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10 Good
  1. Mob-wan

    Pvp 1 sided

    I feel the same way. WZ on Sword arent too bad.. IMPs win most that ive been in but we still win our fair share. Ilum on the other hand, the repubs are out numbered most of the time. Any normal day the op starts up lasts for about an hour then falls apart.
  2. Really getting tired of always being out numbered by imps on ilum. Same ole stuff. go out bait them into coming back to the repub base then we just sit there and pick 1 or 2 off that come close. Which makes finishing the daily pvp sometimes take 2 to complete. While im sure the imps finish them in no time. The Imps finally caught on to the little plan and stopped coming to the base. So what do we do? Sit around and do nothing or go out and die a lot. At which point the ops just falls apart and no one comes back to Ilum except for the dailies. How is this fun for either side? Wouldnt it be better if the teams were kinda close in numbers? Heck I would think the game would be much more enjoyable if we actually had a chance of doing something. Rather than being out numbered nearly 5 to 1...
  3. Wonder why it was taken out. One of the guardian progression videos shows him with his hood down. Would be nice if we could do the same.
  4. Come on BIO.. Just sat through a que for the 3rd time because lag would boot me from the server. This last que time it dropped me from the server.
  5. Yeah I got my Amazon order today also. It left me wondering. Why did I even need to order a set of DVDs when I just pre-dled the game and was playing before the package even arrived? How much longer do you guys think all games will be download only and they cut out the cost of having to produce dvds and other media?
  6. Couldnt they just cluster servers as 1 and remove a node when its not needed? Didnt CCP do something like this with eve? Didnt they provide more resources to higher populated areas etc?
  7. This will get better right? This is my first game like this. Well sorta Eve and WWIIOl.. never had waits to join.
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