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Changing from Arsenal to Pyro


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I have decided to change by Merc build from Arsenal to Pyro. I'm getting tired of TM not criting or getting interupted and being stationary.


I just want to confirm the proper rotation for pyro build. Here is what I am doing (just started today)


inc missle - thermal detonator- railshot-unload-rail shot


Inc Missle - Thermal detonator - Power shot, Rail shot, unload - Rail shot (i find this gives off a nice burst)


If there is a better rotation, please post it.

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I have decided to change by Merc build from Arsenal to Pyro. I'm getting tired of TM not criting or getting interupted and being stationary.


I just want to confirm the proper rotation for pyro build. Here is what I am doing (just started today)


inc missle - thermal detonator- railshot-unload-rail shot


Inc Missle - Thermal detonator - Power shot, Rail shot, unload - Rail shot (i find this gives off a nice burst)


If there is a better rotation, please post it.


I put TD at the front always. Sooner it's thrown the sooner it's on cooldown and ready to use again - some fights last longer than 15 seconds! I use both of those rotations but the second one is dodgy because you can proc ppa when you don't want to, but the burst is sweeeet. The first one is the more logical choice overall.

Edited by Diddley
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i usually go with the first one because of the rail shot proc. dont wanna proc it if its off of cd


That first rotation is more mobile as well. Although stacking PS and TD to hit at the same time followed by a PowerSurge/ TSO Fusion and RS can really hit hard esp. at the end of a fight.


edit: And yeah, I'd throw TD before IM to open.

Edited by Phrase
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That first rotation is more mobile as well. Although stacking PS and TD to hit at the same time followed by a PowerSurge/ TSO Fusion and RS can really hit hard esp. at the end of a fight.


edit: And yeah, I'd throw TD before IM to open.


good idea, im gonna try that

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can you post your spec, i have a lv 33 and am just not happy with his play, I over heat way to soon and often. Im mostly arsenal, with a little pyro right now. Im looking for a PVE -dps spec ( no PVP). I like aoe's but wht ever is the best for raids Edited by drounds
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i used to use the IM - > TD - > PS -> RS sequence before 1.2, but with the changes to PPA it is possible to miss the rail shot reset by accidentally proc'ing it with the power shot. the combined damage of TD, PS and RS all at once was very nice, but now you will want to use RS before PS or unload.


i actually found that this sequence works pretty well. IM -> RS - > TD - > PS -> RS -> unload. that way you make sure youre not potentially wasting a PPA proc since RS is already off cooldown before you use PS or unload

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good idea, im gonna try that


Yep...Remember Burnout is your friend so even a well timed Missile Blast can work well near the end of a fight. Our role in groups though seems to be mopping up the lower health targets and keeping healers panicked with our DOTs.


Edit: Sometimes a PPA proc isn't wasted even if RS is off CD. It can let you cast a Fusion without TSO, b/c you can negate the heat with the PPA, saving you a TSO for later.

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how many rapid shots are you guys weaving into that rotation? I find I have to use a fair few before unload or RS is back up again


You have to use a lot of rapid shots. This is good though because CGC buffs the damage substantially. If you factor in the 2 second snare from withering heat, you really need to spam rapid shots a LOT to kite. If I'm just turreting I'll use power shot, otherwise, rapid shots is my go to move when everything is on CD. I cannot stress this enough, do not underestimate the increased damage and snare from rapid shots.

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Havent been on the boards much at all, and Im seeing lots of threads like this regarding swicthing from Arsenal to Pyro now. What are the benefits of going Pyro now? I still do just fine with my Arsenal build honestly. I re read through the 1.20a_c patch notes and didnt see anything jumping out regarding a hard Arsenal nerf and or a big Pyro buff. Hook a brotha up. Or is it just the new FOTM for Mercs? :wea_02:
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I personally was tired of the issues regarding TM and HSM/debuffs not stacking, lower dmg etc. Pyro offers more movement, dots with your class. Changes things up.


Post 1.2 to keep things recent, i was not even hitting top 3 dps per WZ via Arsenal. Switched over to Pyro and now I am. You quietly do more dmg ALTHOUGH, you do not see the high crit numbers like Arsenal.

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can anyone post some builds, we see the rotations but with out a build doesnt help much. Thxx


I am using this atm - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000cZMckZbIrbdhhrs.1


The 2 points in System Calibrations can be placed in Advanced Targeting, but full BM gear has a large amount of accuracy on it, so you dont really need anymore, but 4% Alacrity is not exactly much better tbh.


If your having Heat problems then the 2 points in Infrared Sensors can be moved to Rapid Venting, this will knock 30 secs of the CD, in PvP I find that CD reduction a waste of points so I dont bother.


Another build worth considering is this - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkZbIrbdhhrs.1


In this build you are giving up 3% Crit in exchange for a 75% reduction in pushback on your Power Shot and Unload, the 3 points in Hired Muscle have been moved to Stabilizers, 3% Crit is alot of Crit, whether you want to trade that for Pushback protection is up to you, I prefer the Crit tbh.


Some notes regarding Pyro -


Pyro Spec will NOT stop you from getting ROFLstomped, people are simply swapping from Arsenal to Pyro because Arsenal is broken atm, they are not swapping for better survivability.


Pyro Spec will however make you more Mobile, alot more Mobile, Arsenal Spec is a stationary Gun Turret, once your posistion on the battlefield is located by the Glowstick Brigade you will be focused and removed, fast.


