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Huttball Boycott


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For all of you non Sith or Jedi, are you tired of feeling like a second class citizen in a Huttball match? Watching all of those Sith and Jedi sprint or leap by you while they carry the ball and you are CC'd by one of their AOE CCs? Do you want Bioware to stop ball carriers from using leap and sprint while carrying the ball? Then join me in a Huttball boycott. If you get placed in a match, leave before it starts and requeue to try to get a different warzone. Maybe, if enough of us quit participating in Huttball, Bioware will implement this fix that levels the playing field for all classes.


Navik - 50 Commando

The Harbinger

Edited by Navorski
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Dumb thread is dumb


Memes are dumb.


And honestly, I can't relate. But I am a Jedi and sith (I defect A LOT)

but I give you support, interesting idea- but your gonna need to boycott a lot more then just huttball... All warzones, if needed.


Sorry for zapping you with lightning, slashing, trashing, stealthily, punching, stunning, and force-pulling you into acid...my bad.

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I'm fine with classes using all of their abilities in the match.... just not as the ball carrier. That person should have to run and throw the ball like everyone else that doesn't have those abilities. There is a reason why the ball carrier can't go invisible while carrying the ball, because it gives that person too much of an advantage. The same goes for sprint and leap.
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