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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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yey, let's "Anonymous" bring all their servers down for a week, so they will have to refund everything we paid. lol


this is not even funny man. Anon are cyber terrorists and they are not heroes, innocent customers get caught in the crossfire

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As much as I appreciate the game, I´m not going to accept P(ay)2W(ait). I will monitor this from 20th on until my free 30 days are spent... If this doesn´t get better really fast, my montly fee will go to Turbine (Lotro) as usual. They might not have the better game, but I can play when I want to.


Bioware did a great job with this, but as it seems, EA screwed it up. As usual. If it wasn´t Star Wars, I wouldn´t even have considered to buy anything published by EA.

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It might be wise to promise a free transfer?


People will roll where ever they can and will not complain so much.

Making a solid solution or escape route now is better than delay ,a little free can solve a lot and is an investement for the future .


It might be not even needed but have extra credit from the community is never bad ;)

Fill in the gaps of doubt ,combat negativity at full strength:D

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Without guys like this big corporations can screw as much as they want without any consequences.


News flash, big companies will always screw people over


Anonymous are a bunch of autistic kids with no friends and think they're helping people, they're idiots.

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am on Tomb of freedon nadd server

i have lvl 40 assassin and i was online since yesterday until today 11am GMT


lemme tell you the player numbers and time


around midnight there was 25-30 players on alderaan

around 1-2 am 14 players on taris

around 4-5 am 3 players on quesh

around 6am 1 player thats me on hoth

around 7 am 3 players on hoth

around 9 am 10 players on taris and 77 players on korriban

arond 11 am 140 players on dromund kaas and 180 players on imperial fleet...

around 12pm noon 2000+ players in que


another example

During weekend betas, one of the static beta server Darth Malak was being full almost all the time...

when darth malak was full > there was 5 players on ilum, 800+ players on imperial fleet , 400+ players on korriban&hutta , over 50+ players on lvl25+ zones



so i have no doubt servers running like 25% capacity

i am guessing they will boost the capacity and server performance after 20th


but what will happen to players who are planning on starting on 20th...

i have 10 guildies who did not pre-ordered and who will start the game on 20th...

they won't wait 6 hrs que to freedon nadd

either Bioware should increase the server capacity to 75% performance or higher

else those players will start on somewhere else, and i can not re roll there since i am already lvl 40+ ... i already grinded level 50 twice on beta and i am sorry i can not grind one more toon again.

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What compensation are you planning for consumers whose time YOU have deliberately wasted. I certainly agree on the failed to observe such issues on other MMO's. Exactly the same thing on Aion, if people cn't get on to play together they will not pay further subscriptions.


1) The 5 days pre-launch gaming time was a joke. the code arrived after the game was posted out, are you adding on two and a half days to my subscription as the 'waves' were not mentioned by the retailer. So it's a fraudulent sale. Do I contact the retailer or trading standards?


2) I am paying to play the game, not have a chance of playing the game. again this was not advertised by the retailer and is a fraudulent sale again. Since the time in queue is incorrect I also wonder whether it has become a new form of gambling.


3) The Game isn't cheap so there is no excuse in having crap infrastructure and the ineptitude to deal with demand. When will you actually sort the issues as it is not good enough, especially when YOU placed guilds on servers.

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Players on Forums: We have long queues, we cant play the way we want, help! *cry*

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -Why are those idiots logging into one server only? -I duno, maybe they didnt notice there are more servers? Lets add some more, they will surely notice that!

After more servers added, Players on Forums: Aaaaaa, queues are 3 and more hours, we cant play, heeeeeeelp!

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -What are they mentally challenged, why do they keep logging into one server only? -Im not sure, lets make an official statement that there are new servers added, probably then they will notice.

After official statement about new servers added, Players on Forums: BW, solve the problem, we cant get into game, we have too long queues, we will rage-quit this game and go play WoW!

Bioware HQ, developers talking: -Yeah they definetly are mentally challenged and sadly most of them illiterates also. -I agree, lets just make statement that we are looking into this matter and lets wish them to have a fun in the game, it should calm down at least few of those who can read.

