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Regarding server queues


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So i queued three hours. Now my swtor went to black screen of death! So I have to restart the game. And you are saying I have to queue another three and half hours, line is 300 people longer than three hours ago. Do something already! Raise the server pop limit like 1000-1500 people. This is unacceptable!


Or give us free guild transfer to another server.


Agree !

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I understand the staging, but when I choose a different server to play on I have to recreate my character :mad: There has to be a way for my characters to be mirrored or data saved so that I don't start all over if I change servers for a better connection. :(
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Frostclaw EU have had an estimated queue time of 50 mins. I logged on through the launcher at 2.45pm. At 4.15 I have 70 left to go before I can get on.


That guestimated time is WAY out. I am going to qq every day until BW pull their thumbs out of the rear end and does something about these queue times. TOFN have purported times of 4-6 hours. Sucks to be on that server. buts its for ppl who are on that realm as why I am continuing my qqing. BW GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! >.<

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This has to be solved ASAP. My guild was put to Tomb of Freedon Nadd. I have friends there so it was anavoidable to choose another server.


And now im having a 4 hr wait. From 14:30 up to now (18:30).


I can not go to another server due to the guild placement.

The original guild placement planning was awfull.


I am very dissapointed about this.

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Guys, what we want, we do not pay regularly, we are still only potiential customers. We do not pay, we do not play (MAINLY IN EUROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!). But is the angry potentional customer good choice for so big project? But other way - it is weekend, BW staff has right to rest as we..... lol


I do not accept queques, because, they deployed guilds on servers, they knew with how many people they could count with, so i dont know why the situation is so bad...


END EUROPE NEED MORE ENGLISH SERVERs, there are countries that do not speak german or french omg"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am quite disappointed by this situation BW, I expect more from you...

Edited by Pokto
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PLEASE Bioware, you've got a great game here, if you just get that server transfer available theres ALOT of players that doesn't have any problem with changing server from the full ones with +1 hour queues! Dont ruin your player base with something like this! Edited by Olekalvo
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This is utterly ridiculous, not all of us have all day to play or wait around and I've been queing since 2pm on the dot and I'm still at 600+ in the queue 2 hours 20 minutes later.


It's not a matter of moving to a lower populated server either because our guild was PLACED on Legions of Lettow and people don't want to move because the community of our server is awesome.


I can't believe they haven't tried to increase the server population caps, all other MMO launches have accomodated queues in the immediate...



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So i queued three hours. Now my swtor went to black screen of death! So I have to restart the game. And you are saying I have to queue another three and half hours, line is 300 people longer than three hours ago. Do something already! Raise the server pop limit like 1000-1500 people. This is unacceptable!


Or give us free guild transfer to another server.


1000-1500 higer limit wont help all servers, they need to do som more to. LoL, ToFN Bloodworty have 2000+ ques.

i gues limits will go upp in a few weeks but that wont help the worst servers that have aktive guilds waiting fo a lott of players from 20 desember.

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Queues aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of grace period when getting disconnected. After waiting a few hours to connect, disconnecting after a few minutes and having to wait hours AGAIN is not a nice thing.


Queues ARE a problem. 4-6h wait is too much.

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Doesn't really work though, the engineer has no control over the gas station, whereas bioware have control over the servers, they could do something about it. a more apt analogy would be blaming the engineer if you turn your car on and have to wait a few hours before you can actually drive it....


Exactly. Like BW doesn´t have control of the servers, because it´s EA responsible for this issue.

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EA it's from USA...they don't care about EU...**** them...amerinuts...I can't belive 6 hours of queue and I'm not yet in (im waiting for a possible disconnection)


**** EA, they can lick my ***! this has no sense!!11


they say that they are monitoring servers...they just stay there and say: "oh look! servers are full! wathever, let's go to eat some hamburger"


EA needed to take some german chiesf, so there would me no problem...stupid americans...


I immagine EA team that "monitor" the servers like Homer Simpson

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Something that bothers me about this thread. I read it like this. Later we will bring new servers online for you to move and start over on. (Meaning early access you wanted to use for prep and to get ahead would be void since you move off the server) Also your friends who wont move to an empty server or guild. That means youd be alone in that server. That doesnt sound fun.


So I do wonder this. Once new servers come online, will a char transfer be around? Least then wouldnt feel like work is lost or you got cheated from the early access time to get away from the starter areas.

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Queues aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of grace period when getting disconnected. After waiting a few hours to connect, disconnecting after a few minutes and having to wait hours AGAIN is not a nice thing.

This is what comes to mind ,I just managed to login after a queue of 1 hour , then I had to leave for a couple of minutes (grabed something fast to eat) , when I came back I was disconected ..... and the queue is even bigger .

I also got the same problem yesterday , I was waiting for my companions to craft something 10-15 mins , when I came back I was DC ... this sux .

Please give us the option to server transfer to a low pop server if we are on a full server .

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Does anyone remember when DC Universe Online went F2p? The server queues were crazy for the forst 3 days, but as soon as queues started they were getting hassled on twitter, facebook and there forums. They made it their number 1 priority and yes it took a few days but they did keep everyone upto date with what was happening.


Come Bioware, you are better than Sony so respond please.

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My 3 hour wait was for nothing. I got to the character screen to be kicked out. My 'gaming time' for today is gone.


I'm back in the queue - 982nd. 'Estimated Time' of 1 hour 5mins.


When I logged in this morning, it was 30 mins. I waited 3 hours.


Now I'm off to work - I know people think that 'casual' gamers shouldn't QQ about queues, but I don't have the time to play for 10 hours straight, and I dont want to leave my guild-mates who rolled on this server so we could play together. My level 21 Jedi is stuck at level 21 because I waited 4 hours yesterday and played for 30mins before I had to log off.

I'm not going to be able to play at all today. How can I level my character if I cant even log on?

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