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Malles Needs Powertech PvP Help!


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So, I love PvP. Love it. Before SWTOR my main loves for player-versus-player ranged from everything between Call of Duty and Pokemon. IRL I'm a US Army soldier and I did swim team and soccer in high school. I love competition, I love winning, and when I lose I always try and learn something from it.


Enter SWTOR. I understand MMO PvP a bit from doing Arenas with a warrior in WoW, so this time around I went with the stand-by melee class, choosing a Bounty Hunter because of mad love for Boba Fett. I went and played through the story to get a feel for my class and then blew all my dough on the basic PvP gear and jumped right into the Warzone. I did some matches, won enough to grab some Battlemaster gear, even got MvP in Huttball, and I've decided I don't know jack diddly squat about my class.


I die way more than I like, to put it simply. I don't believe it's a gear disadvantage either. I feel as though I am not getting enough oomph out of my bounty hunter. People just don't die as fast as I'd like, and healers just ignore me, and that makes me mad, because I want to fight people and be good at it, dammit. So, that's where you guys come in. Help me!


So, first, here's my spec.




I don't really have a rotation. I start fights with Incendiary Missle and Rail Shot, closing distance maunally and firing Rapid Shots all the while. I get Flame Burst on immediately to proc a snare and another DoT then do Rocket Punch, firing Rail Shot when it procs and Incediary Missile only when the debuff wears off. TD is for when Rocket Punch is on CD and Rail Shot didn't proc, and I use Unload for distance enemies. I only pop CDs when engaging a group or when my HP is at 50%.


Please and thank you!

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First, your spec looks fine but I prefer 7/3/31 for the increased aim. Your opener should always be IM then TD then railshot then rocket punch then railshot. With cds no healer should be able to withstand the burst. Pyros die quickly its a fact. If you want to combat this either run with a tank for guard a healer or get 2p supercommando pve and 2p combat medic pvp they will increase your shield duration to 18s and be up alot with your spec. Personally I run with healers so have no issues. Always taunt any enemy on a friendly and pull stun enemies off healers. If your healer is healing themselves they wont be healing you ergo you will die faster. Always have td and rs/ppa on cooldoen and rapid fire when needed. If you are up against 2 healers pull them apart to use the map to your advantage i.e. behind a box to LOS their healing eachother or into fire in hutball.


Solo queing is tough to stay alive for any one (cept maybe sins/maras) but always use your surroundings to your advantage knowing that all your casts are instant. Lots of times at low hp a sorc or something will be on me and i stand behind a box strafe out TD strafe back strafe out im strafe back strafe out rs etc etc they wont get a cast off due to server latency and you will eat their HP.


Dont hop on the mara/sin fotm bandwagon though PTs are an unbelievably amazing class when you get skilled/geared and run with premades. Averaging 4-600k in every game in my PT with just BM no mod altering.

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Also another thing I noticed you said 50% for CDs or a group, I would say that is poor choice. Think this way. 17k hp you pop your shield it effectively gives you over 4k hp if you wait till 50% you are giving yourself 2k and the numbers get worse if you medpack. Always shield when starting a fight or 2sec or so in. Also I copied this from one of my other posts to give you a rough estimate.


^this IM-TD-RS-FB-RSorRP if no ppa - dead or near dead

I am on my phone so sorry for any typos but here is a rough estimate

With all CDs popped assuming most or everything crits,

700+dot im, 4k rs, 1.5k fb, 4k rs and 3.8k td explosion (average for me), 1.7k rp+ the 3 ticks of im for 700+ = a super rough estimate of? 17.1k if not all your cds were up a couple FBs or Rapid shots will seal the deal. Stun them after your initial burst so they cant medpack if their trink isnt up

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