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Let's talk about Blizzard's Desperation for a Minute...


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first of all trials dont inflate subscription numbers, if people buy the game after the trial they are subscribers and will be added. Second you must be sniffing something funny if you think a company is going to spend that type of cash on something and then not advertise it, give out trials and flood the market with demos to try it and get more people into it.

I never mentioned subscription numbers, I was talking about population numbers. This is EA we're talking about, one of the most shady companies in the industry. You seriously think that they wouldn't spend money in order to make it seem like the game is popular?




SWTOR is in no trouble at all, and what you have just stated has been stated since the beta weekends and as of yet has not materialised, a lot of miss beleivers will start to see this in the next few weeks or months.
You are deluded, simple as that.
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I never mentioned subscription numbers, I was talking about population numbers. This is EA we're talking about, one of the most shady companies in the industry. You seriously think that they wouldn't spend money in order to make it seem like the game is popular?




You are deluded, simple as that.


Subs and popluation are linked, the people on the weekend may make the starter planets and possibly the capital planet more busy but not much else. the over all people playing spread across the whole servers wont go up that much.


And the only one deluded is yourself, aparently your on a game that you state will fail and are still playing, but i half suspect you to now say that you cancled your subs and dont play but tada here you are on the forums of a game you dont like, dont want and have no interest in. Thats what i would call deluded.

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You must be a friend or family, never played an MMO before or maybe even work for EAoware cause not too many others I see in game agree with you. \


You can live in this forums defending and deleting all you want, people eventually see the light.


Right let me get this correct, your on a game you dont like, see is failing and let me guess you cancled your subs ? no wait looky here.

Edited by Meluna
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I think that the Catalysm was simply a really bad expansion - Blizzard really dropped the ball on it. They put loads of resource around revamping the 1-60 'old world' levelling - which was great - but then seemed to run out of resource when making the high levels of the expansion i.e. 80-85. Personally, I had what was nearly the dullest experience in the game (and I levelled a protection paladin to 60 in the original vanilla game so I think that I know about dull).
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I laugh at the wow banner advertisements that seem to be on nearly every mmo-information website- especially SWTOR info websites.


Blizzard ruined their own game, and the kiddies they catered to drove millions of players away from the game.


Yes now we find a TON of those kids on SWTOR loving all their AWESOME blackcore sabers LOL.


Not sure if you are right there.

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Subs and popluation are linked, the people on the weekend may make the starter planets and possibly the capital planet more busy but not much else. the over all people playing spread across the whole servers wont go up that much.

The numbers of players participating in the trial weekends offsets the number of players leaving the game. This allows EA to show to their shareholders that swtor's population isn't declining. Do you really think EA gave out a ridiculous amount of trial weekends from the goodness in their heart?


And the only one deluded is yourself, aparently your on a game that you state will fail and are still playing, but i half suspect you to now say that you cancled your subs and dont play but tada here you are on the forums of a game you dont like, dont want and have no interest in. Thats what i would call deluded.

Do you even understand the meaning of deluded? I'm not imposing any untruths on you; I'm simply stating the facts. If you don't want to believe me then go right ahead, but by ignoring the truth and trusting in good ol' EA you ARE deluding yourself.

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The numbers of players participating in the trial weekends offsets the number of players leaving the game. This allows EA to show to their shareholders that swtor's population isn't declining. Do you really think EA gave out a ridiculous amount of trial weekends from the goodness in their heart?



Do you even understand the meaning of deluded? I'm not imposing any untruths on you; I'm simply stating the facts. If you don't want to believe me then go right ahead, but by ignoring the truth and trusting in good ol' EA you ARE deluding yourself.


lol the number of trials do not offset the people leaving, the people subscriping can offset the people leaving. Also your not stating facts, your stating your opinion, trying to state your opinion as solid facts is deluding yourself.

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Blizzard / WOW is in big decline at the moment. They say they have 11 million subs but there are things they are not telling the public... Only a fraction of those are in the US and EU and the ones in Asia pay peanuts for their subscriptions (which are done on a pay-as-you-play basis and are ALL counted as active even when no one is actually playing them, because technically they all have unlimited creditt).


A friend of mine (along with a few 100 other people) got made redundant from the Blizzard offices in Ireland earlier this year. Things are not going well for them atm.

Edited by NasherUK
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Pretty much nailed it, least from my perspective.

Plenty of new titles flooding the market; half of which are trying new business models that make it easier for players to try before they commit. Or (the f2p model) only make the user pay for what they feel they should pay for. (mini-shops)


Personally, I've gotten a flurry of emails from several games over the last month with tons of offers. Free this, boosted that, new other things. I'm a one game player, and SWTOR has my attention now.



Planetside 2.


Before I say another word... what are your colors?

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WoW don't have 10.2 millions account in North America, this is true


It's around 2, 2.5 millions accounts.


This said, I'm still puzzled about why you don't consider that a South Korean or Taiwanese account is not a ''real'' account ?

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I love how people like to discuss the misfortune of other MMOs, while ignoring this stagnating game. Scroll of Ressurection is always brought up, but what's never discussed is the stuff EA/Bioware is pulling, e.g. a TON of free trial weekends to boost population numbers.


Ya, because giving away Cataclysm, free boost to 80, scroll of rez isn't desperation at all.....

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