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Power/Crit and Power/Surge enhancements list for Marauders

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Hello this is Masterkiller from MMO-Mechanics, we have put together a list of enhancements starting at item rating 56 and up. We are in the process of putting together a list for all combinations but wanted to get this out to the marauders first for some feedback.


Below is a list of enhancements for power/surge and power/crit combos. The purpose is to allow you to min/max your gear by finding where to get the most optimized enhancement for your build.


List of Power/Surge enhancements

List of Power/Crit enhancements (only 1)


Hopefully you will find this useful. Please let me know if we can improve on the information provided (we'll make it prettier once we have all the data gathered).

Edited by cosmasterkiller
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Power/Surge and Crit/Surge enhancements, with Expertise, do not exist within current Imperial-side Battlemaster gear. It only exists in the Republic Trooper BM blaster cannon.


Unfortunately, the only way to obtain these enhancements is from War Hero gear (for PVP purposes obviously).

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