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Iron Fist in 1.2


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I switched over from Merc and glad I did -- prefer guard to heal. The Iron Fist spec looked like the balance I was looking for pre: 1.1.5. I'm still headed that direction but working up the AP portion first. I haven't seen any discussion on the spec in 1.2?
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Because with 1.2 it's basically dead. Full ST if you wanna guard is the way to go now. Otherwise there are several damage specs and a few hybrid ones.


I'm considering going full ST now...but how exactly did 1.2 "kill" Ironfist? Pretty sure it's Carolina Parakeet that you're thinking of.

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I'm considering going full ST now...but how exactly did 1.2 "kill" Ironfist? Pretty sure it's Carolina Parakeet that you're thinking of.


No GCD Heatblast is pretty amazing in terms of some quick "burst" for a Shield Tech. Granted the spec isn't about damage but you aren't entirely useless either.


Not to mention much better heat management with that ability so you'll have more staying power.

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No GCD Heatblast is pretty amazing in terms of some quick "burst" for a Shield Tech. Granted the spec isn't about damage but you aren't entirely useless either.


Not to mention much better heat management with that ability so you'll have more staying power.


Right, I get all that. Hence why I'm considering going full shields. 1.2 certainly made Full ST more attractive, but it didn't kill Ironfist. Ironfist still has the added utility of quicker interrupts as well as a definite dot (for when RP is on CD) to open up Railshot.


Carolina Parakeet on the other hand is flat out dead. Can't use PPA w/o CGC = dead parakeet.

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I'm considering going full ST now...but how exactly did 1.2 "kill" Ironfist? Pretty sure it's Carolina Parakeet that you're thinking of.


Perhaps "kill" is too strong a word. With the change to HB and no real synergy to make RB any good, you are basically giving up too much just to get 2 sec less CD on Quell. Add to that the heat screen mechanic, and there's really no reason, assuming you want to Guard, to play anything but 31 point ST. I'm not suggesting you can,t remain in your Dps gear, but my experience is that the deep ST points give more of a boost than Hitman and/or RB.

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