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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.3 ideas or future content ideas


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Crazy idea alert lol

a stacking buff that you get each time you lose a wz once you reach 10 stack's damage is increased by 100% damage is reduced by 100%(all player with this 10stack buff will be placed on the same team)


-players that get the crap for groups can win one

-prevents player from going all day losing wz after wz(had days like that )


-simple abuse

-being on the receiveing end of one of these players

again crazy idea doubt it would ever be put in or ever work lol

but gets old when your stuck losing the wz's all day

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I think you should be able to write a back story to your character on your legacy.


This x100.

i would love to write the history of my characters how they met their companions how they felt about missions, etc.

add to that i really want our choices to mean somehting.

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Macros, definitely need macros, not necessarily for making one button rotations, but maybe for the smaller things, like the /(class) emote and other cool things.

And i don't know if I'm the only one who doesn't like it and i know i don't have to have it showing but sith corruption on a sith looks weird, going all pale with pink veins. i think going a darker shade of red and getting black, purple, and red veins would look kickass, maybe getting red/dark yellow iris' and a black sclera. :cool:

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Some of my ideas (appologies for spelling - i know I'm going to get a few names wrong). I have ideas. What can i say!:


- able to visit Kasheek (Wookie homeworld)


- more worlds


- LARGER worlds (i know they are big already - but i'd like tattoine to be a REALLY big planet to be explored :D )


- merge servers (I agree this should happen. lets get player involvement happening more!)


- alternate story-pathways (i.e.: you don't just go from Koriban/ Hutta -> Dromon Kas -> etc...). I liked that in WoW you could take mutiple paths for leveling and that you weren't on a single direction with everyone of your faction


- guilds that gain a bonus for the number of character classes joined (e.g.: you gain a 0.5% to all gold from selling items/ quests if your guild consists mostly of Smugglers/ Bounty Hunters; discount on all repairs if your guild has a majority of Troopers/ Agents, Improved Companion relationship bonuses for majority of Inquistors/ Consolers... not sure about knights/ warriors. Maybe a slight non-combat/ warzone speed boost?)


- option to wield reverse-held lightsabers (hold them backwards - just for visual appeal)


- option that lightsabre turns off when channeling attacks (e.g.: I'd like my sorcerer to not have his lightsabre on while using force lighting on a target)


- INCREASE MOUNT SPEED!!! (seriously going 90% -> 100% -> 110% is barely worthwhile spending the needed credits for! Make it a worthwhile investment please. Something closer to 90% -> 110% -> 130% would be nice. 90% -> 120% -> 150% would be awesome!)


- PvP starships (definate must have. Please add in expansion!!)


- Errands for Smugglers (e.g.: go from Tattooine to Corosaunt and deliver this box - get X amount of credits. Make it a daily mission for credit farming.)


- Bounties to be placed on Republic forces - allowing Bounty Hunters to know roughly where the target is, hunt them, gank them, and gain a cash reward for doing so on returning to the mission box (also a Daily for credit production).


- Imperial Guilds can place Bounties on chosen Republic targets that have given them issues in Warzones, etc... Costs Credits to place a bounty down, but gain a reward for the bounty being compeleted (Legacy Bonus XP, Credit return investment maybe?)


- Homosexual relationships (i.e.: my female Bounty Hunter would be very cute kissing Mako :D )


- New playable races (Wookies, Mon Calamari)


- New Classes


- Unlockable Shapeshifter Race (available after getting x6 different races to lvl 50)


- Option to choose Companions from two choices (i didn't want a jedi apprentice when i was a sorc. Why could i not have had my rival sith-warrior instead? She was far hotter)


- Racial bonuses (e.g.: Sith Purebloods are.... oh i dunno.... have a 1% endurance advantage? Give a bit more of a reason to racial choices than just cosmetics)


- Slight attire change for each world (e.g.: a woolen muffler/ jacket while on Hoth maybe?)


- ABILITY TO RIDE A TONTON ON HOTH. Should be as affordable as the lowest speeder, but moves as fast as the fastest speeder, but ONLY usable while on Hoth.


- Alternate Mount based on your proffession (e.g.: Bio-studies allows you to ride a living mount. Cybernetics allows you to craft a robotic creature mount, etc...)


