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Regarding server queues


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I think that being bought/selling to/merging with EA was the worst idea ever. They have a track record for awful customer service and it shows in this launch, whether they are directly managing you, or it's just their influence Bioware has now lost a huge amount of credibility with the EA association. I no longer respect you as a developer, I see you guys as the tools of a mega-corporation. It's really sad. And to address the comment of the dude that keeps talking about new MMO's -- yes I've played many new MMO's at/before launch and this one's queues have been the worst by far. I to have a limited amount of time to play ---- I am not one of these MMO freaks that can spend 80 hours a week playing. I have a job and a real life and I'd like to be able to jump on and play. You're mismanagement of this process ensures that I never actually get to play....It's not a stretch to me to believe that is exactly what EA intends... thousands of people paying for something they can't use. Why invest in managing this correctly when you have a bunch of people that will just pay you for weeks on end for something they will never actually get or use... your affiliation with EA has destroyed your credibility.
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What? I played Rift, I've never been queued for my server. I didn't play at launch, I played 6 months later....but I've gotten in immediately every time.


I've played AoC as well...not at launch, but never been queued. I played Star Trek Online, once again, not at launch, but never been queued. EQ2: Never queued.


I've played League of Legends...and although not an MMO, super popular. I was once queued for 5 minutes. That's the longest I've waited.


yet again, non of these were at lauch, your point is so invalid. yes after 6 months ofc there is going to be no queue because people will think the game is not for them.


oh and LoL, your not serious, there i no servers on that game, there are 32 million people playing it, that game takes 10 seconds to get a game.

Edited by zagarok
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Finally got in to my server with 15minutes before time for bed :mad:


Let me be clear I have NEVER, EVER had to queue on AMY MMO before.


I just want some simple answers, I know that there are various solutions to this kind of server scalability issue (I work with IT folks).


1. My server is full in the evening, currently I have to queue. Will you deliver a solution which means I will never have to queue on this server?


2. If "no" to question 1, can you tell me which server to start again so that I will never have to queue again?


3. If "no" to question 2, will you introduce a solution that allows me to move my characters freely to whatever server is available whenver I log in? (So I don't have to queue....ever).


You have created a great game, I want to play it, and I'm going to be paying to play it. But at the moment it seems that loads of us can't.


If a solution cannot be found quickly to this issue, then maybe people have a reasonable case to request that they only pay for when they are able to play?


And I thought that 45 minutes was a hideous length of time to wait, but when I read some of these posts I am utterly astonished at the times people are having to wait, to the extent that I almost feel I have no right to complain!

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and all EA did with WAR was make more servers, and then after the merged them, all they need to do is upgrade the pop limit. nar shaddar when i was last on had 37 people there.. ***.. it should have like 150+ and they say the planets are big.. clearly big enough for more people.
i'm not saying they should make the same mistakes. I'm saying take things that work. I just find it hard to believe with all of the things going for it, they can't shorten queue times to under an hour.
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What exactly is an acceptable wait time? 5 minutes? 25 minutes? 2 hours? I guess it all depends on who you talk to. However, I can promise you this. You won't have nearly the number of players you would have had if you don't get this fixed quickly.


Having too many servers is always preferable to having too few. With too few, you're turning away business. And if you are planning properly, you should understand that a second flood of players is coming on release day. Are you planning on opening up new servers for that? If so, stop waiting and get them up now.


I'm not nerd raging, and I'm not threatening anything. I am just hoping you get your act together soon, because in this player's personal opinion, ANY wait time to get in game is too long and unacceptable in this day and age.


This whole launch as been a cluster, and I'm starting to get a little nervous about what the future will bring to a galaxy far far away.


P.S. -- I wouldn't have had the time or desire to post any of this if I weren't waiting in a Queue for the last several minutes. Longer I wait, the more disgruntled I become.

Edited by Deathstrike
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Finally got in to my server with 15minutes before time for bed :mad:


Let me be clear I have NEVER, EVER had to queue on AMY MMO before.


I just want some simple answers, I know that there are various solutions to this kind of server scalability issue (I work with IT folks).


1. My server is full in the evening, currently I have to queue. Will you deliver a solution which means I will never have to queue on this server?


2. If "no" to question 1, can you tell me which server to start again so that I will never have to queue again?


3. If "no" to question 2, will you introduce a solution that allows me to move my characters freely to whatever server is available whenver I log in? (So I don't have to queue....ever).


You have created a great game, I want to play it, and I'm going to be paying to play it. But at the moment it seems that loads of us can't.


If a solution cannot be found quickly to this issue, then maybe people have a reasonable case to request that they only pay for when they are able to play?


And I thought that 45 minutes was a hideous length of time to wait, but when I read some of these posts I am utterly astonished at the times people are having to wait, to the extent that I almost feel I have no right to complain!


