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1.3 ideas or future content ideas


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i have a few ideas for 1.3

-legacy played /command or tracker in lagecy window(so you can see time played acrossed all characters)

- deleted characters count as dead characters on family tree(instead of only having max of 8 slots for the family tree)

-higher your legacy lvl is lowers the cost of unlocks. example repair droid cost 1mil credits has a legacy lvl of 7 requirement how about at legacy 14 reduces the cost to 500k.

-give players that unlock a race perks that can't be just bought.

-legacy social lvl

-legacy pvp tracker (win/loses, kills ,medals, and deaths.


as i think of more ill add some


Please only suggestion no trolls

Edited by Penfookio
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An ingame bulletin board on main fleet for Guild advertisiing would be cool.

GM's can post guild description and a website link and possibly contact toon names for /pst.


This would/could stop the general spamming of Guild recruitment and would target the people who are actually looking for a guild etc.


Guilds would also be posting recruitment 24/7 which covers the times officers are not logged on.


An 'Apply' button on the board would be good to send an email (ingame) to the GM for review.

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Chat bubbles to bring in a bit more personal touch to people talking. Right now what is said can come from anywhere and feels so detached.


Cross faction chat to allow friendly rivalries to build. Mature players can handle this area and there are mechanics in place for those that can't. This game needs to have a healthy player enemy to enhance the MMO.


Character Image Design/Customization. Abilities to change your character look like hair, hair color, build, face, skin color, and add more hair options, tattoos, ect.....


Guild Capital ships. These ships will be instanced based like our current ones but will allow either only guild members or those who are added to a list of accepted players allowed. This ship will house the guild bank, an entertainment area, a combat chamber with target dummies, a council chamber, an email terminal, and most of all individual rooms for each guild member where they can actually decorate.


Yes, I realize that could be 500 rooms as that is the max size for a guild but the rooms can be instanced as well if needed. It could be who ever walks in first shows their stuff and any who walk in after will enter that first person into their room. I don't know, but it would be sweet to have a place to call home for the guilds. :D:wea_03:

Edited by Cynomen
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more ideas

-guild allainces(this will allow smaller guilds the option to communicate with anouther guild without haveing to leave the guild there in)

-possably allowing sith and republic player real life friends to join forces in operations( this would allow guild with both republic and sith side guilds to pull players into operations when short on players of that faction)(one of my streches of an idea doubt this one will fly)

- legacy friends list (similar to wows battlenet friends list but with out needing personal info)simple request, accept reject system of the player legacy name.

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Chat bubbles to bring in a bit more personal touch to people talking. Right now what is said can come from anywhere and feels so detached.


Cross faction chat to allow friendly rivalries to build. Mature players can handle this area and there are mechanics in place for those that can't. This game needs to have a healthy player enemy to enhance the MMO.


Guild Capital ships. These ships will be instanced based like our current ones but will allow either only guild members or those who are added to a list of accepted players allowed. This ship will house the guild bank, an entertainment area, a combat chamber with target dummies, a council chamber, an email terminal, and most of all individual rooms for each guild member where they can actually decorate.


Yes, I realize that could be 500 rooms as that is the max size for a guild but the rooms can be instanced as well if needed. It could be who ever walks in first shows their stuff and any who walk in after will enter that first person into their room. I don't know, but it would be sweet to have a place to call home for the guilds. :D:wea_03:


I heard there's a way to have chat bubbles since... the beta! You have to add or activate lines of codes, something like that.

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since there is a pet (Tauntaun), pet raising. pet system.


where you can feed your pet and it will give you stats and it can either attack long range, close range or force user.

pet will evolve when reached ceratin levels (for fun) 20, 30, 40, 50. so 4 stages of evolve. Or you can capture monsters are pets but some really are hard to find hard to capture and with a certain time like 1hour per respawn seems reasonable. ahaha pretty cool idea what do you think guys? but its not a companion. :)

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-custom starships! Models/paintworks

Damn personal starship is just....so personal! i can believe everyone is flying the same ship. And its not much work to implement few more starship models and paintworks for them.

-repainting the armor

WOOOWWWW this armor is so great!!!! What a great chest design!!

But why its pink.

(i know we can repaint all to chest but how to repaint the chest?:D)

-LFG system, not just adnotation in player list.

-barber shops

-living mounts

-mounted combat

-space PvP

i want to put all those puple starship parts to good use!

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* Player housing (although this will never happen)

* Chat bubbles, or something that you can tell when someone is about to speak. How many times have you been in a group when your standing still ready to say something and your teams mates have already moved on!!

* The abilaty to make your companions gear match. Plus to be able to hide the headslot.

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Far more consequences for choices made during conversations. i.e. a chain a events takes place that may ripple through 5 levels of game play. SIde quests (unexpected ones) are a good diversion.


More hidden things to find. simple thinks like item colorization kits are "treasure" to players and have them found.


The orbitial stations are useless. How about a band of jawas takes over a wing of one and puts in an arcade. players can compete (may even win pvp colorization kits) against each other. think of han's ship with his gun batteries where the players compete.

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The orbitial stations are useless. How about a band of jawas takes over a wing of one and puts in an arcade. players can compete (may even win pvp colorization kits) against each other. think of han's ship with his gun batteries where the players compete.

This idea... It's...


Go get a job at Bioware. Now.

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Some really awesome ideas here, i hope the devs look at this thread.


An ingame bulletin board on main fleet for Guild advertisiing would be cool.

GM's can post guild description and a website link and possibly contact toon names for /pst.


This would/could stop the general spamming of Guild recruitment and would target the people who are actually looking for a guild etc.


Guilds would also be posting recruitment 24/7 which covers the times officers are not logged on.


