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Rate the Trooper story 1-10


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8- There is no getting around the fact that the trooper is slightly stupid, but so long as you don't always pick the boyscout lines he can be an utter bamf. Not to mention that you get to carry a REALLY big gun, the story does have some good twists and the single best instanced battle in the game (start of gauntlet mission). Edited by wishihadaname
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First chapter is average. Remind me a random plot from a steven seagal/chuck norris movie, but it's enough

The rest is garbage.


You are the leader of the most powerful squad of the republic. And as you prove it once during the storyline, of the galaxy, Empire included.

And yet, you are send to makes errand on planet to help the war effort. I want to be on the front line, I'm the best ! Not to be send on Voss to persuade a diplomat to send troops, or to belsavis to save some random pilots....


Companions are average. Not great, not bad, just average. 4x remind me the giant robot from FO3, and have a great voice (it sound like the one making introduction for clone wars episode, don't know he is the same actor).


The only great stuff is the voice acting. Jennifer Hale (femshep) as femtrooper is great, while the male voice is cool.

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  • 8 months later...
5.5/10 because of its ending. The story itself is a 9 in my eyes, i found it very interesting, but the ending I would say 0, disappointing to the extreme. The best ending i have seen so far is JK. Gotta finish consular and smugler to have a better idea.
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6/10. It's ok. It's very "yes sir, no sir, right away sir." It doesn't feel very Star Wars-ey. The first chapter is good. After that I don't even really remember what happened.


And Garza's butt is laughably huge.

Edited by NurseDonut
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Considering that the ending I assume people are referring to is entirely avoidable even whilst it's happening, I have a hard time taking people who are seriously downrating the entire story based on it particularly seriously. At worst, you literally just have to tell a character "no, let's not do that".


Overall, maybe around a 7, personally.

Edited by Bleeters
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Considering that the ending I assume people are referring to is entirely avoidable even whilst it's happening, I have a hard time taking people who are seriously downrating the entire story based on it particularly seriously. At worst, you literally just have to tell a character "no, let's not do that".


Overall, maybe around a 7, personally.


The ending is the punch if you will. Is one of the most important parts of any history, a history with a bad ending will be destroyed regardless. Writing 101, conclusions are the paragraphs where you summarize history and convince the reader/viewer that they haven't wasted their time. A bad ending simply destroys the whole history, unfortunately, is the way things are, is a "natural" response.

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Overall I'd give it a 7. All though my vanguard was the first story I completed back in the beginning and I played him straight light side. It was all right. But leveling a commando now as dark side and it's more fun I'd say. You're basically a gigantic, egotistical **** that just tells people to stuff it and doesn't care about anyone.


End of Chapter 1 was better as darkside:


The confrontation with Tavus was a lot more enjoyable as dark side. A lot more satisfying when he's begging for his life to help make things right and you just lean over and say "No mercy for traitors" while non-shalantly pulling out your blaster pistol and shooting him in the gut. I lol'ed.


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Story - 7 - I like the story, really. You are trooper and You are expected to fulfill Your duty. Orders are orders.

Ending - 10 - Exactly what I have been expecting of elite special top secret smal outfit. Star at the wall nothing less, nothing more.




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The trooper was the first class and 50 I played so it was basically my get to know the game which was quite fun.


Prolouge 10/10 the first part of the trooper started really well and ore mantel was a great place to start.


Act 1 9/10 I thought the first act had a great story I really liked hunting down your former squad made you feel heroic.


Act 2 4/10 act 2 just felt like a grind it had horrible story and bad planets but the gauntlet fight was fun.


Act 3 7.5/10 act 3 started to pick up again the last few battles were quite fun though the ending kinda sucked.


Overall 7.5/ 10 the trooper was good but was slow in some places it felt heroic but not Star Wars enough.

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