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It is possible to transfer character.


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It is possible to transfer character in wow. They did this 5 years ago and they have this tech. But why dont bioware do this at this time? we call this " marketing ". Because they feed us like a cat or dog. They put a fish in front of us and they are waiting to finish our meal (1.2 patch). At this moment, they have a lot of fish but they are giving us only one of them. After eating this fish (1.2 patch), they will give another fish (1.3 patch) and it will continue like that. They have all solutions and money to solve this problems BUT they dont want to solve them instantly because customers are fickle. They know that customers are consuming the new things very fastly, because of that they dont want to put all fishes in front of us.


So what is the solution for this problem? There is only one solution that all ppl in light servers have to stop playing. we have to protest them. Because it is our right! we are paying money. For what? think about it and try to see big picture and compare with wow.

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Bioware are currently using a manual process to transfer Asia / Aussie / etc characters to the new servers.


They have said that while doing this they are refining the process so they will be able to offer an automated character transfer option in the future.

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what kind of a future? 1-2 month? or 1-2 year? Future word is a big lie. They see us like aggresive dogs, and they want to control us. Thats it.


How about you make your own MMO with not only every feature currently known but every feature anyone could possibly say "this should have been in at launch" to?


Or you could be realitic and accept that it takes time to develop a system that will transfer your characters, their inventories, their titles, their achievements, their storages, their talent trees, etc?

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I am an architect. When you design something, you should look to the examples that made before. You know why?. Because, if there is a problem or a good thing in previous example, you can see it and you start to design your building with these parameters. But i dont believe that bioware didnt look wow. This is the q. If they didnt look. They are big amateurs.
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I am an architect. When you design something, you should look to the examples that made before. You know why?. Because, if there is a problem or a good thing in previous example, you can see it and you start to design your building with these parameters. But i dont believe that bioware didnt look wow. This is the q. If they didnt look. They are big amateurs.


And in your world no buildings are ever modified after the architect finishes his blueprints, right?


No changes, no repairs, just built and left.


Adding a garage or converting a loft just doesn't happen!

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I am an architect. When you design something, you should look to the examples that made before. You know why?. Because, if there is a problem or a good thing in previous example, you can see it and you start to design your building with these parameters. But i dont believe that bioware didnt look wow. This is the q. If they didnt look. They are big amateurs.


Let's keep the criticism constructive please.

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One of the downsides to releasing a game before its ready.. they had to spend the next 4 months polishing the game.. now that 1.2 is out and the game is feeling a little more "refined" i expect to see more non-gameplay related improvements.

The community has simmered down a bit in regards to content and gameplay, so hopefully bioware focuses on group finders and server transfers/merges

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You are right but it is not like converting loft or putting a garage. It is like forgetting put toilet or bedroom.


No, not including a way to target enemies would be like forgetting a toilet.


Not including a very rarely used feature is completely different.

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ATM,do we need legacy system or character trasnfer?


Moot point, we have one and the other is being worked on.


They are not ignoring it, they are actively working on it, as shown by the fact that they are using a prototype system to move oceanic players to their new servers.




You can't complain about the game being rushed out without a feature then demand a feature is rushed too...


Well you can, but you look foolish doing so. :)

Edited by Jestunhi
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If someone feels like they're on an underpopulated server, they're going to want to transfer, more people will see their server getting even more underpopulated, more QQ on forums, more transfers, and we get a second Fatman (the server) and a bunch of near-empty servers because everyone transferred out.


Anyone else see this coming?

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we will see.





Hey everyone on the other side of the world! The character transfer process has started for those of you who were eligible for inclusion. I wanted to give you a heads-up on what to expect during this process and a few more details.


As previously mentioned, this is the first version of our character transfer process, and it is mostly conducted manually. This means that the process will take a little while. We're proceeding carefully, monitoring the process as we transfer batches of characters. We're transferring people based on when they initially signed up for character transfer (after the page went live on April 17th), which means if you filled out the form early, the chances are you'll get transferred a little earlier, too. Please don't ask for an estimation on when you'll be transferred; as we stated at the beginning of the process, it'll take up to a week for all transfers to complete (but we're hoping less than that).


The transfer process has to occur when the servers are online, and we're doing it during office hours here in Austin. That translates to very late at night/early mornings for Australia and New Zealand (apologies to other timezones, they're the two I know sort-of-off-hand!). Here's what happens from your perspective as a player:


- If you are in-game when the transfer process starts for your character(s) then you will be disconnected from the server. You will receive an error message that's tagged as 'Error Code 6'. If this happens, it's time to take a break from the game for a while!


- If you are not in-game, you may attempt to login and find you are unable to.


- In either case, you will not be able to login to the characters you are transferring while the transfer is taking place, or create new characters on that origin server. You can create or play characters on other servers if you wish.


- The transfer process can take up to three hours, but should generally take less.


- After your transfer is complete, you will log back into the game and should find that your transferred characters are no longer listed on your character select screen. That's a good sign! You should then back out of character select and go back to server selection.


- At the bottom of the server selection screen, click the Asia Pacific tab. Select the server or servers you elected to transfer characters to; you should find them waiting for you.


- As described in my previous post, you may need to rename your characters. Please refer to that post for (hopefully) all the info you need.


- If you are still unable to login and find your transferred characters over three hours after the process intiated as described above, please contact Customer Service for assistance.


That's it! If you still have questions, please feel free to post them in this thread. I'd also ask you to review the existing FAQ as well as my previous post about renaming characters.

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