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Are there actually a bunch of Dead servers?


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Or are people just QQing? I keep seeing people saying they have a dead server and asking servers to be merged or to add a server change option. I'm on Ajunta Pall, which is one of the ones that keeps switching between "standard" and back to "light." There are always a bunch of people on. So there are really just a bunch of dead servers, with nothing going on?


I really really want a server migration or the option to move my jedi to a high pop server. I started on "terra blood" cuz some friends were on there but the server is so dead now.


At prime time 7-9pm EST their may be 15 people in any given zone.... this is crazy... Why Bioware is holding onto all these dead servers is beyond me.

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Sure on my server Fleet population gets to be 100-140, but that's nothing, because look at the individual planets, they are completely disconnected and dead with no more than 2 or 3 max level player there at any given time. That number is just too low for an entire server in a modern MMO.


If you don't think this game "feels dead" especially on the planets then you likely come from a single player or failed MMO background.

Edited by Zataos
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Sure on my server Fleet population gets to be 100-140, but that's nothing, because look at the individual planets, they are completely disconnected and dead with no more than 2 or 3 max level player there at any given time. That number is just too low for an entire server in a modern MMO.


If you don't think this game "feels dead" especially on the planets then you likely come from a single player or failed MMO background.


i wish mine had 100 people on it,peak times for me ,mean 10-15 people,with 3-5 on each planet. its so sad:(

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Yes. On Colonel Tobin, the most I have ever seen on fleet, was 36.


I have crafting maxed on two characters, cybertech and artifice, and LOVE to pvp.


I pvp'd my way mostly to 50 on the artificer, have valor rank 47 as I hit 50, and have played about 6 warzones since hitting 50 nearly a month ago.


I get home from work, shower up and smoke, then sit down and queue. Stay queued all night waiting on a game, ask in general on the fleet or /whisper 50s I have ran heroics or pvp'd with in the past to queue up, which I'd like to think resulted in 3 of the wzs I've played in.


I got a dota 2 invite and play that now.


I have been meaning to ask customer service about switching servers. My guild is pretty cool, but I don't know them very well, so not a HUGE loss...I made a marauder on a heavy pop server, but can't stand to play it...bout halfway through level 2 and I cannot stop thinking about the level 400 artificer with nearly full BM gear, just sitting there wasting away...




I nearly consider paying for a server change but I'd rather play dota 2 since it's free, and less hassle.


Thoughts on my situation? Agreement? Shouldn't have gotten so far into my legacy on the low pop server? Maybe it's all college kids on, and it's popular during the day, I don't know.


Oh well. Queueing up for some more dota tonight :[

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log in around 7pm and youll see more light servers than anything


This is simply false and it is statements like this that damage the credibility of the "servers are dying" camp. Right now it is prime time in Europe and the majority of servers are Standard or better. Go look at the server list yourself if you don't believe me.


I am confident in predicting that tonight at U.S. prime time you will also find that the majority of servers are Standard.

Edited by Kthx
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A "dead" server is somewhat subjective depending on the individual. If you equate dead to low population servers, then sure.


I wouldn't consider my server dead, but I do consider it low population and it is killing me lol... (Usually around 50-70 on the fleet at prime time)


Before instancing there had to be an absolute on the number of players on a server. Too many players and you simply could not access content. It would be nice to see this game support larger online server population. Have 10 "instances" of the fleet or whatever to reduce player draw in lag or something like that. They do have it in other games.

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This is simply false and it is statements like this that damage the credibility of the "servers are dying" camp. Right now it is prime time in Europe and the majority of servers are Standard or better. Go look at the server list yourself if you don't believe me.


yeah but what does standard mean 4ppl 5 ppl


light 1-3 ppl

standard 4-6

heavy 6-9

full 10


unless u kno the numbers behind the words its pointless shouting all servers are standard !!!

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This is simply false and it is statements like this that damage the credibility of the "servers are dying" camp. Right now it is prime time in Europe and the majority of servers are Standard or better. Go look at the server list yourself if you don't believe me.


Its not a false statement at all... look at the US servers at 7pm CST and I guarantee you'll see 90% of the servers are "light" which is very sad.


Bioware needs to manage this and merge servers from 50 to 20... (using hypothetical numbers)

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Not being able to get your daily pvp quests done because there is one premade on the other faction that wins every warzone sure is fun. When you only have 1 match going at a time I'd say a server is dead and if they dont do something soon I imagine a ton of people will cancel their subs
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unless u kno the numbers behind the words its pointless shouting all servers are standard !!!


I was responding specifically to the statment "log in around 7pm and youll see more light servers than anything". If the point of the "Servers are Dying" camp is that the population on Standard servers is not sufficient to support grouping, why make up statements along the lines of "the majority of servers are Light"? All it does is damage your credibility.

Edited by Kthx
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Its not a false statement at all... look at the US servers at 7pm CST and I guarantee you'll see 90% of the servers are "light" which is very sad.