- Pet breeding into Living Mount


- Improve Sniper range to 40m for some attacks (35 is nice, sure, but its not REALLY sniper range is it! That being said 100m would be quite OP :D. Please just do 40m)


- Show offhand items (i.e.: Smuggler Shotgun, Imperial Agent Knife, Inquistor Force Focus, Juggernaught Shield gen, etc... in the latter two I suggest they be a wrist-like attachment. Saves you holding onto it all the time and frees up your hand)


- Option to change weapon holding animation (e.g.: would be nice if when you ran with double light-sabers you held them both outwards like a lazer clothes line)


- Gambling Dens (play a game of Saback against other players - win some of their credit or loose some of your own). I almost want to say pod-racing.... but I kinda also don't want to think of that movie...


- THE OPTION TO TURN OFF YOUR DAMN PROTOCAL DROID IN YOUR SHIP (i.e.: remove its voice box by any means needed)


- Program your Protocal Droid to be able to have a bonus at one crew skill (not two... specialize the droid to do something)


- Legacy Bonus for maxing out your "grey" alignment


- a warning pop-up that tells you an enemy player is nearby in PvE to show you've noticed them. Help reduce the ganking a lil


- have a braching out story-tree for each class (e.g.: the choices you make in chapter 1 decide which of two stories you will follow in chapter 2. Each of those 2 chapters each have 2 other possible pathways to follow into chapter 3; or each has a unique pathway and both share a pathway as their alternative). Maybe it could be decided on your chosen alignment. End result is each class has three possible endings to their story (one for light, one for dark, one for grey). Make it a proper "choose your own adventure" tale.


- have some changes for "light-sided" characters. Maybe more radiant eyes that glow with your natural color.


- Voice modulation at character creation (keep the voice actors, but have a choice on the pitch of the voice. Will make you sound more unique and would be VERY appreciated in flash-points where a Twilik Sorc sounds exactly like a Sith Pureblood Assasin)

Edited by Zfairborn
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-ship unlocks

- unlock for purchase at current lvls and unlocks fully at 14 20 and 50 legacy lvl(instead of rewarding those that play there 50's only)(my legacy is 25 currently if i gained this legacy lvl with one toon all unlocks would never be a problem but since i play alts i can't afford the unlocks and shouldn't have to play my 50 to unlock these items)

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Some great suggestions here.


Really like the Legacy Bank (I'm an altaholic)


How about guild housing being a star destroyer (or something similar) instead of a building on planet?


As I mentioned in another post, would love to have a cosmetic armour slot (similar to lotro) purely for how the char looks rather than the stats it provides. That way I can look cool in a fight instead of wearing some pink armour cause it had better stats :rolleyes:


Character history would also be cool (lotro also has this)


Craftable items to be used as display in our own/guild (future) housing/spaceship would also be awesome.


Oh! Forgot one more suggestion, a global(universal?) chat channel for each faction would also be good for the community, rather than having to leave a conversation because you have to head off planet or something.

Edited by kksyong
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- more worlds

- LARGER worlds (i know they are big already - but i'd like tattoine to be a REALLY big planet to be explored :D )

- merge servers (I agree this should happen. lets get player involvement happening more!)

- alternate story-pathways (i.e.: you don't just go from Koriban/ Hutta -> Dromon Kas -> etc...). I liked that in WoW you could take mutiple paths for leveling and that you weren't on a single direction with everyone of your faction

- PvP starships (definate must have. Please add in expansion!!)

- Errands for Smugglers (e.g.: go from Tattooine to Corosaunt and deliver this box - get X amount of credits. Make it a daily mission for credit farming.)

- Bounties to be placed on Republic forces - allowing Bounty Hunters to know roughly where the target is, hunt them, gank them, and gain a cash reward for doing so on returning to the mission box (also a Daily for credit production).

- Homosexual relationships (i.e.: my female Bounty Hunter would be very cute kissing Mako :D )

- ABILITY TO RIDE A TONTON ON HOTH. Should be as affordable as the lowest speeder, but moves as fast as the fastest speeder, but ONLY usable while on Hoth.

- Improve Sniper range to 40m for some attacks (35 is nice, sure, but its not REALLY sniper range is it! That being said 100m would be quite OP :D. Please just do 40m)

- Show offhand items (i.e.: Smuggler Shotgun, Imperial Agent Knife, Inquistor Force Focus, Juggernaught Shield gen, etc... in the latter two I suggest they be a wrist-like attachment. Saves you holding onto it all the time and frees up your hand)\

- Gambling Dens (play a game of Saback against other players - win some of their credit or loose some of your own). I almost want to say pod-racing.... but I kinda also don't want to think of that movie...

