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Regarding server queues


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I'll tell ya what really pisses me off. The damn "estimated wait times". Do us all a favor and just remove them if you aren't going to be remotely truthful about that. I came into a queue at 1600 and it said estimated wait time of 1 hour and 45 minutes. Yeah keep dreaming. It's been 1 hour and 35 minutes and I've still over 1000.


Add 2 hours to the estimated time or just remove it Bioware.

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No everyone is too busy being ravenous dogs trying to tear BW and anything they say apart.

Screw off and go play WoW again, you don't have to wait there.


TOR a nice sit down restaurant you have to wait a long time to get into



If you want Mcdonalds go eat it.


Can you please stop trolling this thread. If you don't have anything constructive to add then your only making yourself look silly.

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A. You paid someone 5 dollars to reserve the game for you. This money was applied towards the purchase price not an addition price.


B. Yes you have already been charged for a game that HAS NOT RELEASED YET.


C. No you did not pay a separate fee. You payed a reserve fee go look at your receipt in you email again. That 5.00 was applied towards the purchase of the game. Every pre-order in the world takes a deposit. Early access was a bonus BW tacked onto it.

YOU ARE IN EARLY ACCESS and you have been able to play. It is a bonus, or have you never pre-ordered a game before? It's a bonus. Just like the light saber crystal.



It IS NOT a bonus. I PAID for something that I was given. PERIOD. This is simple economics. I PAID for a pre-order with early access. NO ONE would have paid someone $5 for no reason.


YES through ORIGIN it WAS a seperate transaction. My invoice has 2 different items. a $5 fee that was charged IMMEDIATELY and the rest was charged today.



This is NOT bonus time. This time WAS paid for.


PER the DEVELOPERS, this game has LAUNCHED.


Dont say otherwise, you only prove you have NO CLUE what your speaking of.


EDIT: know what, please just do what everyone else has asked and stopped posting, no one wants to here your dribble...

Edited by Murdayne
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OK, so You want me to pay a subscription for a game that i cannot play becasue of waiting in a que?? NO NO NO. Bad start for businsee here guys. You will not make it if this is how it will be. Ill give this about a week, maybe, and if still this bad then consider me gone.


x 1,000,000 other people.


No one will wait in 2-4 hour lines to play a game for months until the population quiets down.


If Bioware is worried about low population servers, then keep up the multiple hour queues and the population will drop dramatically!!!!

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Well, people will eventually end up moving to servers without queues and things will naturally correct themselves. Remember, this is Bioware's first MMO - they'll learn fast.


Then again, I'm not on a server with a 5 hour queue (my heart goes out to ya). I have a 1/2 hour queue as I type this.


I have many hours invested in my characters already. Why should I be forced to reroll?


Simple solution is to offer server transfers for free. To insure load balance, you need to simply limit choices on which servers you transfer to. WoW figured this out pretty early. If Bioware cant, than this game will have the same subscriber levels as Star Wars Galaxies post NGE.

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I think they need to open servers and allow free moves for a few days this will spread the people out. I have no problem with them going this route then have to collapse servers later.


I really do not want to have to start over again especially since even if i move to a low pop servwer now i will have the same Q issues when the 20th rolls around

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If I had to wait 10-15 mins in queue that would be acceptable for now, having to wait hours is far from acceptable. I hope this is all resolved by the official launch, otherwise I suspect this will hurt their numbers. People don't like to pay for a service and then be made to wait an unreasonable amount of time to enjoy it.


Wait times this long would only be acceptable on a F2P MMO.

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All these Q's over Q's.


The majority of posters in this thread fail at reading comprehension. GM post clearly stated that they were reviewing server populations, and once they had the information they needed, they would add more servers.


Just because this doesn't suit your fancy, doesn't mean that it isn't the smartest thing to do.


EVERYONE wants to play NOW. Level headed individuals understand that even though we would rather much be playing NOW, we would also like to have quality servers, and game content.


Queues are very important, and BioWare understands this I'm sure. They understand the frustration that it causes, and don't want to lose business over it. Any company would understand this. However, queues aren't their only issue, and they are spending time, and money on correcting all issues. Some of these "other" issues would most likely include Memory leak, graphical issues, launcher issues (Which they implemented a fix for, today), and many other issues. All of these issues are important to Bioware, and the community team (as they clearly stated in the OP).


To me, balancing the stability of the already live servers takes priority over adding more servers with major issues. I'd much rather see the games memory leak, and fps issues be handled then lowering my queue time - after all, what good does it do to get into a server that you can't stay connected to or fps drops radically causing characters to get stuck.


