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Regarding server queues


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30 min is stupid, for any mmo. 5 min tops, be WOW ot SWTOR; don't mind, if not, bad customer service. Period. A good amount of servers can manage that with a finger


no its not, especially for a new game, if you have NEVER played a game exept from WoW you would not know this.

Edited by zagarok
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plz change the order of choosing..


let us first select the char then the server :)


or buy more servers.... use some of the billions from the preorders to buy hardware.. i dont give a frack about the population as long as theres no que. wait till peeps reach 50 to play serverscrooge


You mean billions of pesos right?

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i got early access on thursday and joined i server which said "light"...


came on tonight, 1+ hour wait time and i gave up after 2 hours... not very fun...


people say i should expect to wait... why? we live in a world of techonology these days...


no one likes to wait...



and why the hell should i pay (once its released) to wait in a que? i can go to the shops and wait in a que for free....

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At least give a grace period for people who crash out of the game constantly (like me). Waiting an hour to get into the game and then crash after 20 min and have to wait another hour is getting really old fast.
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Nice, I have to spend 4 and a half hours in the queue to get into a game I pay for. But it takes bioware only 5 minutes to lock a thread where im complaining about it.


Todays lesson kids:


AVG waiting time to play TOR: 54 whine threads about the queue.

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Queues longer than 10 minutes simply aren't acceptable. As much as I like this game, if they stay longer than that, I won't be staying much longer.


As far as I can tell, the problem isn't the number of people logging in, it's the efficiency of the login servers. I've seen a 45 minute wait for 600 people. That means it is 4.5 seconds to process the logins of each user. Most Microsoft Domain Servers can securely authenticate in about 2 seconds. And with enough load balancing you should be able to get it down to under 1 second.


The problem seems to be that Bioware doesn't want to spend the money to get the number of systems required to properly handle a load of this size.

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free? we all paid £5 for early access actually.


I could be wrong, but I read the FAQ as you get billed the $5 at the time of the pre-order and then "charge(d) the remaining cost of the Game starting on December 16th", i.e. that $5 is part of the overall cost of the game - sort of a down payment - and not something over and above that cost.

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WoW has always been much much bigger that this game, and has never experienced queues as silly as the SWTOR ones. This is a disaster, and if they don't fix it very soon it will kill the game for many players.


That's funny my WoW server Bonechewer back in Vanilla days was so crowded we'd get 2-3 hour queues (over 2k people in queue) all the time. Between that and the server crashing every 3rd day or so we didn't get a ton of playing time. It was fixed later what with free server swaps and such but just seems to be the norm with MMOs that you run into this for a while. The funny thing is this server wasn't even one of the worst ones and it was this bad.


Hopefully Bioware gets it straightened out sooner rather then later. But since WoW didn't die from this issue I doubt this game will although maybe with things being pretty stable in other MMOs people are just less likely to forgive this type of thing in this day and age.

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the fact is, if wow didn't have queues swtor shouldn't have queues. It came out 5 years after, if Ford made a car that didn't have a/c people would not be happy. If samsung made a cellphone without a camera on it, people would say ***. There are standards and the fact that blizzard can do it means that its at least "possible" for bioware to attempt it.
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That's funny my WoW server Bonechewer back in Vanilla days was so crowded we'd get 2-3 hour queues (over 2k people in queue) all the time. Between that and the server crashing every 3rd day or so we didn't get a ton of playing time. It was fixed later what with free server swaps and such but just seems to be the norm with MMOs that you run into this for a while. The funny thing is this server wasn't even one of the worst ones and it was this bad.


Hopefully Bioware gets it straightened out sooner rather then later. But since WoW didn't die from this issue I doubt this game will although maybe with things being pretty stable in other MMOs people are just less likely to forgive this type of thing in this day and age.


I was on Windrunner right at launch of WoW and never had queues even close to that. Ever.

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Queues longer than 10 minutes simply aren't acceptable. As much as I like this game, if they stay longer than that, I won't be staying much longer.


As far as I can tell, the problem isn't the number of people logging in, it's the efficiency of the login servers. I've seen a 45 minute wait for 600 people. That means it is 4.5 seconds to process the logins of each user. Most Microsoft Domain Servers can securely authenticate in about 2 seconds. And with enough load balancing you should be able to get it down to under 1 second.


The problem seems to be that Bioware doesn't want to spend the money to get the number of systems required to properly handle a load of this size.


you clearly havent played a new mmo then, AION had 3 hrs queues that were exact, AoC had hour queues, rift had 2 hr queues. you been stuck on WoW and expect everything to be for carebares? before the game has even launched? the max that the queues need to be is 30 mins and an exact 30 mins, not 2 hrs.

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the fact is, if wow didn't have queues swtor shouldn't have queues. It came out 5 years after, if Ford made a car that didn't have a/c people would not be happy. If samsung made a cellphone without a camera on it, people would say ***. There are standards and the fact that blizzard can do it means that its at least "possible" for bioware to attempt it.


o my goodness, another that hasnt played a newly released mmo.

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While these queues are long even earlier in the day (Shadow Hand Full at 11:30am CST), I understand that EGA and the "30 days free access" are used to tweek the system to optimize the system once the Dev's have a better overall picture, I hope this waiting is more reasonable come January 20th.
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Sigh... Impatient kids these days...


Some us are adults and infact over 40. Some us have a life with jobs, family, etc and with limited time to play each evening. So you get home, want to play and well...you can't; sit there for 3 hours out of your 4 hours of playtime? Would anyone really want to pay to wait? Is this something we should just accept? NO!


Yea, we get it. You think it's fine to wait 3+ hours and make a blanket statement saying that everyone complaining is a kid. Willing to bet I am way older than you, bud.


p.s. to everyone saying all MMOS have waits, while that is true....but thing is that NOT ALL SERVERS had it. Infact most didn't other than a few in all the MMOs I have played out of 10+ years. TOR is infact the first that basically has every server with a wait time of over 30 min, most are 1+ hour. Whatever man.

Edited by fixit
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no its not, especially for a new game, if you have NEVER played a game exept from WoW you would not know this.


What? I played EQ. No queues at all, even at launch, you got in right away...the servers all crashed a number of times in the first week...but they didn't have the ability to show you queues, and during peak hours, you might wait a 2 minutes to finish logging into the server.


City of Heroes, day 1...no queues.


Champions Online, day 1...no queues (also, no servers, so you didn't have to worry about accidentally choosing the busy server).


In fact, the only time I had even heard of the concept of a server telling you that you had to wait to get in was WoW. But I didn't play it, just heard rumors.

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