After the statement, Players on Forums: Queues are still damn long but at least it calms us down that BW is looking into this matter, and we hope that after launch the game will run smoother, meanwhile we will log into other servers and enjoy the game.


I'm not sure if this is a sarcastic post in favor to BioWare or in favor to the players.


All I want to say is that when I got my Early Game Access on Wednesday; and because I knew that my Collector's Edition would be waiting for me at the store the next day (15th) I started my main character on a server that was standard populated. The server is The Red Eclipse.


Little did I know that this particular server would be the center of interest for most players..

Now, I'm enjoying queues every day. My client crashes, I get queues and I'm talking about re-logging into the game in less than 5 mins since the crash occurred.


The queues vary depending on the time of the day from 60 minutes to 3 hours so far, from what I've -personally- witnessed.


The only way to fix the queues problem is to allow free character transfers to specific low populated servers.


Because of the class story, The Old Republic is more engaging than any other MMO. Therefore, a simple "re-roll" on a new low populated server is not the answer. If anything, it goes against the game's mantra. I am on Alderaan at the moment. I'm sorry but I don't have the will to replay everything again just so that I can get my Marauder back to where he is now just because of the server queues.



~A loyal fan and cutomer

Edited by dark_lord_hades
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Yay i Payed 210 $ to wait to get in the game and when i get in i crash after 1 hours play and then i have to wait for 2 hours again. TBH in Denmark the law says that if you dont deliver the product or service that I pay for then i got the rights to get my money back and TBH im thinking of doing that never felt so bumraped in my life !"!!!!!! not even in wow when the servers was crap and i had to wait 45min to get in so start giving out free server transfers for guilds or start giving us all our money back !!!!!!!! :mad:
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Im also getting very annoyed about the damn queues!


Been playing since day one wave 3, at that time the server I chose was STANDARD population as were most others. I did not and could not forsee the server being totally overpopulated by day 3. I have friends all on this server from day one, and I have 2 chars between 15 and 30. Do I want to destroy the replayability of the game before its launched by remaking chars on another server to avoid queues? NO I do not!


I cant see the excuse for this situation. If the long queues were just one or 2 servers, yea sure Bioware couldnt predict masses of people all co ordinating to go to the same place. This is not the case, ALL servers except 1 relativley new one have a long queue right now.


Bioware you had all the pre order data for a very long time! You knew exactly how many people were going to be here and yet we still have a very bad and unacceptable situation.


Dreading the 20th when all the unnacounted for folks get in, all will go into total meltdown!

Edited by Ravastin
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It would be nice if you could grant us free character transfer until the server-queue issue solves itself (with free character transfer and more insight in server-population) or until it will be solved (or maybe forever).


In addition, a better insight in your server "population" would be nice. Low, middle, high and full population doesn't tell the people anything at all.

A few statistics on what's the server average population related to the server maximal population, or the primetime population or average waiting time of the server-queue at the primetime would be very nice and would be a big help to choose the right server to play on to avoid server-queue.

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As much as I appreciate the game, I´m not going to accept P(ay)2W(ait). I will monitor this from 20th on until my free 30 days are spent... If this doesn´t get better really fast, my montly fee will go to Turbine (Lotro) as usual. They might not have the better game, but I can play when I want to.


Bioware did a great job with this, but as it seems, EA screwed it up. As usual. If it wasn´t Star Wars, I wouldn´t even have considered to buy anything published by EA.


Ill have to agree with the above, if the situation isn't solved after 30 days (which you paid for mate, not free at all ;) ) Ill also happily move along till it's solved.


My time to play is limited and when I do get the chance to play, I want to be able to log on and actually play. Start setting up character / server moves, free for the time being -- as its your f*ck*p BioWare/EA.


Introducing people in waves did nothing to stop this from happening, you underestimated the situation, now fix it already. Excuses are like @ssholes, everyone has one ... and I'm not really interested in it.

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News flash, big companies will always screw people over


Anonymous are a bunch of autistic kids with no friends and think they're helping people, they're idiots.


I am really sorry for you guys. You don't understand them. Let me guess you also watch and believe news ..... CNN, BBC etc

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