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Plan to fix Resolve?


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That is a pretty ignorant and childish statement.


And this is a flame bait.


How classic compalint about resolve starts? "I was chain stunned to death, QQ, fix that, I pay my subscription and I should have right to play my char not look as it die (after charging into 1v4 without backup)". And then we have normal "you can be stunned 5 times in the row", "*insert class name* can stunlock you 100%>0% (ignoring those 2 snipers in the back tearing you apart)", "*insert class name* stun is not adding resolve (because I dont pay attention to this broken resolve bar)" and classic "I ]was stunned with white resolve bar (ie. when I looked at my resolve bar after being stunned it was white, so it was for sure white before I got stunned too)".

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And this is a flame bait.


How classic compalint about resolve starts? "I was chain stunned to death, QQ, fix that, I pay my subscription and I should have right to play my char not look as it die (after charging into 1v4 without backup)". And then we have normal "you can be stunned 5 times in the row", "*insert class name* can stunlock you 100%>0% (ignoring those 2 snipers in the back tearing you apart)", "*insert class name* stun is not adding resolve (because I dont pay attention to this broken resolve bar)" and classic "I ]was stunned with white resolve bar (ie. when I looked at my resolve bar after being stunned it was white, so it was for sure white before I got stunned too)".

You actually called my statement Flamebait after writing what you did? Irony...

I do not disagree that some people exaggerated but stating that all who do not agree with you are "just wrong" or lazy in some way is absolutely ignorant. This discussion isn't about YOU, it is about the longevity of the game.


It is called constructive criticism and last I knew BW welcomed it.

Edited by Raific
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I do think that the vast majority of CC/Resolve complaints come from people who either don't understand how the system is intended to work (not a surprise considering BW doesn't actually tell you anywhere in game) or just don't use their own CC and expect to be able to RP as Master Chief in warzones.


Granted, there are people who do understand the system and know how to play who still dislike all or parts of Resolve, but those people aren't the ones posting factually incorrect claims, they are the ones discussing ways to actually improve the system.

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I do think that the vast majority of CC/Resolve complaints come from people who either don't understand how the system is intended to work (not a surprise considering BW doesn't actually tell you anywhere in game) or just don't use their own CC and expect to be able to RP as Master Chief in warzones.


Granted, there are people who do understand the system and know how to play who still dislike all or parts of Resolve, but those people aren't the ones posting factually incorrect claims, they are the ones discussing ways to actually improve the system.


I agree with you but to discount anyone and everyone that disagrees with you is "ignorant". I do not admit to agreeing with your opinion on everything, but your points are normally well constructed and factual. You have even proven me wrong in prior threads. But to make a blanket statement that everyone is stupid and "in the wrong game" that does not agree with his point isn't very intelligent. We are all here because we like the game. Most people that are still paying for it are in for the long haul. We ALL want the game to last and get better. Even the worst ideas have some knowledge in them.

Edited by Raific
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Unless you are a developer or can provide a link where a developer says this, you are making an assumption. All forms of CC should affect resolve, period. According to dev statements made at the Guild Summit, Snares and Roots were supposed to be added to the resolve system. In SWG all forms of CCs were part of their "immune" system and it did not affect combat negatively.



Some classes that don’t have the need to establish range or establish closeness requires these abilities as part of their rotation in order to do their damage and be effective. Root/immobilize – stop you from moving. Stun – stop you from acting. Don’t get confused between the two.

So to be clear, root/snare/immobilize/slow are not part of the resolve system. They do not build resolve and they are not stopped by resolve. That was by design. We are working on ways to improve the visualization of the resolve system and make it easier to understand.


Source: http://dulfy.net/2012/04/07/paxeast-q-a-day-2/

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Excuse the spelling & grammar as I type this on my HTC phone.


I think I found something interesting about the way resolve is displayed the player unit frames. Resolve cap is 1000. Yet the resolve bar only shows 800, or so I am led to believe. This is right then that explains why players complain about stuns with full Resolve bars. That full bar is effectively only 80%. So you have to wait a sec more before you get your immunity. Not sure it's like this tbh, but it goes some way to explain the rants.

Source http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/understanding-swtors-resolve-mechanic/

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