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SWTOR best balanced PVP MMO


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lol no. im a merc dps, which is supposedly garbage in pvp according to these forums.


I kill BH's first cause Im too dumb to figure what type of BH you are and your all dangerous as hell.


Mara's have to be in range of my healers to be dangerous.



Edited by VoidJustice
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I play both a Sith soc and a jedi sent, I like both and find both balanced after the patch.


The Soc shouldn't of been nerfed as the same tards whining about mards and sents are the reason they got nerfed.


But just as soc's didn't need to be nerfed, mards and sents don't need to be now.

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My girl and I play Guardian, Sage, Gunslinger, and Sentinel (we played Jug and Sniper as well....gave them up because of no mail between Empire and Republic)....I agree with the Pre-1.2 Tri Healer....ON Both Sides. Empire is Waaaay more Organized on most servers (played on 4 different RP). Even as a Healer Pair with almost anyone keeping us fairly safe was virtually an Automatic Win....On Both Sides. The key for Sages and Scoundrels is to PAIR up and STAY with it! Most people are idiots and go try to Save the Galaxy. If your Pairing dies....disengage and meet up with him/her....then back into it. If someone follows....so? You survive for help or you both meet up at the Respawn. Done.


We play with a Logitech G13 Programmable Pad.....most awesome thing ever. LOL!!!


So my girl and I set up a few duels between our characters. We both do fine at PvP but mostly depends if the team is working well or not. Each match is 5 total....and we reversed...I played her computer and she played mine. No boring details just the results. We did this at 22 then at 28 then again at 32....no companions. We also tend to lean for the 'Middle Spec' on Characters....ie Vigilance for both PvE and PvP flexibilty but also pick up skills from the other 2 trees as well...example....adding Will or Cunning % or other 'Helper' early skills


Guardian vs, Sentinel - Guardian 4 Sentinel 1 ... 3 Matches were Very Close.

Sentinel vs. Guardian - Guardian 3 Sentinel 2 ... Again...very close

Guardian vs. Sage - Guardian 5 Sage 0 ... We were both surprised here. Looooong Battle though

Sage vs, Guardian - Guardian 5 Sage 0

Sentinel vs. Sage - Sentinel 5 Sage 0 ... At this point we were not surprised. Much shorter Battles

Sage vs. Sentinel - Sentinel 5 Sage 0 ... figures

Gunslinger vs. Guardian - Guardian 3 Gunslinger 2 ... Gunslinger's Kite and Disables were really tough to deal with.

Guardian vs. Gunslinger - Gunslinger 4 Guardian 1 ... Proves I am a better Gunslinger than her. :D

Gunslinger vs. Sage - Gunslinger 5 Sage 0

Sage vs. Gunslinger - Gunslinger 4 Sage 1 !!! :D


Our next Characters to run the Story is two Troopers. Sorry...no results for Troops.


What was really interesting is the our Sages are Very tough when paired up together and either Companions out front or with a Tank or DPS guarding us in PvP. We don't change our specs for PvP....they are what they are. So what....we are not THE best but we are both top 5 in a WZ usually. Even when we are getting smacked around by the Empire. lol!!! I play Gunslinger unlike most others....I am in and out of cover A LOT. I throw....shoot...cover....run....shoot. ALWAYS targetting Someone's Target!! Burn them down! My girl stays in cover. Her style. She gets beaten up a lot but still does great damage. We both play Guardians and Sentinels really well.


So....is it the PvPers just blabbing or the G13 hitting sequences Exactly the Same when we Press G21? We both think that is a HUGE advantage to NOT have to Play Piano or Click all over. Allows us NOT to look where we Click but keep our Eyes on the Display.....we See Everything Happening and can React Appropriately.


This game is a TON of fun. Even ReRolling the same characters for a better server.....THAT SUCKS!!...different topic.....this game is very satisfying. PvP has changed a lot but it is HOW you play the game. When we hit Level 50 maybe we will see some of the thing many PvP Pros (WoW Kiddies/Punks) are complaining about. However, these same complainers say the same about Every Class. If their Favorite Class is not OP then there is a PROBLEM. Someone stated Korriban has had a HUGE influx in Dual Wielders in the past 3 weeks. Those are the Punks that want Easy Comms....gain that Advantage....the New Secret Spec Combo to Own in PvP. TTK is low Right Now so Go Dual Wield and Burn them down FAST with DPS. How many times since December have we heard this same thing over and over? (We both took a month break to wait for 1.2....I found her playing after work and I was hooked again)


Right now things are Very Good....PvE and PvP. 10-49 anyhow. 50+? No idea. We have never been there. We will. I guess we will find out. :D The 50's that come into the WZ are not THAT much better than everyone else. Sure....they are better....it is noticable. But Post 1.2 is a blast and a level 20 can take out that 50 with some help....which is WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ANYHOW. :D


I rarely post and my girl does not even like to come to the forums because of all the poor sports and bashers. This PvP Forum is the worst of them all.....but.....there is some Very Good information in here. PvP Players are the biggests whiners in any Game Platform.


SWTOR is Fine the Way it is Now for 10-49. No more tweaking for a long time. The CD's are making us Edit our G13 too much. :p

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