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Combat Medic PVPer: Skill Boxes I don't typically use


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A list of skill boxes that seem useless, IMHO, for a full spec'd Combat Medic who mostly PVPs, mostly in pre-mades. I'm making this list for discussion purposes, not to just be negative! I'll post my current build when I get home tonight. Let's talk about this!


  • Anything in Assault, we just can't invest enough points to make it useful.
  • Advanced Tech, just seems like way too little % increase
  • Heavy Trooper, not useless, but I think there are better ways to spend 2 points if I want to be healing others.
  • First Responder, 2 points for a minor alacrity boost that lasts a very short time and ONLY turns on when you get a crit. Waste of 2 points.
  • Kolto Residue, a minor healing buff that lasts 15 seconds after you apply Kolto Bomb. You don't always have time for Kolto Bomb. 2 points better spent elsewhere.
  • Armor Screen, i'm not sure about this one. Does it have a substantial benefit? I usually don't spec it because I'm short on points already.
  • Treated Wound Dressings. My current build is the first time not using this box and I haven't seen a noticeable difference. I need to figure out whether a 4% damage reduction is worth the two skill points.

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A list of skill boxes that seem useless, IMHO, for a full spec'd Combat Medic who mostly PVPs, mostly in pre-mades. I'm making this list for discussion purposes, not to just be negative! I'll post my current build when I get home tonight. Let's talk about this!


  • Anything in Assault, we just can't invest enough points to make it useful.
    I don't take anything in Assault
  • Advanced Tech, just seems like way too little % increase.
    I take this post 1.2. I took the 2 points I had in Kolto Residue for it. The 2% healing all the time is better than 3% for 15 seconds, for the same skill points.
  • Heavy Trooper, not useless, but I think there are better ways to spend 2 points if I want to be healing others.
    I don't take this, just don't have the points.
  • First Responder, 2 points for a minor alacrity boost that lasts a very short time and ONLY turns on when you get a crit. Waste of 2 points.
    I also think this is a waste of points. Small boost, that can't be relied on to be there.
  • Kolto Residue, a minor healing buff that lasts 15 seconds after you apply Kolto Bomb. You don't always have time for Kolto Bomb. 2 points better spent elsewhere.
    I gave this up post 1.2 because it is just too weak to be worth it.
  • Armor Screen, i'm not sure about this one. Does it have a substantial benefit? I usually don't spec it because I'm short on points already.
    I did take this, combined with the small HoT, it can give you a little extra time to get more heals off, but this is one of the last skills I would put points in; and since I don't worry about DPS, I don't take any DPS skills in the other trees.
  • Treated Wound Dressings. My current build is the first time not using this box and I haven't seen a noticeable difference. I need to figure out whether a 4% damage reduction is worth the two skill points.
    This I do take, especially post 1.2. It might not be a huge mitigation, but when survivability is so important, any little bit helps.


Of course, those are just what works for my play style. Mileage may vary

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Advanced Tech and Heavy Trooper are good skills to have for pvp. If you combine them it is an extra 10% healing on yourself wich is a decent amount, Heavy Trooper also gives you 2% endurance, and trust me when you doing pvp and they realize your a healer your going to be healing your self alot. Kolto Residue is also worth taking for the 3% increase in healing and you should be using kolto bomb all the time and have this buff up almost all the time.


That is bascially a total of 13% increase in healing on yourself and 5% on others that you are giving up. Not to mention the 2% increase in endurance wich is also important for survival. If you drop like a rock when someone turns and focuses on you dont be surprised.


I go with 31/10/0. Cell Capacitor, First Responder, and Med Zone aret he 3 I dont take in the medic tree. I dont take Cell Capacitor because I use Recharge Cells for "Oh Crap" moments and I dont feel like those 2 ammo are gonna make or break me. First Responder because Alacrity sucks and we are more about big crits. I dont take Med Zone also because I can usually get myself back up to full when I hit reactive shield without it and again Reactive Shield is one of those "Oh Crap" abilities that isnt constantly in use.

Edited by RichardNoggin
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Do you guys take Trauma Probe? Its crap now, but i still took it since i have left over points(didnt take Kolto Residue and First Responder), have seen it become useful like about 1/4 of the time in pvp(i wish it was spammable like in pre1.2)...


Anyways, kinda in a dilemma whether to take Kolto Residue or Cell Capacitor, to poster above, is the 3% really that worth it? Kolto Bomb has become less spammable now, so more likely than not, you cant constantly keep up the 15s buff. Still trying to weigh out the pros and cons for these two...