Pyro Spec will simply allow you to dish out dmg on the run, it gives you the option to keep moving IF YOU WANT TO, you can revert to stationary if the situation allows it, in other words it's flexible.

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This is my build currently: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkZMIrbzGGRR.1


There are a few differences with my build to the "cookie cutter" Merc Pyro build. I built this so that I wouldnt constantly be needing to respec between PvP and PvE. I did this through the following talent choices:


1) 2/2 Rapid Venting - necessary for raiding and really nice to have for PvP

2) 2/2 Energy Rebounder - I love this ability so much for PvP, if you think about it, in 15 seconds of getting beat on while you have Energy Shield activated, the cooldown has already been reduced by 30 seconds (every 1.5 sec x 3 sec CD reduction)

3) 1/2 Automated Defenses - I chose to put 1 point in here because heat management is an issue in PvE if you don't use TSO with Unload properly. The CD reduction on TSO is great, and the CD reduction on Kolto Overload is nice for PvP and PvE

4) 3/3 Stabilizers - I just do this out of preference. I can't stand pusback on abilities. It's pretty necessary in raiding because you don't ever want Unload to get stopped early, its one of the best ways to vent heat outside of the PPA railshot proc. And, it's nice in PvP to do a full Unload on some melee who is training me


Just my thoughts on Pyro because Arsenal has started to become quite boring in my eyes since 1.2

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For PvP I strongly recommend to take Degauss & Energy Rebounder. It works great, when you massively focused and snared (Cure dispells only a few snares).


Main rotation: IM-RS-TM-UN-RS-PS-RS...

Before first RS, you can do 1-2 Rapid Shots.

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This is my build currently: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkZMIrbzGGRR.1


There are a few differences with my build to the "cookie cutter" Merc Pyro build. I built this so that I wouldnt constantly be needing to respec between PvP and PvE. I did this through the following talent choices:


1) 2/2 Rapid Venting - necessary for raiding and really nice to have for PvP

2) 2/2 Energy Rebounder - I love this ability so much for PvP, if you think about it, in 15 seconds of getting beat on while you have Energy Shield activated, the cooldown has already been reduced by 30 seconds (every 1.5 sec x 3 sec CD reduction)

3) 1/2 Automated Defenses - I chose to put 1 point in here because heat management is an issue in PvE if you don't use TSO with Unload properly. The CD reduction on TSO is great, and the CD reduction on Kolto Overload is nice for PvP and PvE

4) 3/3 Stabilizers - I just do this out of preference. I can't stand pusback on abilities. It's pretty necessary in raiding because you don't ever want Unload to get stopped early, its one of the best ways to vent heat outside of the PPA railshot proc. And, it's nice in PvP to do a full Unload on some melee who is training me


Just my thoughts on Pyro because Arsenal has started to become quite boring in my eyes since 1.2


I think a good case could be made for Pushback protection being placed as standard in all 3 tree's tbh.


Or in other words the Bounty Hunter Merc tree's need a complete overhaul, considering the current state of PvP with regards to TTK and the melee classes simply being able to ROFLstomp a Bounty Hunter, regardless of what spec he chooses.


If Bioware intended Arsenal to be a PvE raiding spec and Pyro to be a PvP spec, then they need to give both easy access to pushback protection, pushback protection is just as important in PvE as it is in PvP.


And if Pyro was indeed intended as a PvP spec, then it needs more Defensive focus, ie it needs something that boosts our ability to survive an a focused attack, or at least slow it down a bit, allowing the Bounty Hunter to gain a certain amount of revenge, this would increase the fun factor.


Fun factor being the biggest problem in PvP atm, due to players being nuked so fast that they feel like they contributed nothing to the Warzone, a fast TTK simply makes people give up, this is shown all the time now in Warzones with people simply going to a safe defensive location and then just simply farming def medals.

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I run this build:




I find the improved vents is more useful than the 2% crit. I know it seems crazy but heat is an issue for Pyro and I like to go balls to the wall. I do pretty well 1v1 including marauders/sents. I also use freeze bombs to root for 2 seconds to keep melee off me and I'm sure that helps a lot in the 1v1 department.

Edited by crrypto
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Question of the day is: Is Pyro good enough to use in progression raids?


Anyone got some damage meters of a full high end raidboss fight with Pyro merc?

On operations dmg test dummy, I can get around 1170dps.


Tonight I got 1057dps on Zorn&Toth, 1082dps on the Tanks and 1037dps on Vorgath. I have full rakata / couple pieces of black hole gear, pretty much near BiS pre 1.2 lvl gear. Only thing I didn't max out on was vent heat, I still tend to not use it soon enough, since I was a healer for all this time, only now respecced to dps since BH heals are poop.


Considering our marauder pulls 1600+ for ex on the tank fight, this sort of damage from pyro is ridiculously low ...


I'll spec arsenal tomorrow and do some test dummies to compare. :(

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Havent been on the boards much at all, and Im seeing lots of threads like this regarding swicthing from Arsenal to Pyro now. What are the benefits of going Pyro now?...Or is it just the new FOTM for Mercs? :wea_0:2



The major issue is that Arsenal mercs are stationary targets with zero survivability. In theory we have great dps but in practice we are almost always immediately made a target and killed before we can spit much damage. Since we suck 1v1 it only takes one person to wipe the floor with us quickly before going back to the main brawl. Pyro has similar survivability issues but it has mobility which lets it deal damage on the move making you less of a stationary target.

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