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Current Arsenal Merc PVE sustained DPS


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So with the fix to HSM in place after the adjustments to the class in 1.2, I'm wondering where Arsenal is standing now for DPS in Ops and Flashpoints.


Loose theorycrafting (on sithwarrior.com and these forums) has shown the original 1.2 changes to have lowered our overall DPS slightly (it's been estimated at around, or slightly less than 5%). Now, with the bugfix to HSM in 1.2c, it's looking like our sustained DPS has been dropped again.


PTS parses of Arsenal Mercs had us slightly below or even to Sorcs before 1.2 went live, and Marauders and Snipers measurably above both classes. If the 1.2c bugfix drops us even lower, I'm wondering if something shouldn't be adjusted to make us competitive again.


Long story short, I'm looking for non-anecdotal data comparing Mercs to Sorcs, Marauders and Snipers in PVE post 1.2c, or at least a reasonable discussion about where we now stand. So far all I've been able to get from this forum since 1.2c has gone live is a whole lot of mish-mash, whining and conflicting opinions, mostly from PVP players.


Bioware has recently gone on record as saying our DPS is "fine" post 1.2c, but I'm kind of forced to take that with a grain of salt, since they've been wrong about this type of thing before, and their definition of "acceptable" DPS could be 10% below that of half the other players in my group - and that number is, frankly, not acceptable to me.


I'm currently leveling a Merc, and was hoping to make it my main character, but I really have no desire to invest myself in a new main that's bottom-of-the-totem pole DPS in PVE endgame, as that's what I intend to focus on. Hopefully, I get proven wrong here, and Mercs really ARE fine. I really want to play mine - it's fun, and I love being able to pinch-heal. The tons-easier-rotation than my Sniper isn't too bed either. ;)

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Though I'm not really sure what was "fixed" with 1.2c before last thursday I could push my sustained dps to almost 1440 on a target dummy, full buffs/stims etc. While this was happening my HSM was critting in the vicinity of 5.6k


After 1.2c I noticed a large drop in dps with 1220 being the average and on a very good run 1300. HSM is having a very hard time getting past 4.6k now.


I did not test with any other debuffs on the target and I'm not really sure what other de/buffs affected HSM's damage before but I just can't believe this isn't some sort of bug right now.


In raids dps is ~1000 due to movement / off healing / target switching.

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Though I'm not really sure what was "fixed" with 1.2c before last thursday I could push my sustained dps to almost 1440 on a target dummy, full buffs/stims etc. While this was happening my HSM was critting in the vicinity of 5.6k


After 1.2c I noticed a large drop in dps with 1220 being the average and on a very good run 1300. HSM is having a very hard time getting past 4.6k now.


I did not test with any other debuffs on the target and I'm not really sure what other de/buffs affected HSM's damage before but I just can't believe this isn't some sort of bug right now.


In raids dps is ~1000 due to movement / off healing / target switching.


Your current numbers look like my Pyro spec. Which is actually nice since I've been getting moaned at for rolling pyro since beta. Now I'm no worse a choice than an Arsenal spec.



This is what I understand as having changed:


1) You no longer benefit from other players Heat Signatures / other stacked effects on HSM.


2) Your own stack of Heat Signatures was being counted twice to buff your attacks. Now it doesn't.


Net result is a massive reduction in the damage for HSM.



You can call it what you like but the devs have deliberately reduced the buff you were previously getting and have said what they did.

Edited by Gyronamics
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