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dps tricks


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Just a thought:


I feel like, at least in PVP which is all I do, when opening on a player from a fresh start it's really important that you get your initial start up rotation correctly, otherwise you're going to suffer with heat later on. I don't have the math to back it up, nor am I willing to really go into it right now :p, but you can even just feel it when you don't open right if you have been.


My experience is the best way to open to maximize your rail shots and heat is:


Thermal override > Incindiary missle, Railshot, Flameburst, Railshot(If PPA), Rocket Punch


As opposed to opening with something like a flameburst. If you open with a flame burst for the dot there's a chance you'll get a PPA proc while railshot isn't on CD and then your heat management gets all kinds of borked up and it just snowballs on you because of the way heat works. This seems like a no brainer but it's really easy to get into the habit of opening with flame burst in the heat of the moment, and this is really, really important.


My other small tip for heat management:


When you vent heat, not only does it lower your heat quite a bit but it resets your regen up to 5 arrows again. So if you give yourself a few seconds after venting heat it'll be much more effective for management. I try to use something channeled after I vent heat so I'm still doing effective DPS but I give my heat some more time to recover. Something like unload is a good option here if it's off CD.

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Only problem with that opener is you get no heat regen during that first gcd, as you spent 0 and are remaining at 0. Might be better off to open with TD, to get your regen going, and you'd be almost back to 0 by the time u hit first railshot, making it effectively cost 4 heat for that TD. Also, it's long range assuming you're closing on the opener, and would go off right about the same time as your first railshot.


My pyro experience is rather limited though, so take that with a grain of thought.

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Only problem with that opener is you get no heat regen during that first gcd, as you spent 0 and are remaining at 0. Might be better off to open with TD, to get your regen going, and you'd be almost back to 0 by the time u hit first railshot, making it effectively cost 4 heat for that TD. Also, it's long range assuming you're closing on the opener, and would go off right about the same time as your first railshot.


My pyro experience is rather limited though, so take that with a grain of thought.


That's a good point. If it's long range I usually like to try get a sticky dart (or TD) in there after the first railshot, because it'll usually detonate with my 2nd railshot or rocket punch.


I only put Thermal override next to IM because that's the highest heat move, you'd want to use your discression for heat management especially for regen like you mentioned, but I try to save TO for IM because of it's really high heat cost.

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Ugggh had a reply typed up and it deleted.


Basic premise though was that you want to get your regen working, as if you sit at 0, you are regenning less heat than you would be while overheated.


Again, caveat that i havent played the spec since before 1.2.

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And actually, think about it this way:


On your opener, use TSO on your first railshot, rather than your first IM. In the gcd after IM, you regen 12 heat, which is greater than the difference in heat cost between the abilities. Doing this would save you 3 heat overall in your opener, basically putting you back at zero instead of 4 after IM->RS.

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Just did two tests with different use of TSO, kept things same amount of GCDs and ensured a PPA Proc to get best case scenario


TSO > IM > TD > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch = [color="Orange"]18 Heat before next GCD[/color]

TSO > IM > TD > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch >PPA Rail Shot =[color="Orange"] 0 Heat before next Ability Available[/color].


IM > TSO > Rail Shot > TD > Rocket Punch  = [color="Orange"]18 Heat before next GCD[/color]

IM > TSO > Rail Shot > TD > Rocket Punch >PPA  Rail Shot =[color="Orange"] 0 Heat before next Ability Available[/color]. 


So yeah......doesn't make a difference either way at the start.

Edited by exphryl
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