I am willing to bet you $90 that you are wrong. PM me if you are interested.

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It's a no win situation that I've seen repeated over and over in many an MMO.


Game launches and the initial influx of players, many of whom take time off of work/school, are all trying to get on at the same time which causes queues. Players then proceed to whine and cry about said queues, threaten to quit as they are "not paying to wait in a queue!!!" and demand more servers be opened.


More servers are opened to accommodate the masses, and in the case of SW:TOR, servers had their capacities increased as stability allowed. While there are still queues on most servers at this time, the wait in most cases is much shorter.


After the initial rush wears off and people return to their normal lives, queues are gone on most servers and then the same playerbase that whined and cried about lack of servers proceeds to whine and cry about there being too many servers, and cites a lack of queues as an indication that the game is "dying" and begins to demand server merges, which right or wrong, still carries the stigma of being perceived as the "death knell" of an MMO. It's a no win situation for any game dev.


While the claims of "most servers are dead" are greatly exaggerated, there are of course servers that are indeed "dead" and in need of help. Server transfers are in the works, which should help a great deal for these servers. I suspect that we will see cross server tools for group activities (already in the works for PvP I believe) long before server merges are even on the table. The game is 5 months old, and according to the last investor call (and recent articles) still holding at ~1.7 million subs, it's far too early to start merging servers. If you can't handle waiting for transfers/cross server tools, then rerolling is an option at this point. Hell, in the time some spend complaining and demanding merges on these forums, they could easily have leveled at least one character to 50 on a more heavily populated server. ;)


I do find it curious though, that this keeps happening game after game. All it would take is a dev team to stick to their initial servers and explain why there are queues, and that they will diminish as time goes by and people return to their lives, and not give in to the crying.

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Not being able to get your daily pvp quests done because there is one premade on the other faction that wins every warzone sure is fun. When you only have 1 match going at a time I'd say a server is dead and if they dont do something soon I imagine a ton of people will cancel their subs


I wouldn't mind this, a chance to elevate my game or tactics, SEE what a GOOD team is "supposed" to be like,






All the warzones I have played SINCE I hit 50, were played on the sunday 2-3 days after I hit 50(3 weeks ago). Recruit gear was not available either, so I of course got stomped.



I have recruit gear and have spent all my comms on BM gear, I would like to see if I still get stomped.

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Why not roll a character on Zez-Kai Ell or any of the dozens of other light population servers and find out for yourself?


Noone is denying that there are some servers with light populations. The issue is the scope of the problem. Don't confuse anecdotal evidence with statistically representative data.

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My server, Dreshdae Cantina, is probably better than most, but I would be thrilled if we could triple our peak time population. This game is much more fun with more people online. Bioware isn't doing itself any favors by delaying a solution for the population problem.
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Why not roll a character on Zez-Kai Ell or any of the dozens of other light population servers and find out for yourself?


Or maybe infinity gate, hasn't been on normal since 1.1.5 I already gave up queueing or logging in, and no I'm not going to re-roll my 2 50s, other alts and 30+ legacy levels through all those painstakingly annoying side-quests again.

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There are a lot of EU servers that are constantly on light regardless what time of the day it is or if it's weekend. It is somewhat a problem as MMOs include interaction with other players and on some servers you can hardly find a HM Flashpoint group.


This is when it's a good idea for players to research which servers are popular in their region and choose wisely. Not just choose a server that has an appealing name.

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This is when it's a good idea for players to research which servers are popular in their region and choose wisely. Not just choose a server that has an appealing name.


And to choose a good guild of committed, like-minded players.

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Noone is denying that there are some servers with light populations. The issue is the scope of the problem. Don't confuse anecdotal evidence with statistically representative data.


Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Where do you expect to get statistically representative data, exactly? Do you expect Bioware to come out and show us a bunch of bar graphs or some crap like that?


No. Roll a character on a low pop server like the one suggested, or on mine, Kinrath Spider if you want to know what "Some servers with light populations" truly means. It's bad. Take our word for it or go see for yourself, I don't care which. Pull your head out of the sand with that "Some servers with light population" nonsense.

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Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Where do you expect to get statistically representative data, exactly? Do you expect Bioware to come out and show us a bunch of bar graphs or some crap like that?


So why do people make preposterous statements like "the majority of servers are dead"? They have no way of backing this up.


No. Roll a character on a low pop server like the one suggested, or on mine, Kinrath Spider if you want to know what "Some servers with light populations" truly means. It's bad. Take our word for it or go see for yourself, I don't care which. Pull your head out of the sand with that "Some servers with light population" nonsense.


How does this disagree with my statement that there are some server with light populations? BioWare agrees and is rolling out character transfers. But this does not mean this is a problem on majority of servers or that the game is dying or that the game is going to go f2play, which are all arguments we have heard from the "Servers are Dying" camp.

Edited by Kthx
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