- THE OPTION TO TURN OFF YOUR DAMN PROTOCAL DROID IN YOUR SHIP (i.e.: remove its voice box by any means needed)

- Program your Protocal Droid to be able to have a bonus at one crew skill (not two... specialize the droid to do something)

- Voice modulation at character creation (keep the voice actors, but have a choice on the pitch of the voice. Will make you sound more unique and would be VERY appreciated in flash-points where a Twilik Sorc sounds exactly like a Sith Pureblood Assasin)



I love all these ideas. Most especially the ideas for errands for smugglers and bounties for bounty hunters. It just seems natural, and now that I've realized it, it seems kind of silly not to have.


Voice modding would be great. I know voice actors take their work very seriously, but I really wanna play a female Smuggler, but the voice drives me crazy (It's Phil & Lil's voice from the rugrates :D)


Frak protocol droids and their annoying frakking phrases everytime you go onto the ship. Ughhh.


BW's already talked about doing gay relationships. I think at this point it's just a voice-acting thing.

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since there is a pet (Tauntaun), pet raising. pet system.


where you can feed your pet and it will give you stats and it can either attack long range, close range or force user.

pet will evolve when reached ceratin levels (for fun) 20, 30, 40, 50. so 4 stages of evolve. Or you can capture monsters are pets but some really are hard to find hard to capture and with a certain time like 1hour per respawn seems reasonable. ahaha pretty cool idea what do you think guys? but its not a companion. :)


did someone say "Tamagotchi"!!! hehe... but a nice idea =)

Edited by MegaLamerZ
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I love SWTOR game, but there are a few convenience features that although minor, annoy me when I come across them:


Not being able to add people to your friends list unless they are online. I have quite a few friends, co-workers, and acquaintances that are playing, and I have all their main toon names, but unless I try to search the right name at the right time, I just can't add them to my friends list. This is very frustrating as we would like to know when everyone is online and available to get groups going.


Not having all your character names automatically saved in like a friends log, so that when you are trying to send things between characters, you don't have to type out the whole name (or remember exactly how it is spelled) so you can just type a few letters and then choose it from the list, like you can with friends.


The intergalactic trade network is great, but doesn't get the full capacity that it could, mostly I suspect, because 'searching' items is so difficult: Item names are long, and you can't just click or shift-click an item in your bag to quickly search for that item. Instead you have to type it all out. This makes looking for items that you need more of difficult, and makes it hard to search for items you may have to find the "going rate" to auction them, but also makes is more difficult to search for things that you don't have that you need for a pattern or what not. Being able to quickly link items from your bag, or materials list of a pattern, would make this a much more appealing feature that would realize its full potential use by making it simpler.


I would love to see some or all of these minor adjustments added in a future patch to add more ease to the game.

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The most interesting things I can think of:


1) Chat bubbles // So necessary for good roleplay.


2) A series of dynamic class-based daily quests // Smugglers could make deliveries, Bounty Hunters could pick up kill contracts. Something to allow greater immersion in class roles and help enliven end-game content.


3) Gambling // Yes, gambling. Introduce mini-games into the Nar Shadda casinos. It would bring a whole new life to this game, allowing players to bet credits against each other and the casino. Great way to stimulate the economy.


4) Guild leveling and perks // Give people more of a reason to be active in a guild, and something that even lowbies can contribute to.

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  • Chat bubbles for /say.
  • More mini-games like Pazaak and Dejarik. The tables already exist, we just need them functional! :D
  • More functional seats and benches for your character to sit on.
  • Guild Capital Ships.
  • Guild Tax (small percentage of quest reward credits is automatically added to the guild bank).
  • Include Boots and Gloves custom armor recipes for Synthweaving/Armormech.
  • Include more custom weapon recipes so players can have greater choice in weapon models.
  • Unify to Chest has been found wanting, please give us (crafted) Color Dyes instead to really customize gear.
  • More worthwhile speeder speeds for the amount of credits spent on training: 90% > 120% > 150%
  • 'Barber shop' so you can modify your appearance (same as character creation, but for a cost in Credits).
  • Attach Set-bonuses from pre-1.2 gear to the Armoring so it can be transferred into custom gear!!! :mad:
  • Augmentation Device craftable consumables so people can attach augment slots onto their existing gear.
  • Customization kits for your ship droid. It has the customization slot, so why not use it?
  • Creature mounts like TaunTaun and Bantha (even if they move at a reduced speed) ;)
  • 2-man speeders like the Manta Landspeeder for you and a grouped buddy to ride shotgun :cool:
  • Legacy options that are more than just useless Credit-sinks (5 mil and L25 for a dead GTN, I'm looking at you)
  • Change Birthright/Inheritance gear so it levels with you up to level 49 (similar to Heirloom items in WoW).
  • More playable races like Voss, Togruta, Nautolan.
  • More character slots (unlocked through Legacy perhaps?)
Edited by Danakar
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2 suggestions that would please me