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Do you guys take Trauma Probe? Its crap now, but i still took it since i have left over points(didnt take Kolto Residue and First Responder), have seen it become useful like about 1/4 of the time in pvp(i wish it was spammable like in pre1.2)...


Anyways, kinda in a dilemma whether to take Kolto Residue or Cell Capacitor, to poster above, is the 3% really that worth it? Kolto Bomb has become less spammable now, so more likely than not, you cant constantly keep up the 15s buff. Still trying to weigh out the pros and cons for these two...


From my experience Kolto Residue is worth it. Your alternatives would be Cell Capacitor, Med Zone, and First Responder wich ive explained why they arent worth it above. Ill try to dig more into to explain it better.


Cell Capacitor and Med Zone are both for "Oh Crap" moments. I save Recharge Cells and Reactive Shield until I need them and they are on a long cooldown. So basically it might help if you take those talents when you do use those abilities but you have to think how often you are using them and if you can achieve the same thing without picking up those talents. Basically what im saying is that you shouldnt be constantly using those abilities and I believe that you can keep yourself and other people alive without those abilities being talented. You should always be using Kolto Bomb. Its bascially an instant AOE heal for up to 4 people. I know 3% extra healing isnt much at first when you look at it but if you keep it up like you should be doing it will always be active and helping you. Unlike the talents I listed above only help you sometimes when you reach those "Oh Crap" moments and I believe you dont even need them.


Trauma Probe is definately worth it also. After 1.2 you need to know when to use it and not spam it because it now costs ammo. What it does is basically puts a HoT onto the person your healing wich is helpful in giving you time to get some big heals off. I know it doesnt heal for much but if you combine Trauma Probe with Preventative Medacine and Armor Screen wich makes Advanced Medical Probe give you a HoT and 10% armor buff, you will basically have 2 HoTs on them and extra armor. What I do is throw Trauma Probe on someone as soon as my Advanced Medical Probe heals them. With all of these combined it will give you enough time to throw them some big heals.


For Commando healing you need to use the combined effects of Talents or abilities to get your full potential. We dont have 1 awesome heal that keeps everyone alive but we do have a set of abilities that if you put them together are very effective.

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Definitely some good points. I find that I do use recharge cells and reactive shield more than just when stuff hits the fan. It's a personal play style, i guess, but I tend to use them when I think they will have benefit, not just keep me alive.


I'll pop recharge cells if I'm getting just below half ammo, and it looks like its going to be a longer fight, just to keep my ammo up in the higher regen rate; not just when I'm out.


I'll use reactive shield when I'm being focused by more than one DPS, and I need to get heals to myself or team, even if I'm not near death. Sure, I might not have it later when I "really" need it, but I find it more beneficial to use the skills more often, and not wait for those "crucial" moments, as they are fewer and further between (if they happen at all).


Trauma Probe I use as a pre-fight heal now. I'll put it on the tank guarding me, or the player that I know knows how to play and survive, or me if I'm solo guarding an objective, etc etc. I try to save it for players that I know will get the most use out of it (not the 0 expertise PVE scrubs, they won't last the 10 hits for the heals). Rarely will I cast it during combat, although, it is an instant cast, so if I can't stop to cast (because I'm LoS'ing DPS) I'll drop it on the run.


Plus, after 1.2, I find my "oh crap" moments are usually "oh cr...." /respawn LOL

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Here are a couple tips for medic. The trick that allows you to probably keep yourself up without taking Med Zone when using Reactive Shield is using Adrenaline Rush at the same time. I have found that if I use both at the same time I can heal myself up through almost anything short of 4 guys beating on me at the same time. If Reactive Shield is down use a medpack and Tech Override for an instant Medical Probe. Usually that will bring you back to half HP or more.


I explained why Trauma Probe is useful in an above post but another little thing to do to keep yourself up is to not only do the Trauma Probe/Advanced Medical Probe combo but hit Supercharged Cells before or after and throw down a Kolto Bomb for another 5% damage reduction. So you will basically have 2 HoT's, 10%+ armor, but also another 5% damage reduction that seems to make a difference, plus the extra 5% healing from Supercharged Cells. Doing this you have basically given yourself another "Oh Crap" ability that will get you or others through some big DPS.


There is 3 seperate ways to keep yourself up through those "Oh Crap" moments. You can combine any of them also to get yourself through some really bad situations. Artilerybait above is right about Recharge Cells and it isnt only for when your out of ammo but use it also if you are in a fight and know your going to need to heal for a lil bit to keep your ammo regen up. Same goes for Reserve Powercell. I still dont think the extra 2 ammo from Cell Capacitor is worth it though and think you can achieve the same things without it.

Edited by RichardNoggin
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