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Lightsabers and Vibro swords should not be equal


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Why are lightsabers and vibroswords essentially the same weapon? This should not be the case, if they were why would the jedi and sith ever have stopped using training blades(vibro-swords)? I submit that the lightsabers should count as elemental damage and not be affected by armor. Shields should help with damage mitigation but not armor. Now i do know that this is not the movie, but that being said i have never seen any armor capable of stopping the lightsaber. Armor should be effective v.s. vibro-weapons hence why the jedi moved to a weapon that could not be stopped by armor and actually why the jedi themselves dont wear armor against each other.
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Here's the armor you've never heard of.



This game take place 3000+ years before the movies, remember. There are HUGE amounts of trained combatants using lightsabers that are only affiliated with the Republic (The Sith of course run their government). Do you honestly think any military worth the name would not see the potential problem (and subsequently come up with a solution) of not having a defense in case the Jedi decide they know best and take over? Or if the Sith decide to stroll through your planet?

Edited by Inspecter
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So the answer is to just make lightsabers and vibro swords equal ? that makes no sense im not asking for game imbalance, im asking for more creative thought going into the weapon damage design come on guys dont be fanboys about this.
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Here's the armor you've never heard of.



This game take place 3000+ years before the movies, remember. There are HUGE amounts of trained combatants using lightsabers that are only affiliated with the Republic (The Sith of course run their government). Do you honestly think any military worth the name would not see the potential problem (and subsequently come up with a solution) of not having a defense in case the Jedi decide they know best and take over? Or if the Sith decide to stroll through your planet?


I understand that from a realistic point of view but there is a reason the lightsaber remianed the most deadly weapon for 1,000 of years . The goverments of the star wars universe never found a way to truely stop the lightsaber for that matter even the jedi never were able to counter the weapon. The jedi going rogue or the sith strolling through your system was EXACTLY the horror that the goverments of the galaxy dealt with.

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Well what you are suggesting would be game imbalancing, and would basically mean armor would be useless against lightsabers.


But shielded armor would offer limited protection so in the case of bounty hunters and vanguards wearing the galaxies most advanced armors would be able to stand in front of the jedi for prolonged times. I dont have all the answers guys i just think there could have been a more creative design. When i see a player in pvp with a vibro blade instead of a lightsaber i cringe but in-game there is no difference between the two other than cosmetic. The lightsaber deserves to be more than a cosmetic feature

Edited by Ravethorr
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I wasn't trying to make a witty comeback i went back and re-edited the te to the thats what i fixed. I was just trying to open up a serious conversationabout the lightsaber, it just seems you guys are more interested in flames and trying to belittle someone elses suggestions. So i say again Have a great day and take care. Edited by Ravethorr
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I wasn't trying to make a witty comeback i went back and re-edited the te to the thats what i fixed. I was just trying to open a serious game change for the lightsaber it just seems you guys are more interested in flames and trying to belittle someones else so i say again Have a great day and take care.


so long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye

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Cortosis Weave is the lore answer.


Balance between force wielders and non-force wielders is the mechanics answer. There's a reason I personally don't like Jedi, they don't need to be buffed in this regard.

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Why are lightsabers and vibroswords essentially the same weapon? This should not be the case, if they were why would the jedi and sith ever have stopped using training blades(vibro-swords)? I submit that the lightsabers should count as elemental damage and not be affected by armor. Shields should help with damage mitigation but not armor. Now i do know that this is not the movie, but that being said i have never seen any armor capable of stopping the lightsaber. Armor should be effective v.s. vibro-weapons hence why the jedi moved to a weapon that could not be stopped by armor and actually why the jedi themselves dont wear armor against each other.


So you want REALISM in science fantasy. I am gonna let you work out the fatal logic in your argument!


MMO needs mechanics. You yourself say you don't have the answers. A constructive post contains an issue then has solutions. You will never get one over powered weapon over another!


A little research would let you know there is a metal that can block light sabers in EU. Since you are so smart I will let you do the google search to find that metal and all other pertinent information!

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