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Improve the mercenary


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Hello, i'm french WO WO WO WO :confused: lol thus not made not too much attention on the spelling mistakes.:o


I began to amount a mercenary who is about lvl 30 and I notice a deficiency in the gameplay of this class at the level pvp with the spé arsenal, the missiles drawing nerve, I noticed it bg. The nerve is not really a problem on a dps outstrip, there is always means to use of decorations(sets) and we have automobile heal on that this what is more bad, what crumples me, it is to see the spells of slowings down that we have.


We have 2 of it :


the turbo-jetpack : the spell which bump targets, when they have landed, they are slow of 60 % counterparts 4 seconds.

Antravant fire : two points in the template are necessary: your unloading slows down the speed of the target of 50 % during the duration of its pipe + one second.


Now we can see the cd of these 2 things : 20 seconds for the turbo-jetpack and 15 for the unloading (who is 45 % of luck to be reset on the running missiles) but what's the use ? Its severe dps OK but the time to put its running missiles, if we attack a Hand-to-hand fight the guy is already on us and seen the gameplay, we are sensible to stay in the Hand-to-hand fight ? (Immovable static: dps outstrip) it ring a little bit false, because the time of reset the unloading, the guy is already on us, yet this spell is sensible to be remotely used as only kind of spell to be able to kit the enemies. I suggest putting a 25 % slowing down on targets which underwent damages resulting from a running missile or from a nerve the running missiles from 10 to 20 % and to be able to cast while one run, it would naturally be necessary to remove the dam and to put the unloading in 25 % of slowing down if one of these 2 solutions is organized.


Why 25 %? Because dps distance with the biggest possible armor of the game is already a good advantage, if we see it spell of reduction of damages (25 %) we could can be to couple the gameplay there above. Of what think of it you?

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