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Let's put your spec to the test!


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What about this:



Using Combat Technique, the goal is to regain a better health regeneration on a tank-like build through combining Combat Technique, FiB, and DoT procs from sever Force. (does Telekinect Throw triggers Inside as well?)


The main problem i see is that Sever Force is the only DoT you would have, since Force Technique's Breach and Mind Crush are both gone. and Sever has a CD too.

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Force Stun is here too (count as a dot), and Mind crush can be casted the "old way" but I agree it's not a lot to play with DoTs.


However the question is not if we have a lot of DoT but if we have enough to replace Harnessed Shadows.

HS gives 8% of self-healinf.

FiB on a little crowd can bring 6%, and each DoT critic will bring one more 2%... so with only 2 critics, you already self-heal more than with harnessed shadows, or so I think. With a good critical rate, you can certainly pull 2 critics for each Sever Force cast.

Edited by Moonheart_S
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Infiltration/Deception seems to be widely ignored... Honestly, I don't get why people complain so much about it.


Anyway, since I hadn't seen a SINGLE build with CS/VS, I'm going to put mine out there. I use this for PvE and PvP, I've seen how effective this build can be if power and crit are stacked high enough. I've been pulling near 5k crits and consistent 3.7-4.6k crits with procs alone and I drop healers and sorcs/sages like rocks if I manage to play right.





I've been using this forever, and it's probably the most fun spec I've come across. I really don't plan on changing it at all.

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I may try out that scriocco build fomorrow. i was looking at the trees today of trying a more utility inf build. i nean there is a lot to gain for less fib damage and force cost. Idk worth a try. ill report back when i do.
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1/23/17 Update.

(or better yet think 0/23/17 +1)

The spec


0 Kinetic, 23 Infil, 17 Balance. Plus 1.


Note: Due to time constraints I have been unable to extensively test this spec nor provide a comparison in same gear to other specs, so please take this into account.

But here are my thoughts and experiences with the spec over the last week, limited and subjective as it may be.


Damage is good, your dangerous particularly when utilising your massive control and flexibility to maximum effect.

Force management is very good and if you put the spare point in masked assault it would be fantastic.

Utility very good, only the 23/1/17 spec would be better (force pull often being better that Low Slash).

However Low slash is on such a short CD and should not be underestimated.


A number of times I have made a game changing contribution in this spec that I would have been unable to do as Pure infil, hello instant Force lift and FiB. I feel this expecially in Huttball, but stopping caps and runners is fantastic in the other WZ's. I dont think I could go back to pure Infil at least in objective based pvp.


Remember this spec is for people who want to DPS and have as much utility as possible, and that is what Im enjoying most about it.

So from an admittedly limited perspective, Im liking it.


If your after a dps spec with plenty of utility then give this spec a try.

Whats not to love about good dmg plus Instant Force Lift, Force in Balance AND Low Slash? :D


The Sirocco build

0/23/17 +1



Looks like an interesting spec. Do you find you're losing any significant damage without Deep Impact and the proc from CS though?

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Looks like an interesting spec. Do you find you're losing any significant damage without Deep Impact and the proc from CS though?


I thought I would at first but in practice Im not noticing it.


Im matching or beating similar geared Infil/Deception specs in WZ's.

It seems to me that what damage you loose in big projects and Force breaches you gain from other sources.

So your priority changes, you focus on all of your abilities and rely less on 2 (very predictable) heavy hitters, for what seems to me to be similar damage.


Remember Double Strike hits harder than CS and its not a glaring red light saying wait for 2 CS then stun me..

You gain a high damaging attack in FiB that also provides you heaps of flexibility. I have killed ball carriers in Huttball after being knocked down into the bottom pit with FiB and healers in Voidstar who LoS'd me with a pillar.

It needs to be said, AoE damage can certainly be used to pad out the dmg meters, but can also be an excellent way to add overall pressure.


And if I may add this.

Im mostly playing my Sawbones at the moment. So I know what classes give me trouble on him.

It's NOT Deception/Infil.. at all. They can be nasty with someone else especially an Operative..but on their own..more of an annoyance.


The reason why?



I just CC the snot out of them and their dmg does to crap..


CS x2 = Kick to the nuts.

CS x2 = FG

CS x2 welcome back say hello to Short CD Kick to the nuts..

