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Bioware dont change a thing for Marauders!


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Maybe...instead of whining...we could all realize Mara/Sent isn't god mode, is still the class that 99% of people who play it suck at, and can be beaten by a smart player...I guess that's too hard for the SWTOR community though seeing as how 90% of the players are the worst PvPers I've ever seen.


Seriously, stop crying for nerfs. Look at what nerfs have done for ****s sake. Maybe try calling for buffs for other classes or something original. Only reason the class seems OP is because everything else has been nerfed so hard by the very same people who are crying now. Mara/Sent has generally been left a lone since launch. 1.2 was an attempt to make 2 other specs viable, but for 99.9% of Mara/Sent players, Watchmam/Anni is still the way to go and it got NERFED slightly.

Edited by dschlan
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Maybe...instead of whining...we could all realize Mara/Sent isn't god mode, is still the class that 99% of people who play it suck at, and can be beaten by a smart player...I guess that's too hard for the SWTOR community though seeing as how 90% of the players are the worst PvPers I've ever seen.


Seriously, stop crying for nerfs. Look at what nerfs have done for ****s sake. Maybe try calling for buffs or something original.


Buff marauder plz.


Here's what we need:

More dmg

More CC

3 healing abilities off global CD, cost no rage

knock back


30 second undying rage

10 annihilation buff, stack 10 times, reduce annihilation CD down to 1 sec




Edited by hyuplee
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Mara only ever top dmg if all they did was farm, which is not how you're supposed to play the class at all. I've said this before and I'll said this again, the majority of mara suck. Period. This is a fact I can proof with screenshots. Most Mara don't do well in pvp and if they do insane dmg they usually dont get any objectives.


They top the dmg board in about every WZ I enter. Could be a server indifference I guess. You need to consider the over whelming majority of players as well. You can't say everyone is wrong. If the class is so difficult to counter and it's just a L2P issue then this would suffice for an adjustment as well. It would be an unfair advantage to play a class that is so difficult to counter and all other classes are simplified. That being said maybe we need to stop worrying about all the damage they are doing find an area to adjust.


How about reducing Leg Slash/Crippling Slash to 6 seconds?


The issue with maras/sents is also indirect. The dmg increase % bonus of expertise is over the top. Before 1.2 I saw some posts about maras being OP, because a mara/sent played exceptionally well is frustrating to play against. When 1.2 rolled around and dmg was increased with expertise gear and some slight adjustments favored maras/sents the good ones became great and the average ones became good. The bad ones will remain bad.

Edited by Kovaos
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They top the dmg board in about every WZ I enter. Could be a server indifference I guess. You need to consider the over whelming majority of players as well. You can't say everyone is wrong. If the class is so difficult to counter and it's just a L2P issue then this would suffice for an adjustment as well. It would be an unfair advantage to play a class that is so difficult to counter and all other classes are simplified. That being said maybe we need to stop worrying about all the damage they are doing find an area to adjust.


How about reducing Leg Slash/Crippling Slash to 6 seconds?


The issue with maras/sents is also indirect. The dmg increase % bonus of expertise is over the top. Before 1.2 I saw some posts about maras being OP, because a mara/sent played exceptionally well is frustrating to play against. When 1.2 rolled around and dmg was increased with expertise gear and some slight adjustments favored maras/sents the good ones became great and the average ones became good. The bad ones will remain bad.


They top the damage board, but are they actually playing to the objective?

damage is not everything.

Most Mara you see now are 1 man team they never carry the ball nor do they ever try to score. The only time you see them defending a battery is when there are enemies or when the team is losing and he's farming defensive medals. The damage increase don't even matter. It buffs the dmg for every class and sure mara benefitted but so what? We are dps.


The exceptional ones will always be exceptional in my opinion. That few insane mara will be there at the top in every wz with loads of medals and objective, nothing's really change save for mara does a bit more damage and is able to stealth for longer if specced right.


Now I dont know about your server but if maras over there are topping the chart in every match with loads of objective, I'm willing to bet my life savings that its not mara in general that is OP, its the maras on your server that's OP.



PS. if you really wanna hurt mara, I suggest nerfing undying rage. I specced seeping wound and I hardly use leg slash anymore.

Edited by hyuplee
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Buff marauder plz.


Here's what we need:

More dmg

More CC

3 healing abilities off global CD, cost no rage

knock back


30 second undying rage

10 annihilation buff, stack 10 times, reduce annihilation CD down to 1 sec





OK---Enjoy u game,It seems that they all think like u---->http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/269/screenshot2012042611560.jpg/

Edited by bioenergy
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Seriously, stop crying for nerfs. Look at what nerfs have done for ****s sake. Maybe try calling for buffs for other classes or something original. Only reason the class seems OP is because everything else has been nerfed so hard by the very same people who are crying now. Mara/Sent has generally been left a lone since launch. 1.2 was an attempt to make 2 other specs viable, but for 99.9% of Mara/Sent players, Watchmam/Anni is still the way to go and it got NERFED slightly.