Queues are an important issue, and correcting server issues takes time. You don't just pop in a server blade, hook power up to it, and say "Ok this one is live". Be a bit more patient. If server issues aren't improved in about 3 months, then come back and start complaining. Until then you just come off as an impatient prat. Seriously.


And for those that are always responding to this issue with "WoW was never like this, they never have Queues. QQ" I suggest you do some research, because not only was WoW launch horrible, it was riddled with server crashes, unplayable lag, and constant downtime. In fact, some servers STILL have long Queue times. Illidan - Horde being a prime example of this.


All in All, relax, and be patient. Do something constructive with your "downtime" instead. Maybe research your class, create game guides that will benefit the community, jump over to the community service forums and try to help people with REAL issues.


Be constructive, and stay polite.

Edited by Callmenads
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And the winner of the most ridiculous analogy ever is.....Canuck_TwnTNN.


Seriously, the queue at a nightclub is long so go to a different one? Really bloody helpful when you have an established character on a particular server. In real life would you roll up a "new" you and live your life over just to get into a nightclub with a short queue?



The real problem here is zero customer service from Blizz.....I mean Bioware. Their ticket system is automated, and sends the exact same auto-response to every ticket received, then closes the ticket - no use whatsoever. Their phone number tells you "we're busy, call back when we're not" - no use whatsoever. Clearly BW is not trying to compete for Blizz customers, just going to shake loose the gamers so they end up with 100% SW fanboys who don't care about a quality gaming experience as long as it's SW. Well, I dumped WoW for Rift, dumped Rift for SWTOR, now I guess I'll catch up on sleep until GW2 comes out - huge fail.

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Has anyone explained yet why some servers without a full server queue have a wait time? My server, Warriors of the Shadow, says that it is standard population but somehow I still have to wait 20 minutes and I have actually been waiting much longer than that.



I also hate how when it says "You have been placed in a queue" it doesn't say that hitting X will take you out of the queue. I figured I could look at other servers while in queue or adjust my graphics preferences without being kicked out of the queue.


I can't believe you actually have to sit at a frozen screen watching a bar go down so you can join a server without letting you do anything else. How annoying. I am so far disappointed with the long queues and the non-existant polish that I figured this game would steal from other successful MMOs to increase quality of life gameplay like UI size.

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All these Q's over Q's.


The majority of posters in this thread fail at reading comprehension. GM post clearly stated that they were reviewing server populations, and once they had the information they needed, they would add more servers.


Just because this doesn't suit your fancy, doesn't mean that it isn't the smartest thing to do.


EVERYONE wants to play NOW. Level headed individuals understand that even though we would rather much be playing NOW, we would also like to have quality servers, and game content.


Queues are very important, and BioWare understands this I'm sure. They understand the frustration that it causes, and don't want to lose business over it. Any company would understand this. However, queues aren't their only issue, and they are spending time, and money on correcting all issues. Some of these "other" issues would most likely include Memory leak, graphical issues, launcher issues (Which they implemented a fix for, today), and many other issues. All of these issues are important to Bioware, and the community team (as they clearly stated in the OP).


To me, balancing the stability of the already live servers takes priority over adding more servers with major issues. I'd much rather see the games memory leak, and fps issues be handled then lowering my queue time - after all, what good does it do to get into a server that you can't stay connected to or fps drops radically causing characters to get stuck.


Queues are an important issue, and correcting server issues takes time. You don't just pop in a server blade, hook power up to it, and say "Ok this one is live". Be a little bit more patient. If server issues aren't improved in about 3 months, then come back and start complaining. Until then you just come off as an impatient prat. Seriously.


And for those that are always responding to this issue with "WoW was never like this, they never have Queues. QQ" I suggest you do some research, because not only was WoW launch horrible, it was riddled with server crashes, unplayable lag, and constant downtime. In fact, some servers STILL have long Queue times. Illidan - Horde being a prim example of this.


All in All, relax, and be patient. Do something constructive with your "downtime" instead. Maybe research your class, create game guides that will benefit the community, jump over to the community service forums and try to help people with REAL issues.


Be constructive, and stay polite.



Why do you people keep coming into threads and mentioning WoW? WHO CARES? It has been 6+ YEARS since the WoW launch. Do you know how far technology has come? How many MMO's have been launched since then?


IDC what happened with WoW, times have changed, doing the SAME thing over and over again and expecting different results is the DEFINITION OF INSANITY.

