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Future 3D Space Combat


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And that could expand from single ship to multi ship, and if they did the ships idea it could be something like 16 small fighters or 4 frigates doing it.


Edit, sort of like a space flashpoint or operation. Could even use the templates for the attack the stations with multiple ships attacking it and attacking the defendor ships.


Iv always thought a combination of the 2 systems seemed obvious. Space mission e.g a boarding party leads to a ground mission. Or vise versa, Complete the ground part and escape on your ship to safety while evading the enemy.

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Iv always thought a combination of the 2 systems seemed obvious. Space mission e.g a boarding party leads to a ground mission. Or vise versa, Complete the ground part and escape on your ship to safety while evading the enemy.


Oh, you mean like the opening scene in A New Hope?

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Iv always thought a combination of the 2 systems seemed obvious. Space mission e.g a boarding party leads to a ground mission. Or vise versa, Complete the ground part and escape on your ship to safety while evading the enemy.


Yeah, this is one that keeps cropping up in these space combat threads.


Possibly using small ships to take out a capital ship's fighter screen, then boarding it and either capturing it, or sabotaging it. If sabotage, then possibly another space part as you escape before it blows.


Or, better yet, fighters punch a hole through the screen protecting the capital ship for a troop transport to board it. Then you have the group split into two - the space group deals with fighters and possible targets on the capital ship, while the ground group captures the capital ship, or turns its weapons against its own fighters.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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Yeah, this is one that keeps cropping up in these space combat threads.


Possibly using small ships to take out a capital ship's fighter screen, then boarding it and either capturing it, or sabotaging it. If sabotage, then possibly another space part as you escape before it blows.


That's what Starwars is meant to be about before it got all wizzardy. There was far less force use in the originals, it was all bad *** space sabotage and fighting against unreal odds

Edited by FaceShindu
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Yea exactly. Or even...Yoda forbid i mention it...the beginning to episode 3


:D let me tempt you with an idea, operations on the ground influenced by operations in space. Lets say for example you have an 8 man group dropped off by the 8 man space group in a space station or dreadnaught.


The space teams job is to knock out shield gens and stop the waves of reinforcments, the ground teams job is to knock out power gens to stop the turrets and blow the ships up before they can launch to attack the space peeps.


The ground team attacks the boss's on the ship and the boss's run away. they get in a ship and they go outside and the space team take them out, the loot is dropped for the ground guys on escape and the space guys get the loot on ship death.


After final boss the space guys pick up the ground guys and escape the zone.

Edited by Shingara
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Two days and 36 pages already!

Just goes to show the interest in Space Combat, or at least its polarizing effect on the SW gaming community.

KotOR fans, SWG fans, Xwing/TieFighter fans - it's really a win/win/win in the long run. As I've stated elsewhere, space combat and ships are what I love most about the SW universe, and I know there are plenty of folks who feel the same way.

Keep your light sabers turned off, they will not serve you in the cold vastness of space.


Before there ever was a lightsaber, stormtrooper, smuggler, rebel, or jedi, there was a massive Corellian cruiser bearing down on a helpless little corvette, and we were all sucked in!


Hope to see you all in the vacuum!

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:D let me tempt you with an idea, operations on the ground influenced by operations in space. Lets say for example you have an 8 man group dropped off by the 8 man space group in a space station or dreadnaught.


The space teams job is to knock out shield gens and stop the waves of reinforcments, the ground teams job is to knock out power gens to stop the turrets and blow the ships up before they can launch to attack the space peeps.


The ground team attacks the boss's on the ship and the boss's run away. they get in a ship and they go outside and the space team take them out, the loot is dropped for the ground guys on escape and the space guys get the loot on ship death.


After final boss the space guys pick up the ground guys and escape the zone.


Thats the way it should be. You choose your ops not only based on ground players gear but also how well their ships are equiped

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That's what Starwars is meant to be about before it got all wizzardy. There was far less force use in the originals, it was all bad *** space sabotage and fighting against unreal odds


Yup, if it was all about the Force and glowsticks, they would have shoved Skywalker into a space suit and gave him a giant saber to deflect the incoming Death Star shots :D

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Keep your light sabers turned off, they will not serve you in the cold vastness of space.


Before there ever was a lightsaber, stormtrooper, smuggler, rebel, or jedi, there was a massive Corellian cruiser bearing down on a helpless little corvette, and we were all sucked in!


This guy should be our spokesperson. Epic quote

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Will have to compete with STOs space combat.


Which although STO got a lot of flack and started out a rough game.. Is actually pretty awesome now.


But it's space combat was ALWAYS top tier.. and still IMHO is the best space combat in any MMO.. if not any current game out there right now. Customizable.. the perfect speed, and fun as can be. Unlike EvE online.. which is sooo.. slowwwww..


If they make SwTOR space combat similar to STO in that you can outfit and equip your ship and have all those factors that make it different and yet make it fit very Star Wars feel.. They will have a winner.


Example of STOs depth in space combat: The attributes that affect it.


Your race, or (chosen traits in character creator if you make an alien species)

Your class (for your captain skills)

Your starship (Every ship in STO plays differently)

Your rank

Your Weapon loadout (Arrays, Cannons, dual heavys, dual beams, turrets, etc.)

Your weapon type (Phaser, Disruptor, tetryon, etc. etc.)

Your skills that you have chosen

Your Equipment, (Shield types, deflectors, engines)

Your Secondary equipment (equipment like batteries, or subspace modulator etc.)

Your consoles

Your Bridge Officer layout

Your Bridge Officer abilities

Your Duty Officer Active Roster

and most importantly...

Your Skill... Cause its very much about skill.


Thats a lot of depth that can make each ship different and each play play differently. There are a ton of builds in STO, especially with the newly added Duty Officers.. If they can take the crew system in SwTOR (Which is nothing compared to the Duty Officer systems in STO btw...) and make them impact the ship as well like they do in STO.. you can have some serious winners.


STO may have started out the gate and hit a lot of bumps.. but one thing it has always shined in is its space combat.. which has always been the high point of it from day one.. even launch.

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But it's space combat was ALWAYS top tier.. and still IMHO is the best space combat in any MMO.. if not any current game out there right now. Customizable.. the perfect speed, and fun as can be. Unlike EvE online.. which is sooo.. slowwwww..


...you should really play EvE. Or even just look at the vids for JTL. I played STO's space combat and it didn't compare to EvE

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Before there ever was a lightsaber, stormtrooper, smuggler, rebel, or jedi, there was a massive Corellian cruiser bearing down on a helpless little corvette, and we were all sucked in!


I agree with you completely, although my inner geek has to point out... the Star Destroyers weren't Corellian ships. They were designed by Kuat Drive Yards, the same company the made the giant **** guns used on Hoth (gotta love Family Guy, lol).

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I agree with you completely, although my inner geek has to point out... the Star Destroyers weren't Corellian ships. They were designed by Kuat Drive Yards, the same company the made the giant **** guns used on Hoth (gotta love Family Guy, lol).


Though it was a Corellian Corvette being chased and disabled.

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I agree with you completely, although my inner geek has to point out... the Star Destroyers weren't Corellian ships. They were designed by Kuat Drive Yards, the same company the made the giant **** guns used on Hoth (gotta love Family Guy, lol).


Wow, you just out geeked us all. Bravo:w_cool:

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I played both too, although I did play EvE several years back, so it may have changed since, but I much preferred STO's space combat to EvE.


I found STO much to cumbersome. Admittedly i didnt stick around on either game. STO i just didnt like much. Not sure why i didnt keep playing EvE, always tempted to go back and give it a go again

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