. Enjoy it for what it is.

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I have to agree with some to say, bad suggestion. The game should be played as it was meant to be played. WOW was made with them, that's good and fine. SWTOR was made without, that's good and fine too.


Personally I see the lack of macro's gives you a judge of your skill, not your programming savvy. It also aids to keep the many people who play these games who don't understand computer logic on a level playing field.


For WOW and RIFT, I am a heavy macro user. For DCUO and SWTOR, it's not an option and I dont miss it.


I look at it like playing a console game, it was made this way, therefore these are the conditions in which I have to play. Enjoy it for what it is.


Even console games can be patched with improvements.


Software is not stagnant. Just because it doesn't have a feature today does not mean it should never have it. The game didn't have the legacy system before 1.2. The game was fine without it, why would they add it? Because it is an improvement. It is a feature that makes the game better. That is what a GOOD macro system is.


And if you don't know how to make macros, ask someone, use google, do something. Don't hold back everyone else because you are too lazy to look up how to use them. Anytime someone in wow would ask about macros and I was online, I would ALWAYS help them. I would take 15 or 20 minutes building what they are asking me about and I would tell them how to make it.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've never used macros in a game before I have only watched and asked my friend who is an avid WoW player.


He uses two main macros that I've asked him about when he raids.


1. Basically counts down for you when the boss is doing one of his attacks and tells you to move.

2. Is a healing macro that helps him prioritize who needs healing.


That's a freakin' joke if you ask me. It's not even playing the game, just waiting for a voice to tell you not to stand in the fire. Takes away the fun in listening to the bosses for queues and whatnot. My opinion.



OP your thought on three buttons into one for your relics/adrenals seems unnecessary, but I would welcome something like that. Anything more (like those mentioned above) I would be against.


Just my 2 cents...We will see what the future holds!

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've never used macros in a game before I have only watched and asked my friend who is an avid WoW player.


He uses two main macros that I've asked him about when he raids.


1. Basically counts down for you when the boss is doing one of his attacks and tells you to move.

2. Is a healing macro that helps him prioritize who needs healing.


That's a freakin' joke if you ask me. It's not even playing the game, just waiting for a voice to tell you not to stand in the fire. Takes away the fun in listening to the bosses for queues and whatnot. My opinion.



OP your thought on three buttons into one for your relics/adrenals seems unnecessary, but I would welcome something like that. Anything more (like those mentioned above) I would be against.


Just my 2 cents...We will see what the future holds!


1. Isn't a macro. It is an addon.

2. Isn't a macro. It is an addon.


People have so many misconceptions about Macros it clouds what they really see and what they want to see.


Here is a macro using a SWToR skill if it was like the wow system.


/cast [target=mouseover] [] Medical Probe


What that does is instead of having to click on someone raid or party frame, you simply have to hover your mouse over it to heal them. It takes one step out of the equation and makes things faster. Is that the game playing itself?


Here is another like the one I want for my relic, stim, and ability.


/cast Explosive Fuel

/use Power Relic

/use Power adrenal


This would simply use all 3 at the same time. None of them are on the GCD so rather than having to press 3 buttons I have to press 1 button.


Or you could make one that could be used for self healing without losing your target:


/cast [target=mouseover] [] medical probe

/cast [modifier:ctrl] [target=self] Medical probe


This would cast medical probe on mouse over targetting, or if you are holding control it would cast it on yourself without needed to change targets.


You could make one to always cast a buff one someone that you play with:


/cast [target=bob] Guard




/cast [target=jim] guardian leap


Macros make things faster. They aren't a crutch. They don't make people that play with them bad. They don't make people that don't use them good. They are just there to make things easier. Let you do more with less. None of those examples are the game playing itself.

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AHH! Thank you for clearing that up. In that case, I don't support "add-ons"! :D


I think you are 100% right when saying people misunderstand macros (me being one).


It would definitely make for faster paced gameplay.


Here's a weapon 04 before I leave :p:wea_04:

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I want macros to a very fine point.


First being mouseover macros.

Second being UI, Clique or healbot type macros.