An 'Apply' button on the board would be good to send an email (ingame) to the GM for review.





Guild Capital ships. These ships will be instanced based like our current ones but will allow either only guild members or those who are added to a list of accepted players allowed. This ship will house the guild bank, an entertainment area, a combat chamber with target dummies, a council chamber, an email terminal, and most of all individual rooms for each guild member where they can actually decorate.


Yes, I realize that could be 500 rooms as that is the max size for a guild but the rooms can be instanced as well if needed. It could be who ever walks in first shows their stuff and any who walk in after will enter that first person into their room. I don't know, but it would be sweet to have a place to call home for the guilds. :D:wea_03:


Unfortunately i don't see this happening in the next patch, but maybe expansion....:) I would love for this to happen though, we arlready have our ship name picked out:D


my ideas suck. only idea i can think of is more cool costumes.


I would actually like to see cool endgame costumes. i think they all look horrible.


Add zones for adults (18+) .


Not sure where you ment for this to go: either a mature area for adult "grown up" conversation or "Other reasons"...


-custom starships! Models/paintworks

Damn personal starship is just....so personal! i can believe everyone is flying the same ship. And its not much work to implement few more starship models and paintworks for them.

-repainting the armor

WOOOWWWW this armor is so great!!!! What a great chest design!!

But why its pink.

(i know we can repaint all to chest but how to repaint the chest?:D)

-LFG system, not just adnotation in player list.

-barber shops

-living mounts

-mounted combat

-space PvP

i want to put all those puple starship parts to good use!


Great ideas here, i would love to see space PvP. Mounted Comabt......Jousting!!!!:D


some other things i would like to see:


Legacy Bank (so you don't have to keep emailing your alts..)

SGR's (i know they are coming, but when?)

Server transfers (^^^^^^^^^)

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Making it possible for players to get augments without having to craft them, like we used to be able to do pre-1.2. Maybe make them have lower stats then crafted but still being able to get them none the less. The only augments on the GTN on my server are the lv 49s.

*Player own houses/ships that anyone can enter and that players can customize. I saw someone say that they had a full set of cent/champ gear post 1.2 and how it was now a collectors item. Being able to put things like that on display for others to see would be outdated items worth something.

*Being able to have the legacy family tree have more options, like having the child of one set of parents being the rival/ally of the child of another set of parents.

*Getting more character slots on a server. Maybe linked to legacy lv like every 10 you get another slot, or everytime you get a char to 50 you get another slot.

Edited by DeltaEkotte
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-Operation conversations and decisions that give social points and also affects the outcome of the operation based on the balance between lightside darkside decisions of the group(instead of one player winning and it goes that way)(when darkside and lightside decision is tied the system could then go off the side with the highest average roll or player with highest roll wins in a tie)
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since there is a pet (Tauntaun), pet raising. pet system.


where you can feed your pet and it will give you stats and it can either attack long range, close range or force user.

pet will evolve when reached ceratin levels (for fun) 20, 30, 40, 50. so 4 stages of evolve. Or you can capture monsters are pets but some really are hard to find hard to capture and with a certain time like 1hour per respawn seems reasonable. ahaha pretty cool idea what do you think guys? but its not a companion. :)


oh god no, I would troll hard and lobby to make sure I never see that in this game. Dungeon Fighter has it, you could check that out. Smh at jedi knights and sith lords playing pokemon.

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I think the biggest problem in the game is getting to places to join people to do heroics


We urgently need a summoning stone or teleporter (keeping in with the sci fi theme) to allow people to travel to others to help them - across worlds and to every heroic area/instance


Another thing might be foraging - and cooking to make some great buff foods


I would go with player housing - never done it - but it could be fun especially if it is close to a transport pad - maybe include cargo holds and an automated vendor, and even perhaps a teleporter point

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-addons would be nice

-if your don't want addons in the game add these features

-damage meter (so we can track which damage and healing in ops group)(this make solving issue with group compostion easier)

-threat meter(help tanks and dps out alot)

(if anyone can remember the world of warcraft 3rd party addons for these features please post the name and what they do so devs can test them)

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-custom starships! Models/paintworks

Damn personal starship is just....so personal! i can believe everyone is flying the same ship. And its not much work to implement few more starship models and paintworks for them.

-repainting the armor

WOOOWWWW this armor is so great!!!! What a great chest design!!

But why its pink.

(i know we can repaint all to chest but how to repaint the chest?:D)

-LFG system, not just adnotation in player list.

-barber shops

-living mounts

-mounted combat

-space PvP

i want to put all those puple starship parts to good use!

Toss in open world PvP objectives and you have my dream list ;)

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Chat bubbles to bring in a bit more personal touch to people talking. Right now what is said can come from anywhere and feels so detached.


Cross faction chat to allow friendly rivalries to build. Mature players can handle this area and there are mechanics in place for those that can't. This game needs to have a healthy player enemy to enhance the MMO.


Guild Capital ships. These ships will be instanced based like our current ones but will allow either only guild members or those who are added to a list of accepted players allowed. This ship will house the guild bank, an entertainment area, a combat chamber with target dummies, a council chamber, an email terminal, and most of all individual rooms for each guild member where they can actually decorate. . :D:wea_03:


There is an option to turn chat bubbles on in the preferences menu.


Can't the factions already talk to each other? When I was on Nar Shaddaa on my tankassin I had a Jedi Knight come up and start talking to me and challenge me to a duel. I think you just need to talk in /say to be able to talk to each other.


The guild ship idea is something that was thrown around in my guild chat about a week ago and it was universally supported. I want it just so I can pop onto the guild ship and call out "How many ******es have i got on this ship?"

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