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Agent question.


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Hello all,



I have a question for you all to maybe provide me an answer with.


First off let me start off with telling you that on my server we have a guild that have a ton of exploiters. They use speeds haks, /stucks, speculation of keeping resolve bar filled even when out of combat, getting stuck in the hutts of N. Coast so they can prevent people from capping but not be hit, well really the list goes on and on.


So here is my question, I am up against an agent actually not just me it is everyone. I am sitting 1076 expertise 7k armor 17k HP. This one particuliar Agent sneaks up behind me (stealthed), and in about 3 GCDs my combat log reads stun, 212,312 4118, 4114, I break stun (that happens in 1.5 seconds according to my UI count down timers) , he stuns me again, 3011, 4117, 2001 and then I am dead (an additional 1.5 seconds). I have been intentionally looking for him and kinda testing out his numbers (20 times) This happens over and over again with just about anybody. When I pop my defensive cooldowns the numbers are the same.


I understand that this toon may be setup as a cooldown burst. At the end of an average short match he will finish with 279k damage, the nest place person will be around 179k. I would say that this is pretty much average.


I am not here to cry nerf, or say OP OP OP. None of that concerns me, if he is just that good then i need to L2play.


We are just curious is this even supposed to be possible. Also, do you guys have a immune to cc shield? <-- No one has ever been able stun him. If it is working as intended I will move on with my day, if not I guess it is time for another ticket submission.


Thanks in advance,


your republic enemy for life

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Let me start by saying I am an operative healer not a concealment specced type. Firstly, we do not have a CC immunity shield, did you see him with a shield at all? The only shield I would imagine you may see periodly on him would be sorcerer/sage bubble or a tank's guard.


I cannot state one way or the other on the numbers, but what is of interest is that we never see a concealment specced operative (Ebon Hawk server) top on damage done, they are after all in stealth waiting to attack the weak.

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No shield graphic of note. I can usually find him alone one on one around right turret of civil war which actually was helpful gathering my numbers. We just cannot fathom how this guy is pulling this off. I do not like reporting people, mostly cuz I do not think anything of consequence happens.


I guess if no one has a logical explaination I will/need to assume it is another exploit. I wish I could just change servers where I didn't have to PvP with the same cheaters over and over again.

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I play concealment. I can break down the damage part for you.


First off we dont have cc immunity.


Second we use all our tools at once to make sure you die, 15% expertise + power stim (+1000power) and if his stats are 400-600 power 30-35%crit 70%+ surge i.e some good gear then its possible to do that if he is Lucky enough to crit all of this :


Hidden strike 7.5 sec cd : 3800-4800dmg

Backstab 12sec cd : 3300-4300dmg

Probe 30sec cd : 3000-4000dmg

+ acid blade which is a dot that does 1600dmg over 6sec which is triggered on Hidden strike or backstab

+ evicerate no cd require 1TA : 1800-2800dmg


Hope that Helps

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I have heard about exploits used by people in Wz's from people commenting in the forums, but again on Ebon Hawk I cannot recall a single instance of someone exploiting. I am not saying it does or doesn't happen, just that I have never noticed it personally.


Have you look at the operative tree to see which stuns etc he is working you over with? The opener of the knock downs sucks but I usually don't break it because the damage for me is healable. The second cc I always break and then evade to gain some ground or cc him/her myself.

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Hmm, given those numbers and the stated time frame of death he should have some abilities on coodown, no?


Hidden strike




Shiv (could crit up to 2000-2500dmg proc 1TA) 6sec cd I forgot it in my post

Evicerate again


+ the dot

+ each evicerate have 50% chance to give one TA which means you can throw another evicerate.

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The longest cool down on a skill in that rotation is 30 seconds provided the op can stealth again after the kill.


300k damage, good ones can put those numbers up regularly. I have to say though that if that's topping the damage charts the rest of the dps on the team is pretty sub par.

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I play concealment. I can break down the damage part for you.


First off we dont have cc immunity.


Second we use all our tools at once to make sure you die, 15% expertise + power stim (+1000power) and if his stats are 400-600 power 30-35%crit 70%+ surge i.e some good gear then its possible to do that if he is Lucky enough to crit all of this :


Hidden strike 7.5 sec cd : 3800-4800dmg

Backstab 12sec cd : 3300-4300dmg

Probe 30sec cd : 3000-4000dmg

+ acid blade which is a dot that does 1600dmg over 6sec which is triggered on Hidden strike or backstab

+ evicerate no cd require 1TA : 1800-2800dmg


Hope that Helps


Awesome info, thank-you so much!!!


No, the damage numbers are ok for all toons. as I said the matches do not run very long. One team will roll the other team almost every time (no close matches). Healing is non-existant post 1.2 on my ghost town server.

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I have to share this.. My co-workers and I are laughing at those wonderful numbers you informed us of. The fact that a lightsaber in the movies can pierce through a Mando iron door. However, an operative can pistol whip me for 2-3 times the damage in a fraction of the time. I am not complaining, I love the idea of stealth class that is so bursty and some cc control. I am going to start one up when I get home. I am actually kinda of excited to play this game for the first time in months.


Thank again,


See ya in the WZ's

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Keep in mind those numbers are if everything crits and with adrenals and relics. It certainly isn't the typical damage you can expect. Almost any DPS class if it gets a string of crits will kill just as quickly.
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I just want to say that it sounds like he has pretty good gear and he definately popped a relic and stim. Any dps focused class can burst the same or more with the right timing. I've had shadows take 75% of my health in one global for instance. Also, I'd like to point out that it is Lacerate, not Eviscerate.
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It still sounds like a very fun class to play. As most lvl 50's in full raid gear it can be a bit boring sometimes to play. I will go Biochem optimize my gear and enjoy being rogue like. My first toon was a shadow which I thought would be this cool stealth burst class. Sadly, as it turns out I am a raid tank and a pvp dps tank. I have always enjoyed the stealth classes in games.I have heard the story line is pretty good, hope I am right about that.
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, I'd like to point out that it is Lacerate, not Eviscerate.


Lmao Yeah sorry for that its just so similar to another certain class in another certain game that I mixed

up the name.


And Yeah dont count on this on a regular basis, it happen once in a full moon

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