CSx2 /sigh ok ok ill use a Def CD /sigh

you get the picture


How would this be any different against a Sirocco spec?


Firstly I dont know exactly what your going to do..

Secondly you can hit me from quite far away every 15 sec.

Thirdly Instant Forcelift with a 2 sec stun, time that right and people die.


I think pure Infil is more busrty, but what good is that if your burst is shut down 3 times out of 4??

Meanhile the Sirocco spec seems to give similar dmg, with more control and flexibility.



Firstly Im so freaking tired I hope this makes some sense.

Secondly I have had no opportunity to compare dmg to Pure infil or balance or Arika builds (My main focus is elsewhere atm). Im just giving my impressions as honestly as I can, as limited and flawed as that may be.

Thirdly I came up with this spec to add as much control and flexibility to an infil based spec as I could, Damage was not my first priority. That said, my impression so far is that the damage is better than expected, in fact it seems quite similar.


Hope this helps :)

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Looks like an interesting spec. Do you find you're losing any significant damage without Deep Impact and the proc from CS though?


Been playing this spec(scirocco 24/17) last couple hours in regular. No ranked yet so take it for what it is. But... Wow! I am liking this spec. I made one change for my liking. I put 2 in celerity since i am usually on healers and having 1.5 min breaker is amazing. So just put 1 pt in shadowy veil. So a lil extra armor on that. When I dps I want max damage and interrupt abilities. Low slash is amazing BTW. omg



I really like that I have 2 min slip away and the hard hitting force breaches again. It's like a lesser infiltration with FIB Insta lift and no twirly baton hey focus me now animations. Double strike hits like a truck in this spec. Lots more utility and less of a rotation like the Arika hybrid. Single target damage is fantastic. Want to try it in Rateds to see how it performs.


Will report more later if I do any Rateds.

Edited by Pizzel
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Did 1 rated and. kept up with our dps vanguards. didn't beat them but was close. wasn't the best team but decent. having low slash fib and insta lift is great. I think this could b a viable dps spec. Will report more later. Only regret I have is not trying this spec earlier when I was trying to make an inf bal hybrid. Edited by Pizzel
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What kind of stats are you aiming for with the scirocco build? ~30% crit or are you stacking even higher to try and get more crits? Or might it be better to stack more power and keep crit even lower than 30?


I have 1161 power

1611 willpower.

24.5 crit

75.5 surge.


I use this gear for Kc hybrids Arika hybrids full Inf when I rarely play it and now this build. I am getting 6k plus crits on squishies, 5k crits all the time on regular geared. Heck even in the rated i did was critting sage healers for over 5k.

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Thanks Pizzel for your great input, looking forward to hearing more details on your experiences in Rateds.

My own experience is matching yours, albeit with lesser gear.

I just could not go back to regular Infil after playing this, very very happy with how it plays.


Sirocco 0/24/17 FTW!

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Stephen scirocos at top of this page and last.


That other spec could work as well. I'm almost thinking of just. taking my 1 point out of shadowy. veil and putting it in blackout. my healers. waste heals on me when i slip away and the force regen could help for some more burst.

Edited by Pizzel
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I've been using this 0/13/28 build. I use Force Technique but have to spend 1 point in Shadow Technique in order to get %30 crit bonus to Shadow Strike from Circling Shadows. Force management isn't even a thought with this build. You get free Mind Crush, and benefit from Sharpen Mind and hp benefit from Focused Insight. No rotation...I hit with FiB and FB..then DS looking for SS proc and Mind Crush proc. If I get knocked back I pop Force Potency and TK followed by FiB then I'm back in fight.

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I've been using this 0/13/28 build. I use Force Technique but have to spend 1 point in Shadow Technique in order to get %30 crit bonus to Shadow Strike from Circling Shadows. Force management isn't even a thought with this build. You get free Mind Crush, and benefit from Sharpen Mind and hp benefit from Focused Insight. No rotation...I hit with FiB and FB..then DS looking for SS proc and Mind Crush proc. If I get knocked back I pop Force Potency and TK followed by FiB then I'm back in fight.


I am not at my pc ATM so can't check but I thought the boost for shadow strike came when the proc was active not just by having the talent? Can anyone confirm? As when I have used this talent I seemed to get higher crits when I have circling shadows proc than when I don't?