Both could be done though UI additions. Second one mostly as it's already been done for examples.


Next step is the very limited setting of focus/ToT options. Worst part of it for me is that I don't want my focus target changed to my old target. Which is why I can't get use to it. Again though this could be done better in their UI.


It's all a matter of how they execute it. Letting us use macros is a fix, and probably the easier one. But can have backlash effects in the end with balance. Working these changes into their UI(which I assume is their plan) is the best option overall. Problem being their UI setup is still very limited. I want my avatar pic gone, I want to make the HP bars a little bigger and remove the boarder(blue crap) and I want to move the buffs/debuffs. Honestly they should just go look at how Bartender and Dominoes of WoW does it. And most of all get rid of those damn boarders in the Editor. I want stuff to line up, but I can't do that if there is this big green bubble around what I'm moving.

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Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've never used macros in a game before I have only watched and asked my friend who is an avid WoW player.


He uses two main macros that I've asked him about when he raids.


1. Basically counts down for you when the boss is doing one of his attacks and tells you to move.

2. Is a healing macro that helps him prioritize who needs healing.


That's a freakin' joke if you ask me. It's not even playing the game, just waiting for a voice to tell you not to stand in the fire. Takes away the fun in listening to the bosses for queues and whatnot. My opinion.


OP your thought on three buttons into one for your relics/adrenals seems unnecessary, but I would welcome something like that. Anything more (like those mentioned above) I would be against.


Just my 2 cents...We will see what the future holds!


1) Addon, Big difference. This game will never have that. And was more of a crutch than anything. Should never be needed if they design the fights right.

2) That WAS an addon with a macro key to make it work. That hasn't been in the game for years.

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I still do not get it. Why make a game that is already so simple and easy to play and win, easier? Why play it at all?


Again the OP complains that it takes too long to press 3 buttons as opposed to 1... a whopping 0.5-0.75 sec difference. Me, i use mouse clicks personally. No button should have more than 1 skill/action attached to it. I am wiling to bet the OP is a diehard PvP player that wants an edge over other players.


With as many bugs and glitches in this game, i can't imagine 20-30 people in a WZ all mashing 1 button to have 3 or more skills fire off at the same time. Talk about animation lag/confusion. that is in essence 60-90 animations trying to go off all at once. Can you say crash to desktop? Having an "EASY BUTTON" for several skills at once is a bit pathetic. It proves that you really can't play the game.

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I still do not get it. Why make a game that is already so simple and easy to play and win, easier? Why play it at all?


Again the OP complains that it takes too long to press 3 buttons as opposed to 1... a whopping 0.5-0.75 sec difference. Me, i use mouse clicks personally. No button should have more than 1 skill/action attached to it. I am wiling to bet the OP is a diehard PvP player that wants an edge over other players.


With as many bugs and glitches in this game, i can't imagine 20-30 people in a WZ all mashing 1 button to have 3 or more skills fire off at the same time. Talk about animation lag/confusion. that is in essence 60-90 animations trying to go off all at once. Can you say crash to desktop? Having an "EASY BUTTON" for several skills at once is a bit pathetic. It proves that you really can't play the game.


I'm not saying it takes to long, I am saying it is needless. They only gave us 4 hotbars. I don't want my hotbars full of stuff that could be tied to one button with a good macro system.

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I believe the developers answered this during the guild summit saying that macros are basically "cheating" and that they would "NEVER" allow them in the game. Point in case you want to use them in pvp to make your life easier so you can get an edge on other players. Describe it any which way you want, it is what it is: you want to use it to compete against other players better. And sure you might not personally abuse a macros system, but there are plenty of people who would. The game is an equal playing field with regard to controls so changing this dynamic would unbalance the game. There are plenty of people who are playing swtor right now that get along just fine without them.


Sorry but I tend to agree with the developers, macros and addons offer an unfair advantages (just take a look at games like WoW for example). People abuse macros and addons to get into the top bracket of the game with very little skill. How is this true competition? These kinds of tools should never be allowed in a game that offers player vs player. Cheaters do tend to win.

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