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Why is it this is the only MMO I have ever played that has a queue? Every other MMO I have every played has neve done this. Now SOE ( EQ1,EQ2 and planetside) is famous about doing flawed launches on their games and expansions. Their latest one for EQ2 took a full day to sort out, but once it was up and running there is no multi hour queue to wait in. .You guys make them look like MMO perfection.Your log in servers need to be able to take care of your customers.

I f I was a Bioware shareholder and I saw this. Heads would roll. Queues should not even be part of the program.Bioware really needs to look at the management they have in place over this game.

Edited by Hurgar
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All these Q's over Q's.


The majority of posters in this thread fail at reading comprehension. GM post clearly stated that they were reviewing server populations, and once they had the information they needed, they would add more servers.


Just because this doesn't suit your fancy, doesn't mean that it isn't the smartest thing to do.


EVERYONE wants to play NOW. Level headed individuals understand that even though we would rather much be playing NOW, we would also like to have quality servers, and game content.


Queues are very important, and BioWare understands this I'm sure. They understand the frustration that it causes, and don't want to lose business over it. Any company would understand this. However, queues aren't their only issue, and they are spending time, and money on correcting all issues. Some of these "other" issues would most likely include Memory leak, graphical issues, launcher issues (Which they implemented a fix for, today), and many other issues. All of these issues are important to Bioware, and the community team (as they clearly stated in the OP).


To me, balancing the stability of the already live servers takes priority over adding more servers with major issues. I'd much rather see the games memory leak, and fps issues be handled then lowering my queue time - after all, what good does it do to get into a server that you can't stay connected to or fps drops radically causing characters to get stuck.


Queues are an important issue, and correcting server issues takes time. You don't just pop in a server blade, hook power up to it, and say "Ok this one is live". Be a little bit more patient. If server issues aren't improved in about 3 months, then come back and start complaining. Until then you just come off as an impatient prat. Seriously.


And for those that are always responding to this issue with "WoW was never like this, they never have Queues. QQ" I suggest you do some research, because not only was WoW launch horrible, it was riddled with server crashes, unplayable lag, and constant downtime. In fact, some servers STILL have long Queue times. Illidan - Horde being a prim example of this.


All in All, relax, and be patient. Do something constructive with your "downtime" instead. Maybe research your class, create game guides that will benefit the community, jump over to the community service forums and try to help people with REAL issues.


Be constructive, and stay polite.


Adding servers without server transfers will NOT fix the issues. Just because they add servers does not magically lower the population on full servers. If anyone has a comprehension problem, it is you.

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You people with the "THIS IS BONUS TIME" argument needs to quiet down. That statement presupposes that on the 20th this will be miraculously go away. From OP's post, that is not the case.


Who cares if it's now or in 3 days. Point is, 1000+ person multi-hour wait times are not viable. The only solutions are raise caps or port to another server.


What is the plan?

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totally unacceptable, 5-10mins, you cant just join another server while you wait for your server to "pop" either.


If you could I might be happy with that


You have taken something like 65 million $US from pre-orders already I think you can spring for some more hardware to speed this process up


And yes dedicated servers for Oceania/Asia should be a given, the world is bigger than the US and Europe

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At this point, I'm mad enough to start violating Forum Rules.


Perhaps calls to news media outlets are in order.


Nothing motivates more than public bad publicity.


Seriously, I have already called you BW, every name in the book.. I am starting to add insults together to make up new, ruder versions of their origional root curses.


Perhaps we should just all rant for the length of our queue's.


blah blah blah... I hate you.

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All i will say that as much as i want to play this title and have been waiting like many others for a long time, i will only give the game ONE more chance at launch to sort out the server queues as i am ASSUMING that it won't be this crazy at launch otherwise I will have to proudly admire my CE and the game can fail.


Not waiting 3+ hours to join a PAID service.


I think the community in general is giving ONE MORE CHANCE. As much as i love the title and the Universe and Star Wars in general it's not THAT GOOD that i would wait this long at launch.


I'm just saying.......

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2hr in a queue ..... are we having fun yet?


Remember folks, RIFT had the same issue and now that game is tanking badly and is losing players left and right - I sure hope that these queue issues are not a sign of what fate may befall TOR ....

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I don't get the self entitlement accusation. I don't get that if you are upset about the queue you "must be playing your first MMO".


No. This is definately not my first MMO. It just seems plain and simple... I'm not buying a game to sit in queue for an hour to play. Maybe in another 10 years when I hit retirement age and have a lot more free time on my hands, I will be able to get on the computer more often and have the freedom to sit in queue. No matter how much of a Star Wars fan I am.... I am not buying this game.


I have already printed Walmart's "easy returns certificate" so that I can just stop by the local Walmart store and give them a brand new Collector's Edition to put back on their shelf.

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