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Regarding server queues


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So i wait from 1pm GMT and get on at about 5pm, play around for about an hour then i had to do some stuff on my computer, play again for about 20 mins, and i crash, so now its about half 7-8ish yes? i relog strait after the crash literally less than 2 mins, and im in a queue again, another 4 hours wait. thanks, for the no grace period.


and to add, you say 'we know theres an issue' yes bioware, we told you that.

im also astonished that your doing the same thing WAR did, now look at it, stop adding servers and increase the god damb pop limit, the servers are more than stable to take in another 600 im sure. the stress tests went perfect and i never had a DC or crash.


OH and people stop moaning about 30 mins to 1 hour wait.. thats not long, go make food or watch a program, but what are others suppose to do when there servers have 5 hrs of waiting?



Edited by zagarok
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I Have played wow since release I have always played on high pop servers and have never really sat in a Que for longer then 20 minutes like most players posting on the forums. Last night the Que had said 2 hours so I decided to take a nap for that two hours, When I woke up I sat in Que for an extra 30 minutes. I realize that other players have wait longer then I have but it is seriously ridiculous how long these ques are. I am actually dreading what the ques will look like on launch day. If the ques are going to be this obnoxious I would appreciate a free server transfer to a medium pop server or at least some sort of compensation for the xp, if not either at least build the servers to support more people so that it limits Que times. I don't mind waiting five or ten minutes but 2 and a half to three hours is outta control.
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It's sort of funny...I've waited years for this game to come out. I literally counted the days since July. Finally, I get an email that lets me start my adventure I've been waiting so long for...


And yet, it seems my waiting will continue to go on. And on. And on.


3-4 hour queue not ftw, Bioware. C'mon...you're Bioware. You're arguably the best game developer on the planet. So many of us practically worship the proverbial ground you walk on. This just isn't living up to your reputation. You can't tell me there aren't uber geniuses sitting in your offices that can come up with a solution here. And besides...you had to know this was coming with how many bazillion preorders there were.


There are so, so many things I love about the game, including how the guilds were able to form ahead of launch with web support. It was great that we could all go to the same server...but now we're trapped with level 25+ characters and time spent developing crafting skills with no alternative but to wait through the queues for the time being.


Please don't make me go back to playing clones of the mmo whose name shall not be spoken on the forums just so I can have a few hours of recreation as a gamer. Please?

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Our guild was assigned to the server Harbinger. Judging by the queue size this server has the highest population. This response was a little weak. I understand there may be queues. queues between 40 minutes and 120 minutes are unacceptable. You should have been well aware of the interest by preorders and beta access requests. Help us out here. Free transfers or something. it's not like we get a break on the monthly subscriptions because we are waiting so long just to log in.


love the game, don't mind the bugs just hate the wait to play. :mad:

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Rather see servers crash so that I get a shot of getting on in under 3 hours. Glad BW is looking into this but I prefer to see actual action and concrete plans rather than 'we are monitoring the situation'. Guild is about to fracture due to this, we have no idea what to do. Stay on server and hope it changes, roll on a new one and pray it does not end up being the same, or simply wait a month or two before subbing entirely. The later is becoming attractive, so if it's your intention to make less money then continue to do nothing about this problem which is not a small matter at all. This should be taken seriously which clearly it is not.


You think it's bad now? Wait till the 20th and it will get worse. This is not acceptable.


There should be no more than 5 mins wait to get in, period, no matter server. If your hardware/game can't handle it...well time to do something about it rather than giving us shady post that says basically nothing more than...LOL @ you! QQ~!

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I am not paying to come home and sit in a queue for hours, nor to afk with a min mission running for a bio, to come back and find I got kicked, and now in the queue again.


You guys failed on server population, and we haven't even hit the official release yet.


May as well start server moves now to new servers, and let guilds move......


I don't work all day to then spend half my playtime in a queue.

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You people should join the queue early, do something around the house or take a shower etc and take care of things then get on.


I normally wake up & join the queue, then make breakfast, do the dishes, take a shower and come back and my queue is good to go.


People need to relax and stop going "**** I'm QUITING BECAUSE OF PRE-LAUNCH QUEUES" Need to realize how many people are trying to get on the servers. You people act like they can't patch, update, and upgrade their servers/game.


Sigh... Impatient kids these days...