1: All seats within cantina's seatable/interactive to use like the seats in the cokpit of yoru ship so it would make the RP just that bit more interesting, but also more seats in your ships accessable aswell, like the confrence room in the Trooper ships...has about 12 seats that serve no purpose in 1 room , and you can only have a max party of 4 at any time on your ship so again a bit pointless


2: the inportant one: Next to "Hide Head Slot" should be an option to "have Hood Up/Down" not completely gone like when you put a mask on but drapped down the back like it is on some robes because to me thats looks so much better and exposes the face more, but also to work with the graphics so if you DO put a mask on its doesnt automaically cut the hood off. Example; On a certain Flashpoint Empire side you are tasked to go after an inividual on The Foundry, you talk to this person and the whole time he/she has their hood up...they then put on a mask thats should only be a mask, but all of a sudden there is no longer a hood and they are wearing a helmet, if all they pu on was a mask surely their hood should still be up overhanging said mask.


Oh yeah also something in Legacy thats actually useful to us...and also that we dont have to pay though the teeth for aswell

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An ingame bulletin board on main fleet for Guild advertisiing would be cool.

GM's can post guild description and a website link and possibly contact toon names for /pst.


This would/could stop the general spamming of Guild recruitment and would target the people who are actually looking for a guild etc.


Guilds would also be posting recruitment 24/7 which covers the times officers are not logged on.


An 'Apply' button on the board would be good to send an email (ingame) to the GM for review.


I know it isn't "in game", but check my sig for something that might be useful to you.


As for what I'd like to see in the future:


1. Character last names that aren't tied to the Legacy function.

2. A "banker" droid character (separate from normal characters) that has no combat value and can't leave the faction's main city, but can access mail, has storage containers, and can use the Galactic Trade Network. This way, I can send all of my stuff to it for posting auctions (and the extra storage would be nice, too).

3. The option to play the crafting missions as a minigame, possibly earning abilities and/or items specific to the companion character (possibly including getting them better at specific tasks).

4. A companion management interface when in my ship so I can easily equip and maintain my companions.

5. A notification on the log in screen next to any character indicating if they have new mail waiting for them.

6. Jawa as a playable race for Jedi (pipe dream, I know).

7. Some non-human looking races to play, including droids (maybe as an unlockable "race" or 1 per server per account limit).

8. Hood up/down option (edit: stolen from the post above me, lol)

9. More open world (including in space) exploration options.


That's it for now. Make it so... wait... wrong universe... haha!



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The follow issues need addressing ASAP:


• irritating or game-breaking bugs (including the crashes, sound issues and schematic problems)

• massive game-engine problems (stalls, low FPS, freezes, underutilised GPU), even on higher-end machines

• lack of character slots per server (the ability to have 16 or more)

• lack of proper talk over server merges and character transfers

• lack of SGRA (same gender relationship arcs) -- including existing companions too -- and same gender flirt options

• lack of a LFG tool (either server wide or optional cross-server)

• lack of a unified zone chat (so that empty worlds end up seeming even emptier)

• lack of hood toggle

• lack of companion colour unify / hide head slot / hood toggle

• lack of simple actions like being able to sit down in a chair

• lack of character customisation beyond a certain point (so that you see lots of "clones" as people get higher levelled)

• lack of timescale estimates for most new features (on account of the whining actions of a lot of players that 1.2 was "late")


And so on.

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There are alternate ways to do installation and patching, as witnessed by some of the other games (EQ2), that do not require large initial downloads for installation;

  • Initial download should only include what you need for character creation / selection and the starting worlds. Once you've actually logged into the game, the rest of the zones - in order of character access - would be downloaded in background. You could even bias the download order based on the faction / classes created.
  • Allow the start of patching without having to login. I play on multiple machines and would like to be able to patch one while playing on the other.
  • Again, include the bias for patching your active zones first and allowing you to play while the other zones finish in background.

EQ2 probably has one of the best setups for handling installation and patching that I've seen, but I suspect the rest of you can come up with some other, excellent examples.

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