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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Players on Forums: We have long queues, we cant play the way we want, help! *cry*

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -Why are those idiots logging into one server only? -I duno, maybe they didnt notice there are more servers? Lets add some more, they will surely notice that!

After more servers added, Players on Forums: Aaaaaa, queues are 3 and more hours, we cant play, heeeeeeelp!

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -What are they mentally challenged, why do they keep logging into one server only? -Im not sure, lets make an official statement that there are new servers added, probably then they will notice.

After official statement about new servers added, Players on Forums: BW, solve the problem, we cant get into game, we have too long queues, we will rage-quit this game and go play WoW!

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -Yeah they definetly are mentally challenged and sadly most of them illiterates also. -I agree, lets just make statement that we are looking into this matter and lets wish them to have a fun in the game, it should calm down at least few of those who can read.

After the statement, Players on Forums: Queues are still damn long but at least it calms us down that BW is looking into this matter, and we hope that after launch the game will run smoother, meanwhile we will log into other servers and enjoy the game.


Yeah but you gotta take into account that people arnt just going to abandon there chars or their friends, people are stubborn, I think n implementation, of Full servers should be unavailable for people who dont have chars on that server, so its a priority to those who do. Just an idea.

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You should really do something with Legion of Lettow. Waiting 30 mins is for me limit and now I have to wait 1h 30m


The line no Legion of Lettow is not 1,5 hour. I've been in the queue for 2 hours now and still have 750 more people in front of me...

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I'll pile on with the rest of everyone else by adding, if the queues are not fixed by the time the first month is up, I won't re-sub. I'll periodically check the forums to see if the issue has been addressed, but I won't pay a monthly fee to something and have partial access. Hopefully the issue gets resolved, I enjoy the game, but, it is a game.
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I am really sorry for you guys. You don't understand them. Let me guess you also watch and believe news ..... CNN, BBC etc


Are you really saying the solution to queueing would be to let some cyber terrorists cause millions of dollars worth of damage and let all us paying customers not be able to play for weeks?



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You should really do something with Legion of Lettow. Waiting 30 mins is for me limit and now I have to wait 1h 30m


Wow 90 minutes wait, yesterday 6 hours before i gave up,i never made it in in 6 hours.. Today, 1409 in front of me,and by experience that will give me a gametime of about midnight, time is now 4PM.


This is getting ridiculous,server queues start already at about 10AM and goes only one way from there,up..


There is no way in hell i am EVER gonna pay a single monthly fee for this unless server queues is fixed within a week of launch

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Now the situation is a bit funny. First everyone cried: Let us in on early access, one more wave, one more wave and so on. Now that you have all been let in you dont like queues. If BW would have kept the same speed as for 1st day of early access there would probably be no queues atm, well ofc it would meant that none of you complainers would be in game as well. Stop complainng and roll on empty servers! Ask guilds/friends to do the same if you dont wish to play alone. And all those excuses: Im lvl 40 and cant reroll etc. is total bulls***, if you could made lvl40 in 3 early access days, it will take you only another 3 days to get there on new server as well
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Completely unaaceptable. We have not even reached launch date & we are queing to play either More servers or Bigger servers plz for a supposed WoW killer this should of been anticipated by Bioware. C'mon get your act together or you going to lose people before we even get to play. So far money in the bin on my part jeez!!!!!
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I am on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, and according to this site, http://www.torstatus.net/, it is the third busiest SWTOR server. As such logging in during the middle of the day is a 5 hour experience. I run errands do wash, anything and everything BUT play, and heaven help when I got DQ after waiting two hours and had to restart :mad:.


Now that said obviously this is a good problem for a company to have... too many customers. BW task here is to keep us and not piss us off. We do need a solution as launch day will just bring more people to all servers. Increasing pop caps, free server transfers, there are a few options here, but as the ques get longer and longer we need to see something happen and not just nice words. Clear?


One thing I do find unforgivable is that every day now there is a 5 plus hour wait and the listed que times have never gone above 2 hours 15 mins. Please do not false advertise my que time and do nothing ;).

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Oh, and I think that developers are not stupid and CAN actually read, so 1 post complaining about queues should be enough, why everyone has to leave his/her complaint about the same thing here is beyond my comprehension
You are right, in all your posts, we should deffo not get what we paid for, and 1 person's single lonley complain will make a huge impact. :eek:
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Yesterday i waited 7 hours to log in to the server "Tomb of freedon nadd" this is the worst thing in the game. If this isnt fixed there will be players leaving and thats no good. This was 3 days before the game it released. Im now in que again and im in way over 3 hours. Estimated wait is wrong.:mad::(:confused:
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2229 ppl waiting.....I'm the 2300th.......2:30 hours of wating queue.......unbelivable......I don't want to pay for this....


Do not believe BIOWARE time =-) lol.

when i start stay in queue they writhe <1h 30m. (i was 1600 in queue) Its pass 4 (FOUR ) hours and stell 320 ppl in queue :D:D:D:D:D

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With limited gaming time (after work, feeding the family and so on) I've found it almost impossible to play. I've been in the queue for an hour and a half this afternoon, and I'm still waiting.

I wouldn't mind, but I've only got 3 hours of free time today. My placement in the queue means that by the time I get in, its time for me to leave.

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