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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So what IS wrong with Swtor?


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There is no feeling of community in SWTOR. They made it too much a WoW clone and many people are bored with that, so SWTOR is going to bore them even quicker. But in the end, there is no community for the players to rally around. The players don't affect anything in game, and they don't depend on other players by mechanic. Everything a player does is disposable, and you can't add distinct flavor to any server.
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Ok watched a bit of the video. All I will say is this. The game wasnt designed for pvp. You have the option as you show in the video to go find someone. Not many people explored in this game even though the games actually designed for exploration. PVP is more based on people not the game design. Warhammer online suffered because everyone that "wanted world pvp" would show up to a keep and turn around if there was as little as 1 person defending the keep. Ganking doesnt promote good game play or pvp. It creates negative aspects of world pvp. It usually starts with 1 high level fighting a bunch of lower levels and then turns into a bunch of higher levels camping that one person.


In a perfect world, world pvp would be balanced fun and fair.


You also suggest you should be rewarded for it. No. You shouldnt. The reward should be fun. Proof that people dont want world pvp for rewards is Ilum. Exploits galore. Why? because it was designed that you got rewarded for killing someone without any downsides. If people didnt exploit it, perhaps it would be rewarded with more then just fun. But world pvp isn't about fighting against other players in a fair and balanced manner. Its about killing people with some sort of advantage. Feel free to go view world pvp on other games. Go log into wow, go to tharassian server about 6pm australian eastern standard time and have a look at the world pvp if you can find it. Will probably be a bunch of level 85 horde in the level 60 alliance town killing npcs and lower levels. That horde server used to be fun and balanced with factions the world pvp used to be fun when the level cap wasnt a huge advantage. But then along came level 80 and inflated stats and what happened was that the alliance pop got smaller used to be 3:! then became 6:1 and last I played was 9:1. The "world pvp" was higher levels camping lower level zones. Horde running around ironforge killing guards thinking they are heros... Like good work your in ironforge on an empty server for alliance. Would they do it on a populated server? no. I levelled alliance on that overwhelming faction imbalance and you know what happened. I would gank someone my level or 5 levels higher and they would relog to their 85 and come find me. Good. I expected that. Not one person my level would actually fight back. One actually attacked me, 3 levels higher, and he got owned. I killed him. Next thing I know a level 85 is attacking me...why? Because world pvp isnt about pvp its about I'm bigger then you....your basic bully tactic.


MMo's used to be about people making their own fun, from getting 5 friends and ruining someones keep assault in warhammer to riding on opposing factions boats in wow. People are bored here because they want things given to them, not earned. You can have your world pvp, If you go looking. Your video view is "maps are poor designed" and all I hear is "Opposing faction should be in my way". Go look at AION's world pvp. There maps dont meet At all. There was 3 zones when it opened. One world for each faction and then your end game zone where both factions would just fly about and pvp,. it was basic one warzone 24/7. The 2 worlds would have path ways and you would have to actually port to the opposing peoples places and go find them. You can go to the opponents maps in sw:tor. Problem is you got all your lazy mmo players that quit wow because they couldnt be bothered making an effort sitting in their town waiting to get attacked so they get the guards to help them.


tl:dr: of course you didn't thats the problem people are lazy.

Edited by Carbonated
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There is no feeling of community in SWTOR. They made it too much a WoW clone and many people are bored with that, so SWTOR is going to bore them even quicker. But in the end, there is no community for the players to rally around. The players don't affect anything in game, and they don't depend on other players by mechanic. Everything a player does is disposable, and you can't add distinct flavor to any server.


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