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I'll be clear:


1) Free transfer chars

2) More space on the servers


The order can be whatever you want, but this need to be done, NOW! I'm a starting computer worker, I know that getting server online is hard, but NO SO HARD!


This is not good customer service, period, and need to be worked out before the launch date.


And the hell to waiting, I work, I come home, have 2 hours for playing (since I have a family), and can't be waiting that 2 hours for playing.

Edited by valhim
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This is absolutely a huge issue.


Currently the service being provided to the paying customers is best summed up as pathetic.


Not only do you allow a situation like this to occur by completely mismanaging the early guild deployment system (which is clearly horrible, 5+ hour queue on Freedon Nadd), but then fail to have the foresight to create a larger buffer (if there is one) in the face of disconnects and crashes.


A service that requires you to wait in line for 5 hours with no guarantee you won't be randomly thrown out at anytime, with no option but to endure the horrendous queue again, is a pretty bad service.


As an example, our internet connection dropped for about a minute - the game sent me immedietly back at the end of a 2000+ person queue after an hour in game following the previous 5 hour queue. Think about that as a service.


You seriously need to consider upping the quality of your service, and clearly need to make it a priority as it's obviously a huge problem for a large number of people. Whether that's through guild server transfers, character transfers or an acceptable increase to the population cap, something clearly needs to be done.


I realise some younger fans are sticking up for you as a company as they have a poor concept of how businesses actually sustain and function, but for those of us that are aware that we're dealing with a publicly traded business that wants our custom and not some lofty rock and roll gods that can do no wrong and are fully untouchable, provide a better service if you expect return custom.


Thank you for these very true words. The Bioware/EA/LucasArts risk management, if even existent, failed utterly.

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You people should join the queue early, do something around the house or take a shower etc and take care of things then get on.


I normally wake up & join the queue, then make breakfast, do the dishes, take a shower and come back and my queue is good to go.


People need to relax and stop going "**** I'm QUITING BECAUSE OF PRE-LAUNCH QUEUES" Need to realize how many people are trying to get on the servers. You people act like they can't patch, update, and upgrade their servers/game.


Sigh... Impatient kids these days...


you waited in a 6 hour queue yet?

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people with less 1 hour or less have no right to speak about queues, iv been sittin ing queue for 6 hours allready after getting a 10 second disc from my internet when i was on 150 after sitting in the que from 1600 Edited by EKHY
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Btw, a thought for those who claim to be quitting because of the queues:


DO IT! That would shorten the queues for us others.


I already paid the game, and even with the queues, I am willing to play.


The game itself is great, no doubt about that.

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your statement does not address the issue at hand with the queues, it merely acknowledges that you have a problem. please address the problem (queues so long and intolerable its insain on a game that has not even been release accept to those who have pre-ordered. ) quick fix lock the servers having problems from new accounts creating new characters on the servers, only those who currently have characters on the servers may log in and play/create characters on the effected servers...
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WoW has always been much much bigger that this game, and has never experienced queues as silly as the SWTOR ones. This is a disaster, and if they don't fix it very soon it will kill the game for many players.


WoW was always bigger? are you sure?

Edited by zagarok
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I am not paying to come home and sit in a queue for hours


This is true, because you aren't paying for this. It's free early access.


We're guinea pigs for them to adjust the servers before the game goes live on the 20th, and we get "paid" for our assistance by getting free playing time and a bit of a leg up on those folks who aren't in yet.

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I'll be clear:


1) Free transfer chars

2) More space on the servers


The order can be whatever you want, but this need to be done, NOW! I'm a starting computer worker, I know that getting server online is hard, but NO SO HARD!


This is not good customer service, period, and need to be worked out before the launch date.


And the hell to waiting, I work, I come home, have 2 hours for playing (since I have a family), and can't be waiting that 2 hours for playing.


^ This is the best option, along with more servers. But your first 2 points are the most important.


Imagine Launch.... Oh god...... 10-14hr ques.

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+1 on the grace period after DC

+1 on the free transfers


Currently, queues are expected. Rift had them at launch as well, most highly-anticipated MMOs do at launch on many of their servers. I don't like them, but I accept them as part of this "early adopter experience".


I expect (and have confidence) that they will be sorted out in a couple of weeks.


Kudos on a good game, now please fix this so we can all enjoy it! :)

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