Good post, sadly it will be ignored.

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Stephen thank you for addressing this issue, I have a few questions about this matter and I was wondering if you and the team could answer them.


Is this going to continue past the launch date, or are you preparing to add more space to these full servers? If you are not going to add space to the servers (if that is even possible) would Bioware/EA consider moving guilds for free? My guild was assigned to Mind Trick I have noticed that this server has the longest wait at times. If it were up to me I would roll another toon on a less populated server, but some of my guild mates do not want to reinvest the time of grinding another toon. I have not seen a forum response about the error code 100 which enables us to log into the game after we have waited for about an hour to enter the server. Is there any discussion about this within the team?



Thank you for your time. :cool:

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Queues are necessary during the launch period, when traffic is unlike any other during the course of an MMO. And the good news for TOR would be to see queues 3 months form now as well, as that means the game is an unabashed it. If server merges are already occurring - what will happen if they open too many - that's what we don't want.


That's just not true. There are websites with way more users than SW:TOR that are able to handle requests from users in the less than 2 second range. Google, for once. Trust me, there is no problem you can't fix with enough money.


I personally would have liked the game to go with the Champions model. One server for everyone, 40 instances of each zone. That way I wouldn't have had to spend the last week arguing with 20 friends to get them on the same server...only to find out we chose one of the more popular servers and have to wait nearly an hour each time we want to play. And it would be easier to handle the load.

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Bioware should have been ware of this issue with the stress tests and be ready for at the very least the number of people who pre-ordered the game.


EU people waited 2 years for a stress test. It arrived a week ago for 2 days... for a handful of people. I'm going to give Bioware my own grace period. They have 3 days to resolve this if its still a problem I'll return the retail version of the game and get a refund.


Problems are to be expected in the first week, but this is worrying. Pop Caps seem low when you do log on, yet there are 2000+ waiting in queues for 6 hours to get in.

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This is ridiculous. Glad I canceled my CE and bought the DD.


What is the server cap anyways?


How many servers are there, 80? I understand servers are expensive, but if each NA server is full, and you're still inviting people, why not add even more?


Sorry, just kind of upset that I paid $90 and I have to wait a few hours or less to play, this should be instant.

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Sounds like someone's running for office. More people were online during the stress test. These leeches better put more effort into the game, than banning people on the forums. Its pretty easy to return a product bought with a credit card. Edited by lanulrich
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Basilisk Droid PVP EU

Yesterday 35-40 min quene at 18.00 GMT +1


Today 23.30 GMT+1

ETA 35-40 min...its not even peak time


Do NOT make a Blizzard of this! Take actions now!


Do you have any idea how SMALL of a wait that is?


We are averaging 2-4 hours on The tomb of Feedon Nadd. At this rate I may get to play around 2am. 4 hours from now for me.

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Well, since I'm still (after 3 hours) still with 200pll ahead me, I suppose I can come here and complain, I suppose it's part of the "fun experience" that is suppose to be a MMORPG?

Well, I only can to play 2 hours every day due to work constrictions, I expect my pre-order money to be returned.

If this continue after a pair of weeks, I suppose the wait will decrease due to the flee of players, is this the intention?:confused:

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yet again, non of these were at lauch, your point is so invalid. yes after 6 months ofc there is going to be no queue because people will think the game is not for them.


oh and LoL, your not serious, there i no servers on that game, there are 32 million people playing it, that game takes 10 seconds to get a game.


1. Please stop using "your" when you mean "you are". That would need to be "you're".


2. Do you work for EA trolling or do you just enjoy defending poor customer service?

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Can someone explain in technical way, why do we have to wait in the queue?


There's a box for mice. The Box can hold about 2000 mice. Then this mad scientist comes and stuffs 6000 mice there. 2000 mice are in, the rest 4000 mice stand in line waiting to get into the box. Why? Because they have delicious cookies inside the box.

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i wonder how long i get to play this time .... in about 383 more connections i get to play again for the third time today last login was 15 mins and that was 4½ hours ago...


just love thos servererrors


this aint pewpew but queque

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only good thing about this , that its under 30 days since i bought it, and it is still unopened,,

that means that i can send this **** back and get my mony back to:)

got error kode 3 times today.

last time now i had waited another 1 houer ( was nr 30 in que) then suddently a error kode came and i am back to 989..

so 1 less in the que from now on,, have fun

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That's just not true. There are websites with way more users than SW:TOR that are able to handle requests from users in the less than 2 second range. Google, for once. Trust me, there is no problem you can't fix with enough money.


I personally would have liked the game to go with the Champions model. One server for everyone, 40 instances of each zone. That way I wouldn't have had to spend the last week arguing with 20 friends to get them on the same server...only to find out we chose one of the more popular servers and have to wait nearly an hour each time we want to play. And it would be easier to handle the load.


This one has a very good point.

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