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I am not at my pc ATM so can't check but I thought the boost for shadow strike came when the proc was active not just by having the talent? Can anyone confirm? As when I have used this talent I seemed to get higher crits when I have circling shadows proc than when I don't?



No circling shadows is the proc which makes the next project upto 25% less force cost. which requires shadow technique, are you sure it isnt infil tactics which are active? as that ignores 50% armor

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1/23/17 Update.

(or better yet think 0/23/17 +1)

The spec


0 Kinetic, 23 Infil, 17 Balance. Plus 1.


Note: Due to time constraints I have been unable to extensively test this spec nor provide a comparison in same gear to other specs, so please take this into account.

But here are my thoughts and experiences with the spec over the last week, limited and subjective as it may be.


Damage is good, your dangerous particularly when utilising your massive control and flexibility to maximum effect.

Force management is very good and if you put the spare point in masked assault it would be fantastic.

Utility very good, only the 23/1/17 spec would be better (force pull often being better that Low Slash).

However Low slash is on such a short CD and should not be underestimated.


A number of times I have made a game changing contribution in this spec that I would have been unable to do as Pure infil, hello instant Force lift and FiB. I feel this expecially in Huttball, but stopping caps and runners is fantastic in the other WZ's. I dont think I could go back to pure Infil at least in objective based pvp.


Remember this spec is for people who want to DPS and have as much utility as possible, and that is what Im enjoying most about it.

So from an admittedly limited perspective, Im liking it.


If your after a dps spec with plenty of utility then give this spec a try.

Whats not to love about good dmg plus Instant Force Lift, Force in Balance AND Low Slash? :D


The Sirocco build

0/23/17 +1



I've played nothing but KC hydrids. What would be your rotation priorty for this setup? Thanks so much. Excited to put out a little more damage in WZ's.

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I've been using this 0/13/28 build. I use Force Technique but have to spend 1 point in Shadow Technique in order to get %30 crit bonus to Shadow Strike from Circling Shadows. Force management isn't even a thought with this build. You get free Mind Crush, and benefit from Sharpen Mind and hp benefit from Focused Insight. No rotation...I hit with FiB and FB..then DS looking for SS proc and Mind Crush proc. If I get knocked back I pop Force Potency and TK followed by FiB then I'm back in fight.


I've posted something like this before just for kicks, but haven't thought much about or tried it. The wording seems to suggest that the critical increase is on all the time, but we'll have to test.


There's a couple different ways you could go... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601cMcRrrzbZrGoRkzZ0c.2 is close to my Arika Variant, and the only things that have changed is Pinning resolve to force strike, and JR to FF down at the bottom. I would usually put the last two points into Vigor and then profund, for more force regen, but my idea is a spec that can go FT and ST.

Edited by teremx
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The arika build is what inspire me on this build. However, I noticed a couple of talents the you had to take without benefit in order to get the %30 critical dmg boost to FiB. I wanted something with FiB and ss proc . this just works. I got my highest dmg ever with this build. and, mind crush is a pretty big hit. I hate getting hit with it. it works good in pve also.
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I've played nothing but KC hydrids. What would be your rotation priorty for this setup? Thanks so much. Excited to put out a little more damage in WZ's.


For a rotation with this I would suggest looking at the Jedi Shadow Handbook sticky for Infiltration, obviously substituting Double strike for Clairvoyant Strike and using FiB on cool down, even single target.


Fib in this build is obviously not as strong as in pure Balance or Arika specs due to 30% extra crit dmg in those specs but I find it still hits pretty hard.

I tend to hunt out groups or runners with it :p


Edit:[To clarify, Force breach and project are also not as strong in the Sirocco build as pure Infil, so the Jedi Shadow Handbook Infil data, is obviously not correct for this build, but I suggest it as a good starting point at least until some theorycrafting is done (if ever) on this spec.]


Typical scenario for me lets say on south point Denova.

Sneak around find the healer, spinning strike, DS DS Project, Breach, FiB, interrupt as necessary, SS on Find Weakness proc. Rinse and repeat.


Pay attention to Find Weakness procs, its a big part of your dps, and exploit the massive control you have to lock them down.


However, one of the good things about this spec is that you dont have a strict rotation.

Apart from Circling shadows reducing your force cost of Project just mix and match your abilities to the tactical situation.

Edited by Sildanar
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