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Whats the best Anni PvP going atm?


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If you do a little digging, you'll see 100 different people telling you that without a doubt XXX is the best spec to use in PVP and anyone who says differently is a n00b moron who needs l2p.


The truth is, there are a few variations of what is the 'best', as far as I can tell. However, most people will agree that this is the best starting point:




That will leave 5 points for you to play with as you see fit. The debate begins when people talk about which talents are more useful out of Ravager, Malice, Narrowed Hatred, Defensive Roll, and Phantom.



Pros: Ravage has been buffed and is now one of our hardest-hitting abilities. Lowering the cooldown and increasing the damage makes it that much more powerful

Cons: While it can't be "interrupted," it is still easy to move away from it. It's still channeled, and you still cannot move while performing it.



Pros: +6% crit chance is nothing to sneeze at. This does include all DOTs

Cons: Annihilation Marauders should have Berserk up the majority of the time, so you're not getting that much bang for your buck.


Narrowed Hatred

Pros: Everyone hates to miss. By spending the points here, you are able to re-mod your gear with more power/surge.

Cons: Most people will be at or very near the hit cap without needing to waste 3 points


Defensive Roll

Pros: It's frigging THIRTY PERCENT reduction to all AE damage.

Cons: Let healers worry about keeping you alive, you are there to do as much damage as possible, and your points should be used to do just that.



Pros: It's a great way to get away from a fight. The speed boost can be handy.

Cons: It's spending points to run away from fighting. Darth Vader would not approve.


I'm sure someone will chime in with more useful information shortly, but in the end, you need to decide what will benefit YOU the most.

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From what I've read here, My two cents is that "Phantom" has saved me multiple times and actually can be a game changer when it comes to facing an opponent that blew all they got and you are able to escape for a long enough time and then come back at them. Another instance it helps me is that on nodes I am able to defend a little bit longer while I interrupt a cap on Civil war, go invisible and pop back in to play with the person or just destroy them. Depends on what you want to play like as well.
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If you do a little digging, you'll see 100 different people telling you that without a doubt XXX is the best spec to use in PVP and anyone who says differently is a n00b moron who needs l2p.


The truth is, there are a few variations of what is the 'best', as far as I can tell. However, most people will agree that this is the best starting point:




That will leave 5 points for you to play with as you see fit. The debate begins when people talk about which talents are more useful out of Ravager, Malice, Narrowed Hatred, Defensive Roll, and Phantom.



Pros: Ravage has been buffed and is now one of our hardest-hitting abilities. Lowering the cooldown and increasing the damage makes it that much more powerful

Cons: While it can't be "interrupted," it is still easy to move away from it. It's still channeled, and you still cannot move while performing it.



Pros: +6% crit chance is nothing to sneeze at. This does include all DOTs

Cons: Annihilation Marauders should have Berserk up the majority of the time, so you're not getting that much bang for your buck.


Narrowed Hatred

Pros: Everyone hates to miss. By spending the points here, you are able to re-mod your gear with more power/surge.

Cons: Most people will be at or very near the hit cap without needing to waste 3 points


Defensive Roll

Pros: It's frigging THIRTY PERCENT reduction to all AE damage.

Cons: Let healers worry about keeping you alive, you are there to do as much damage as possible, and your points should be used to do just that.



Pros: It's a great way to get away from a fight. The speed boost can be handy.

Cons: It's spending points to run away from fighting. Darth Vader would not approve.


I'm sure someone will chime in with more useful information shortly, but in the end, you need to decide what will benefit YOU the most.


Just wanted to compliment you on the great info... Good analysis of the pros and cons, an recognition that there are many ways to 'skin a cat'.

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