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EA Voted Worst Company In America


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Whether it's on a console, a PC, a smartphone or tablet, hundreds of millions of people play video games every day. Yet most mainstream media covers the industry the same way it treats adult dodge ball leagues and cat fashion shows (both noble ventures, but neither of them multi-billion dollar industries). And the only time you hear legislators discuss video games is when some politician decries them as the death knell for all things righteous in the world (hint: they're not). Now, after years of being ignored and relegated to steerage, game-players have voted to send a message to Electronic Arts and the gaming business as a whole: Stop treating your loyal customers like crap.


After more than 250,000 votes, Consumerist readers ultimately decided that the type of greed exhibited by EA, which is supposed to be making the world a more fun place, is worse than Bank of America's avarice, which some would argue is the entire point of operating a bank.


To those who might sneer at something as "non-essential" as a video game company winning the Worst Company In America vote: It's that exact kind of attitude that allows people to ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death.


For years, while movies and music became more affordable and publishers piled on bonus content — or multiple modes of delivery — as added value to entice customers to buy, video games have continued to be priced like premium goods.


There have even been numerous accusations that EA and its ilk deliberately hold back game content with the sole intent of charging a fee for it at a later date. It's one thing to support a game with new content that is worth the price. It's another to put out an inferior — and occasionally broken — product with the mindset of "ah, we'll fix it later and make some money for doing so."


New, independent game companies do pop up all the time, but the cost of entering the market has historically been too expensive, making these indie innovators prime targets for acquisition by mega-publishers like EA. Our hope is that the growth of app-based gaming and downloadable games will continue to make it easier for developers to get their products out without the backing of companies that don't care a lick about the people who fork over their cash.


Oh well, Worst Company In America 2012 is officially in the books. All that's left to do is send off the Golden Poo to EA.


Traditionally, the Poo has been delivered on its little red pillow. But this year, we'll give EA three different color options for its pillow, though in the end it's still the same old Poo.


Thanks again to everyone who voted. See you all again in about 49 weeks!



Edited by LifeOfMessiah
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To those who might sneer at something as "non-essential" as a video game company winning the Worst Company In America vote: It's that exact kind of attitude that allows people to ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death.


And the purpose of this thread is?????


You have an opinion?? Good for you....


So does everyone else....


There is only one person who cares about yours........


Guess who that is???

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Bear Sterns


Countrywide / BofA

TSA (Ok, not a company but should be in there)


Goldman Sachs

I could go on, but you'll forgive me if I find the goings-on of a video game company pathetic in comparison to companies that actually, actively destroy the economy on a global scale.

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Voted by some Mickey Mouse blog? Ok... Guess those people don't watch the news much because there are dozens of worse companies in much more important fields then entertainment games.



Actually, no, it was NOT some mickey mouse blog. The voting was done on consumerist.com, the SAME company that creates the Consumer Reports.

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Whether it's on a console, a PC, a smartphone or tablet, hundreds of millions of people play video games every day. Yet most mainstream media covers the industry the same way it treats adult dodge ball leagues and cat fashion shows (both noble ventures, but neither of them multi-billion dollar industries). And the only time you hear legislators discuss video games is when some politician decries them as the death knell for all things righteous in the world (hint: they're not). Now, after years of being ignored and relegated to steerage, game-players have voted to send a message to Electronic Arts and the gaming business as a whole: Stop treating your loyal customers like crap.


After more than 250,000 votes, Consumerist readers ultimately decided that the type of greed exhibited by EA, which is supposed to be making the world a more fun place, is worse than Bank of America's avarice, which some would argue is the entire point of operating a bank.


To those who might sneer at something as "non-essential" as a video game company winning the Worst Company In America vote: It's that exact kind of attitude that allows people to ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death.


For years, while movies and music became more affordable and publishers piled on bonus content — or multiple modes of delivery — as added value to entice customers to buy, video games have continued to be priced like premium goods.


There have even been numerous accusations that EA and its ilk deliberately hold back game content with the sole intent of charging a fee for it at a later date. It's one thing to support a game with new content that is worth the price. It's another to put out an inferior — and occasionally broken — product with the mindset of "ah, we'll fix it later and make some money for doing so."


New, independent game companies do pop up all the time, but the cost of entering the market has historically been too expensive, making these indie innovators prime targets for acquisition by mega-publishers like EA. Our hope is that the growth of app-based gaming and downloadable games will continue to make it easier for developers to get their products out without the backing of companies that don't care a lick about the people who fork over their cash.


Oh well, Worst Company In America 2012 is officially in the books. All that's left to do is send off the Golden Poo to EA.


Traditionally, the Poo has been delivered on its little red pillow. But this year, we'll give EA three different color options for its pillow, though in the end it's still the same old Poo.


Thanks again to everyone who voted. See you all again in about 49 weeks!




Yes cause 4chan never rigs online voting for anything. Feel free to look up the online votes they have messed with.


Polls mean jack! Easily rigged online polls mean even less.


FYI this has been posted several times!!!

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On no, the Consumerist was called a mickey mouse blog! Never mind the actual point the guy made... which is right after the same point that I made. Ignore those parts.


haha! sorry if you felt ignored. I agree with you certainly. There are probably hundreds of companies more deserving of that title. I think the few you listed doesn't even begin to tap it.

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Actually, no, it was NOT some mickey mouse blog. The voting was done on consumerist.com, the SAME company that creates the Consumer Reports.


good for them


like ive already put,id rather see who actually voted for ea.cuz my guess is,about 95 percent if not more were the unhappy,angry,impatient crybabys you see on general discussion everyday slamming sw tor

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I'd be willing to bet this just means the pirates and such that are pissed off by EA practices are better able to create voting bots than families that have been kicked out on the streets.


Just sayin'.

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good for them


like ive already put,id rather see who actually voted for ea.cuz my guess is,about 95 percent if not more were the unhappy,angry,impatient crybabys you see on general discussion everyday slamming sw tor


Not necessarily. You can separate the two. EA is a crappy company, by and large. If BioWare were able to have done SWTOR independent of EA, the end product would even be more polished than it already is. I enjoy SWTOR, though I am getting bored with it due to being on a low-pop server, making end game content virtually non-existent. I have great respect for BioWare, and I have always appreciated their products, but the fact of the matter is, the quality of their stuff has been in decline since coming under EA's tutelage (DA2 and ME3 were not even close to the quality of their predecessors)

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On no, the Consumerist was called a mickey mouse blog! Never mind the actual point the guy made... which is right after the same point that I made. Ignore those parts.


I really know nothing about EA, so I cannot comment. In my personal opinion, Activision Blizzard is the worst company in the US after my personal dealings with them. I believe they do or did have a horrible rating on the better business bureau.

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