I agree with you! Don't deny they received some love from BW (in the Sent forums there was just continuous whining for buffs). In essence they seem OP because classes around them have been nerfed and healing took a big hit in 1.2.


It sucks to see nerfs and I don't necessarily think maras/sents should be next. Something with the TTK needs to be resolved though. I suggested in a previous thread that everyone's health should be increased. I wouldn't mind a mara critting me for 5k then 3k if I had 30k health. What we see now is they can get off a couple of crits and use their execute ability.

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They top the damage board, but are they actually playing to the objective?

damage is not everything.

Most Mara you see now are 1 man team they never carry the ball nor do they ever try to score. The only time you see them defending a battery is when there are enemies or when the team is losing and he's farming defensive medals. The damage increase don't even matter. It buffs the dmg for every class and sure mara benefitted but so what? We are dps.


The exceptional ones will always be exceptional in my opinion. That few insane mara will be there at the top in every wz with loads of medals and objective, nothing's really change save for mara does a bit more damage and is able to stealth for longer if specced right.


Now I dont know about your server but if maras over there are topping the chart in every match with loads of objective, I'm willing to bet my life savings that its not mara in general that is OP, its the maras on your server that's OP.



PS. if you really wanna hurt mara, I suggest nerfing undying rage. I specced seeping wound and I hardly use leg slash anymore.


This, except the maras/sents on my server score all six goals in huttball now.


I made this point in another thread. I thought everybody was pertty balanced before 1.2 other than sorc/sages needed to have the conveyance bug fixed. BW nerfed a bunch of classes and made sweeping changes to damage via expertice and nerfed the heck out of healing. This is how Maras/sents became OP, the bad maras/sents can now compete and the average/good maras/sents are gods.


They should not be balancing based on the lowest common denominator (the bads). The good maras/sents were always good and are now gods, the bad ones are now competetive and able to faceroll to victory over othe bad/average players.


I can still kill bad maras/sents just not as fast as I used to, but the good ones are untouchable as before it was a good fight.

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Your illiteracy is making it difficult to continue a conversation. I didn't say "people are bad", I said, "don't assume everyone is bad."


Providing input is not whining. I have yet to say maras/sents need a nerf.


Oh I don't know, you're the one saying "have you got any idea of how much damage you deal while undying rage is up"? From where I'm from, that's whining. And hey, if you whine without reason (since you're implying now that marauders need no nerf), I suggest seeing a good specialist.

But anyway, if I tell you people should stop being bad and learn to handle UD (which is very possible and I deal with smart guys who neutralize it in WZs all the time), I'm a fanboy, yet if you insist that it's an OP class that has unfair skills, and question its balance, now that's just "providing feedback". Yeah, right.

My point being, good players still kill marauders, and I in fact solo marauders with my gunslinger when a 1vs1 duel happens. Derps will get the previously mentioned face smash handed to them and will end up crying on the forums.

You can pretend it's not, but it's still a L2P issue. And I should be nerfed cause people can't be bothered to think?


They top the dmg board in about every WZ I enter. Could be a server indifference I guess. You need to consider the over whelming majority of players as well. You can't say everyone is wrong. If the class is so difficult to counter and it's just a L2P issue then this would suffice for an adjustment as well. It would be an unfair advantage to play a class that is so difficult to counter and all other classes are simplified. That being said maybe we need to stop worrying about all the damage they are doing find an area to adjust.


How about reducing Leg Slash/Crippling Slash to 6 seconds?


The fact that you propose to reduce Crippling Slash to 6 seconds shows how little you know. People're not dying cause marauders snare em. Pay more attention.


The issue with maras/sents is also indirect. The dmg increase % bonus of expertise is over the top. Before 1.2 I saw some posts about maras being OP, because a mara/sent played exceptionally well is frustrating to play against. When 1.2 rolled around and dmg was increased with expertise gear and some slight adjustments favored maras/sents the good ones became great and the average ones became good. The bad ones will remain bad.


You do realize that can be said about every other DPS class, right?


Oh, and get off your high horse.

Edited by Vetril
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You can't win a 1v1 against a good Marauder. You might lose 1v1's all the time as a Marauder, but we said a good player. You can beat a Marauder with 2 people barely, if you out gear him.


I beat good Marauders 1vs1 all the time as a Vanguard. It is a tough fight. Bad Marauders drop me to 85% (omgash he did a whopping 15% dmg to me!) before they die. Tell me, which class will you go after once they nerf Marauders?

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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!


LOL, right I bet you do enjoy it. Considering it takes 2 players one of them preferably a healer to beat you. Marauders just swan around warzones killing everything with their utterly ridiculous dps, but then occasionally 2 players will almost beat you so you go into invincible mode and get healed to full health then just carry on killing.


Don't worry when Bioware fixes your class and you have to actually use your brain, you will probably find it much more entertaining. :D

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